A Few Simple Requests

Day 1,186, 13:03 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

Upon logging on to eRepublik today, I was faced with a pleasant surprise.

Citizen Feeds!

My first reaction was of pure glee. I can finally comment on people eRepublik status! In fact, due to the ease of use and spiffy design, I will actually be deleting all of my social media accounts that use similar designs and informing all of my friends to catch me on eRep. It's that good

However, while this is a great accomplishment in eRepublik history, I couldn't help but feel that something was missing...something vital to bringing out the true potential of the eRepublik experience.

Then it occurred to me.

Simply said, I cannot in good faith devote my entire online social media experience to eRepublik without a few additions. No, not additional security in a system where hackings are prevalent, or a sense of maturity in a culture where a guy named "Chocolate McSkittles" can become president.

We need relationship statuses

Honestly, how can I devote time to my online alter-ego without having full access to information about the daily lives of others,especially their relationships

How can I truly immerse myself in the eRepublik experience without being able to share with the world my one true love. (Also, my other one true love )

The thing is, I cant. I try, but I cant.... Especially because as I lament my woes via my status updates shouts, I realize that there's no true way of having my friends agree with me!

What could possibly be more perfect than a "like" button for saying "I care because I'm socially obligated to care", but at the same time, require no thought whatsoever because you don't care? Do you have an answer? Of course you don't, there is no answer.

As a disclaimer to the above paragraph: The "prod" is actually superior to the "like" button in the case where the subject is a person, as you can not "thumbs up" a person" without looking like a reject from a 90's anti-drugs campaign. The ability to "prod" someone is essential to the online social media experience as it allows you to say "hey, I remembered you exist", without actually remembering they exist.

But what should I do while waiting for my throngs of eRepublik friends to comment on my thoughts? Surely we can come up with some method of keeping the playerbase busy while waiting for the next notification to pop up, reminding them that people care.

eRepublik needs an experience. An experience inside of an experience. An experience inside of an experience inside of an experience.

Let me clarify.

Hey, at least the economies require similar IQ levels to understand~
