A weekend rant #2 Gold, Gold and Gold!

Day 3,189, 15:29 Published in USA Ireland by Wandering Warlord

Greetings and good evening my fellow mad citizens! I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I'd like to apologize because once again my articles have been hampered do to my internet being shut off, slight mix up with my neighbor. However everything has been sorted out and I am back with my rants.

This weekend rant is about gold! Gold is a hot commodity in erepublik and if you aren't mad the pursuit of it will drive you mad! I was looking to earn gold to form The Madness United political party to further the madman ideal and or a military unit but, 40 gold each is a steep price. I mean you could always earn it through trophies/achievements or purchase it through the monetary market. Although even that is difficult and expensive way to attain it!

So, then I start thinking "is it worth to buy through real money????" Maybe it is, maybe its not. All I know is gold is driving me mad!!! I want it, I need it and it's taking too damn long to get!!!! So my fellow mad citizens what is your opinion, is it worth to buy? Does it take too long to earn without real life purchases? Does the desire for it drive you mad?! Should there even be gold??? Should we be able to purchase everything with our ecurrency? I do not the know the answers I only have opinions and this weekend I want to hear yours!

Sincerely your,
A Madman