A Political Pundits View On The POTUS Election

Day 1,075, 16:31 Published in Pakistan USA by Chocolate McSkittles

While I am no longer an American citizen, I still feel like I have a great understanding of the American political system and its actors. In this article I will be providing you with some insight in the upcoming Presidential elections. You can take it or leave it, I leave that decision to you, but only a fool ignores great wisdom.

The current front-runner by all rational measures is Alexander Hamilton. He's spent months now working within the executive branch keeping things running smoothly and is well renowned as a diplomat, a hard worker, and a white knight of epic proportions.

However, upon closer inspection of his platform I noticed something rather suspicious.

"May Dio’s love be with you,

Alexander Hamilton"

>Alexander Hamilton


Pig Disgusting.

Yours truly,