America Rising

Day 951, 16:20 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

Hello America,

I'm sure all of you have had a chance to test out V2, I mean "eRepublik Rising". After playing this game for so long, I know what to expect when we shift to "eRepublik Rising". The same thing that happened when we shifted to a thing called "V1" of eRepublik. Many people will say how much they don't like the new version, the old version was way more simple, don't fix what isn't broken, the new version is too slow, it's to complicated, the new war module is dull and full of bugs, etc, etc. And this anger will cause many people to quit the game and turn their backs on America's future. The cycle has already begun as fellow citizens make there exits left and right. I'm not exactly thrilled that V2 is a "Goldeating Machine", or that the war module has turned a few seconds of clicking to an all day adventure that requires gold, gold, and a little more gold. I could easily quit the game once V2 launches. However, I will not. There is so much left to be done. Unlike many others who have accomplished all there is to accomplish, I have a lot of work to do, and a lot of dreams unfulfilled. Knowing me, I'll likely be here for V4.

America Rising
“A cynic is not merely one who reads bitter lessons from the past; he is one who is prematurely disappointed in the future.” Sydney J. Harri

Some people see the glass as half empty. I see the glass as half full. “eRepublik Rising” is not perfect, but it’s better than nothing. I see “eRepublik Rising” as an opportunity for America to not only end its decline, but reverse it. The next POTUS will be charged with the task of holding America together during the chaos that is sure to come with the migration to V2. The next POTUS will face a myriad of challenges and he/she will need an active, experienced, and dedicated Cabinet to make sure he/she doesn’t crack under the extreme pressure. The next POTUS will have to remain cool, calm, and collected to overcome these challenges. Our next President will have to stay focused on their goals, and build a stronger America than we have today.

This phrase “Citizen Retention” is thrown around a lot these days, usually in elections to get more votes. The truth is, no matter how brilliant or retention plans are, they will never achieve the desired effect as long as we half do it like we do everything these days. Citizen Retention is our future. It trumps conquest of our enemies, the destruction of PHOENIX, economic prosperity, PTO/ATO operations, and even the Lulz. The only way Citizen Retention will work, is if we make a national effort of it. It is not an easy task or a simple one, but it is one we must accomplish. The better we do, the stronger we become. We all know how fun this game is once you learn the ropes, but when you first start it can be confusing, boring, and a let down if no one lends you a helping hand.

Citizen Retention is a daily process. It requires each and every American to do their part. Don’t dismiss new players as noobs. Friend them, welcome them to the game, encourage them to be an active citizen in our community, teach them what you know, answer their questions, show them the good the bad and the ugly sides of the new world. In other words, lend them a helping hand.

"If you don't take charge of shaping your own destiny, others will apply their agenda to you."
Eric Allenbaugh
