A weekly rant #2 Community Interaction and Citizens

Day 3,195, 17:26 Published in USA Ireland by Wandering Warlord

Greetings and good evening my fellow mad citizens! Today I would like to discuss the community as a whole. As I've said before over the years erepublik's number of players has dwindled and I myself have been guilty of abandoning past ecitizens I've made. But, Seriously we need citizens!!! I need you my fellow mad citizens and other readers to get out there and recruit people it doesn't matter who as long as they'll stay and help us grow! Not only does it benefit erepublik as a whole but, it benefits you as ecitizens in the form of gold! So, get out there and play your part after all why should the developers care about this glorious erepublik and continue to add things if we don't care?!

Next I'd like to say does anyone else feel lonely when playing?? I mean we have a friends list, military units and political parties. Do our friends actually talk to us or are they just on the list? Do our military units actually make an effort to reach out to their members? I'm afraid my affiliations do not! It may be too large numbers and not enough time to reach out to them all maybe they just don't care and look at it as "oh cool another one" then ignore the new member? Do our political parties converse with one another or do they just spam everyone around election day? I don't know but, these are problems as ecitizens we need to address.

I'm asking you as ecitizens to get out there interact message your friends and say "hello", be active in your units chat, just get out there and communicate!!!! We need change in erepublik! It's the duty of us as ecitizens to initiate it. If we aren't willing to take a step forward and reach out who will? Turn this community into a friendly space to talk and interact with your fellow ecitizens mad or otherwise! That alone will be a step towards the change necessary to keep erebuplik alive!!!

Sincerely your,
A Madman