A Politically Pure Interview With Our Father, Blank Keating

Day 1,129, 20:27 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok

Ladies and Gentlemen of the eUnited States of America,
Today, I have out done myself. Through all of my eLife, all of my articles and countless shouts, I have interviewed and plugged but one figure in the eWorl😛 A no-good has been e😜residentialJew. It's a new day, America, a day for change, as I take a U-turn deep into the cave (Rea😛 IRC) to interview one of the brightest young political figures in the eUSA today: Blank.Father.Keating.

~Here's some
theme music that inspired me during this interview~

Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to conduct this interview with me, Father Keating. Before we begin, please tell the eWorld a little bit about yourself.

I'm Blank Keating, current Sec. of Interior, Eternal Sec. of Education, and I hate being called Father Keating 😛

You're a very busy person in eRepublik, Secretary of the Interior in the government and a QM in Seal Team 6 among some of your jobs. Out of all of your tasks, which is your favorite, and why?

Being Secretary of Education was definitely the most fun I've had or am having in eRepublik. Even though it's overshadowed by some bigger things I do now, I enjoy picking the topics and writing about them, knowing that it's useful to others and usually well received. The DoE had a lot of room for improvement when I first stepped in, and it's now used as a template for budding education programs all over the world. That's where I felt I made the most difference and where people like me most, so it's my most favorite aspect of the game so far.

And the eUSA really appreciates what you do with the Education program. That being said, where did the inspiration behind something like The Information Web come from?

Well, as a newbie, I was linked to a lot of guides from the forums and from other articles. Later on as a writer, I didn't want to keep linking my past articles over and over again like Ostin, so I came up with the idea to have a "master link" of sorts that could be used on the forums, in the NCM, in articles, anywhere it could possibly be needed. That was my inspiration and my goal to finish when I first started publishing.

The eRep Admin is reknown for making constant changes to eRepublik "based off of user feedback". Of all the changes made so far "based on user feedback" since the implementation of V1.5, which change is your favorite and which change is your least favorite?

Overall, I'd say the best change they made since V2 that I can remember is the 2 hour walls, it lets new players feel like they're making a difference more and old players get their shiny Battle Heroes easier. For worst change, citizenship restrictions on publishing are still the stupidest thing I've seen eRep do. Chopping up a giant community that stretches all over the world by voting privileges was just a terrible change for everyone involved, including themselves.

I agree, the publication restrictions were and still are completely ridiculous. Staying on the topic of Admin changes, let's talk about one of the rumored upcoming changes for eRepublik, the removal of citizen organizations. How do you feel about this, and what impact do you think it will have on the eWorld and media? (org voting, org newspapers)

Removing organizations is a bad idea for many reasons, my primary reason being that they're removing a huge feature when they still have plenty of things to add. As for the effect on the media, if organization newspapers are removed instead of migrated, we'll see a pretty big change in the media, less government articles will get up into the top 5 and most countries would probably rely on the Battle of the Day feature more with their order newspapers lopped off. The media is complicated since V2's population drop, new papers simply can't earn all of the subs that V1 media moguls have because there's not as many people who care anymore. Orgnetting for votes or buying votes can be used for both good and evil in that sense, so I think the removal of them will result in less brute force" ways of getting into the top 5 and it'll be more reliant on us running and promoting programs like The Pony Express to make sure new voices are heard.

If you recall from last month/early this month, I ran for President because you called me a flaming homosexual and I became very upset and wanted to get revenge. Would you care to comment?

I stand by the words you made up for me. :3

On the eUSA Forums, there is a poll about who people believe would be a solid candidate for president about 3 months (or more) from now. You received a total of 25 Votes, notching yourself in first place in front of 14 other people including myself. So, the question is: Can you see yourself running for president in the near future, and I can be your vice president?

Even though being President eventually was an early goal of mine, the more involved I get with government the more I think I shouldn't soon, or maybe ever. I'm pretty certain I won't be picking any vice presidents for me soon 😛 I'd still consider taking vice presidencies like I almost got last month though, and I do enjoy winning polls in the meantime 😁

Since we're already discussing politics, do you frequently involve yourself in Party Politics and do you find the ongoing party rivalries a nuisance, entertaining, or none of the above?

I try to stay as far away from party politics as possible, it's just not my field. The farthest I get involved with party politics is as a mass messenger for the USWP now and then. I think party rivalries are good, I think there are one too many flame wars raging right now. Overall, I think it'd be best for parties to be more competitive about issues like IRL, but that's not likely with their current function in game mechanics.

Okay Father Keating, I've stressed you out long enough; Lets play a little game, shall we? Free Association. I say a few words, and you tell me what comes to your mind when you hear what I say. Ready?

Julian Mizu
Is a butt



Justin McCravok

Dollah Dollah Bills
I have none

Interviews with closets

Blank Keating
AWESOME, followed by humility

Thanks for playing, Father Keating, and thank you for your time today conducting this interview with a closet. Is there anything else you'de like to add before we part ways?
Join ST6, subscribe to the DoE, and get an army of women and you too can be a hero.

You can subscribe to Blank Keating's paper by clicking here, and you can check out his very newb friendly Information Web here.

~Thanks for reading citizens, and remember to have fun and stay safe during the Christmas Holidays.~