A victory in eRomania is a victory for the eUS, DDoS attacks were inevitable.

Day 770, 13:52 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok
I'll start with the DDoS attacks on eRepublik:

eRepublik has been getting DDoS'd by an unknown source, which I hope is a wake up call to the Admins.

Throughout the past few months, we've had several instances of hacking and DDoS'. Stretching onto the eUS Forums, South African Presidents on eRepublik itself, and before that, we have had to fight through difficulties and problems with no help from the Admins themselves. Not only can the admins not even contain such efforts, like most businesses are able to do (As some figures have stated, eRepublik IS a business), but they merely even put there pinky finger on the button to try.They just sit here, with us complaining and complaining about the many things they're doing wrong, ignore us, and bring what would bring them money. Like new modules, such as Lana. We've complained that 888Chan was responsible for the hacking of the South African President, they did nothing (Aside from banning 1 person out of a group, which I don't consider "taking action&quot😉. The eUS forums are not fixed yet, but eRepublik isn't caring, and our own people are having to deal with such issues (Props to those people, who are also noted in Jewitt's latest article. Link is at the bottom of the page). Finally, only when eRepublik themselves gets DDoS'd, do they say, "Charges will be dealt with alongside the European Union". It's like what my science teacher says, the best way to learn science is to experience it yourself. This falls somewhat along the same lines, where they will only take action when it's themselves who are in trouble.

Without taking action, they allowed this to happen. If they took action before, countless people wouldn't have had to lose there Hard-Worker medals.

And I can go on a 75% limb, and say that eRepublik Admins aren't going to refund those people who lost there medals. Because they don't care about us - they care about the money.

Next: Winning in eRomania can set the course for the war against eHungary
How can a win in eRomania help the eUS? Let's just say this - eHungary is going to put quite some effort to defeat eRomania as well as EDEN, and I wouldn't be surprised to see some tanks come out there to give an effort. Tanks = Money = Strength = Wellness. Maybe not in that order, but all of them fall into the same grassfield area. How? Well, Tanks cost money, like I just said. If we can manage to deplete eHungary of a little bit of money, this will make the war against them just that much easier. Because, as we know, eHungary is by far much harder then eIran is. They're labeled the #1 country in the world, with a decent population to move alongside. As we saw in Jilian, China, they must be taken seriously - or else all of our efforts, money lost, would be for nothing.

If eRomania wins, not only can eHungary not advance to what there military goals are, they will be weak. Low on wellness, they will give there all to win in eRomania and defeat Eden. And when there at their weakest, that's our chance. Our chance to take massive advantage, and show what kind of powerhouse we are.

That's why eIndonesia must wait. We must get healthy, and get ready for an advance on our other pillar.

Do not take the eUS Lightly!

Thanks for reading.


Jewitt's Article
