A UKPP interview of Pannonian Nomad

Day 2,986, 03:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by MrBunty

I have interviewed Pannonian Nomad after his return to the eUK and the UKPP so that we can all know what he's been up to and what his opinions are on the state of the eUK currently.

So that we all know some basics, I asked;
Firstly, could you provide a bit of history about yourself, the party and the eUK?

- In real life I'm from Serbia, I also have a Hungarian citizenship and I currently live in the United Kingdom, in Leicester. In eRepublik - similar to real life 😃 This is not my first account, the first one I've created during the eSerbian baby boom, I was reading a newspaper at University and there was an article, something like "Serbia conquered by Croatia" and that sparked my interest. But after some time I lost interest and stopped playing. But in 2014 I found an email from eRepublik in my spam folder and I decided to log in. My old account was really bad, so I decided to start from the beginning and here I am...I had a smartphone and a tablet, was online often, so why not.
(So basically, he's here by chance )
I've joined the UKPP because of two simple reasons, I liked the logo and I liked the name (it was peoples not progression at that time, but whatever). The top 5 parties at that time: Unity party - sounded gay, Reform party - deer in the logo, meh, and reform sounded lame, Workers' Rights party - sounded Communist, People's Communist Party People's - no way! I'm still here because I'm used to the party and members and I guess it is the same with people in other parties.
eUK - turbulent place 😃 Sometime we attack, sometimes we get attacked, but recently it is mostly the second thing. It was a good place growing up, NHS donations really helped and I also had help from people in my military unit, the Royal Navy o7 It was more "fun" in the past, but now I'm more interested in fighting, so I don't care, I don't even read the news anymore, for example.

He had been away for a while so I wanted to find out why.
For what reason did you decide to travel to eMacedonia?

- To have them on my true patriot damage list. But not only them. First I moved to eSerbia, because in real life I was born there and lived 90% of my life in Serbia, then I moved to eHungary, because the Hungarian citizenship I have in real life and then eMacedonia, because my mother is Macedonian.

But did you achieve what you wanted by being there?

- Well, yes. My plan was to reach 200 million damage for each of those countries, done that and came back to the eUK.

After asking about what he'd being doing, I wanted his opinion on the eUK and the Party.
Do you think the eUK is heading in the right direction?

- It's not heading in my direction, haha, if you ask me, we would have different allies, but oh well, I just don't fight for those countries that I'm not interested in (not to say "that I don't like" 🙂 ). All in all, as long there is war, I am happy. But it would be great to be in a position to airstrike Australia for example, or stuff like that tbh.

Is it likely that the UKPP will grow in the future?

- No. Same for the other parties. Or let me be a little bit more optimistic - not anytime soon (never say never). It depends of the eUK community and the community is not increasing.

What would you do to improve the position of the eUK and the UKPP?

- Well, the number of players needs to increase. But that has to do mainly with the future of this game. People always say "admins, please change this, please change that", I encourage the admins to sell the game, or someone to buy it, because it has real potential. I actually like the game. I guess because of my favourite PC games include Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Superpower, etc... (My ultimate favourite game is Football Manager, but that is a different story 🙂 ) You see retarded browser and app games being advertised on the television and this is much better and with much more potential. Also, you people need to "balkanize" the in-game relations wit some countries. Some people say "Oh, I hate those idiots that bring RL relations, prejudices, hate, blah blah blah to the game"...go cry somewhere else, it enriches the playing experience and gives a good reason for war 😃

And finally, I asked him for any advice he could give to new players:
Do you have any recommendations for new players on how to play a bigger part of the eUK?

-Join a good and normal military unit, ask for advice and also read the damn eRepublik Wiki when you have some questions. And if you are interested in politics, party politics and Congress under dictatorship won't do you much good. Better thing, when someone announces his intention to run for country president and presents his team, contact him to be a part of one of his ministries, so you could have a more active role and learn. If you are not interested to contribute in any way, then just stop complaining and enjoy playing the game o7.

So, for anyone that was wondering, now we know what Pannonian Nomad has been up to and have some perspectives on what we could do to improve the eUK and the party.