A How-To to Writing Articles, Getting Votes, and Subscriptions.

Day 1,125, 20:56 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok
Ladies and Gentlemen of the eUnited States of America,
Take a glance at your current eRepublik page. Obviously, in the center right now, we have your (or my) article, votes on the center-left, and subscriptions on the top-center-right. If you see the far right side of the page, then you most likely see eRepublik advertisements. Now take a look at your far left side, the sidebar, and you see a subscriptions box at the bottom. If you don't quite understand what I'm trying to tell you, then let me put it in lamens terms: The Media Controls eRepublik.

Everywhere you turn, there's something that has to do with articles or newspapers. Shouts are always cluttered with articles, and the Top 5 is one of the big pop-outs on the homepage, one of the first things I personally check when I login. And, if you don't believe me, think about it: Almost everyone does or has done some media in the past, right?

In this article, I will share with you how to become a pro at the media, and how you can manage to get your hands on a Media Mogul Medal. I will share what some good articles to write are, articles that maximize your chance of getting lots of votes and subscriptions, and what some bad articles to write are, articles that end up bringing up a lot of flamer hate in the comments.

The 5 Good Articles

Short Stories
A popular option in the eWorld, Short Stories always manage to attract readers and gather interest to your paper. Short Stories are usually put into a series of articles instead of just one to keep the readers and subscribers coming in as much as possible. Alls it takes to write short stories is a creative mind that can manage to stick to a gimmick, and probably, someone with lots of free time. Some people who write short stories? Ex-Vice President Gulden Draak (Media Mogul), The Military, Greekhoplite, and many, many others. The amount of effort put in is pretty equal to the response you should get.

A war article...is when you write about war. Actually, as simple as that concept sounds, this is one of the most difficult kinds of articles to write. When you write a war article, usually put into a form that summarizes battles around the entire eWorld for the past day or so, you have to understand more then just who won and who attacked where. There's usually a whole storyline to follow, a background. Even the professional war writers, such as Lt. Scheiskopff, have troubles at certain times with following the background of a battle. However, if you can pull off digging out the information and can read a Global Map correctly, this is an article that has a decent pay out. I would say the amount of effort doesn't necessarily meet the amount of good response/votes, unless you were of course one of the first war writers, in which case you'de have multiple media moguls.

I would say out of any of the other options in the good articles to write, nothing gathers as much attention as interviews do. People like reading interviews, that's all there is to it! I mean, you can interview the same person as your neighbor, and you would probably still end up having a completely different article. Every person is different, so naturally every person asks different questions. The worst part is doing interviews over PM, unless you have all the questions ready to go, in which it's just a copy+paste thing. Some famous interviewers includes HobbitTon and Hadrian X.

I hate to say it, but hardly anyone reads informational articles. Most of them are filled with knowledge that the majority of players already know about, maybe even this one. So, if that's the case, why is this in the good column? Simple: Informational articles attract votes, subs, and comments of support, even if people don't even read it. If it looks smart, people assume it is, and they might subscribe to check in for more in the future. These articles are usually high-work, medium-reward. They can help new players if it's spread around enough.

One of the less common articles, lulz articles are just plain entertaining articles. They're usually filled with only a paragraph or less of words and contain funny jokes, pictures, or memes. Personally, I think they're rock hard to write. It takes a clever mind to write these kinds of articles, even if you have a decent idea for one. Some people are discouraged by what people may think and so they never even really try. "What if it's not funny? What if it turns out to be an abomination of the entire human race and people call me 'The Fun Slayer'"? Yeah, exactly. One of the most famous lulz writers is Halfie, who just posts .gifs in all of his articles. He's a Media Mogul. Another slick, fun writer is Dougie Flare, who puts his lulz in the forms of paint comics.

The 4 Crap Articles

Walls of Text
When someone has a topic they want to express their opinions about, they usually end up posting a lot of mumbo-jumbo that people are going to stop reading after two paragraphs. To avoid writing an article that's a giant wall of text, put in pictures to entertain the reader,

Do not put your articles in essay form, and do not bore your reader to death. The articles being written should be interesting and thought provoking, not a life story with an intro, 3 body paragraphs, and an outro. A simple fact that I learned in English class during middle school, know your audience.

Useless Information
eRepublik Missions are in the sidebar, a recent change in the eRepublik module. If you have a craving to write about it, you need to regroup, and stop yourself before you even start. Ask yourself: "Will anyone really care about this?" I mean, everyone noticed that the missions moved, and there's no other functionality added... so there's absolutely no reason that you should have to write about it. You're trying to gain subscriptions, not lose them. Now, if you bundled an article like this with other recent changes and wrote a quick recap, that's a different story entirely.

Congressional Elections, Presidential Elections, and Party Presidential Elections all are a time that platforms dominate the media. People are trying to win elections, so they try to sway people to vote for them. My tips: Don't advertise platforms (unless you're running for President or sometimes Party President) outside of a few shouts and don't put too much effort into them. The general consensus around active eRepublik players is that platforms are mostly just lies to gain voters, or are mainly the exact same thing from one to another. I realized that a few months ago, and now, I only put and write-in my accomplishments when I run for congress. That's all I need. I've won all but one election.

-Always double-check your spelling and grammar. I personally recommend using After the Deadline, which not only spell checks, but also grammar checks anything you write.

-Try to stay in one tense, just like you would with a school paper.

-If you write a big glob of text, and don't want to go back and erase all of your hard work, bold the key points. This will increase the chance someone will at least pick up on what you're trying to write about.

-Send friend requests and shout your articles; Six shouts a day is perfect for this.

-Everyone loves pictures, so try to include them when you write. Make sure they're relevant so that people don't get distracted and off-topic.

-Avoid smiley faces in articles that aren't made to be funny. It detracts from the material.

-Switch it up every now and then - No need to write about the same thing over and over.

-Spam IRC. There's a chance It'll piss people off, but if you're a good guy and people like your personality, it will boost your votes, readers, and even subs.

-ALWAYS WRITE YOUR ARTICLES OR SAVE THEM OUTSIDE OF EREPUBLIK; Many times, eRepublik will glitch and either automatically log you out or take you to the home page. Have your work saved so you can quickly recover.

-Don't be too serious and don't attack other people; Have fun with your writing!

-Use Hyperlinks to your advantage!