Air Strike the Edge of Glory

Day 1,984, 14:02 Published in Australia Canada by Molly Jo

I'm on the edge of glory

And I'm hanging on a moment of truth

It's only partially a campaign
I feel like campaigning again, but not really so I give you this.

Air Strike!
As a country we tend to get stuck in a rut, so I think now is the time we should consider Air Striking someone, whether it be someone weaker than us, or making a deal with a friend for some land, while we continue to fight for our home land. Anyway I now give you a list of targets based on my own thoughts.

Mexico; TACO TIME!
Some dreams never die, like mine to invade eMexico with force! It is not a logical choice, but I had to list it.

North Korea
We could try convince China to release some of North Korea, and then we Air Strike it!

We convince the USA to give us Hawaii.

Air Strike France, cuz hey who doesn't want to take over France?

It isn't that far off, we can do this!
Though I know its not much of a list, just a few random ideas, I'm sure a more serious target could be worked out if given more than 5 minutes of thought.

The Edge of Glory
Time for a little honesty, when I started up the ARP, I never really dreamed we'd be with in shots range of the number one party ranking. But that is a reality now, and it is something I could see us pulling off. I believe this because we have an active core of members and voters, we secured the same amount of congress seats as the Knight Hawks this term, and we had the highest vote count in the last Party President election. So to my ARPers, Lets Do This!

Out on the edge of glory

And I'm hanging on a moment with you


My Air Strike Dragon

It is the best perk of playing with Larni/Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen "Mother of Dragons."