A Dismal Review, The way ahead or a step back?

Day 1,707, 10:21 Published in USA USA by Eric Vanderberg

Hello Everyone

You may be curious about the title of my article. Well, I'll explain it to you. Everyone, everywhere while trying to make their life better has had someone give them a bad review at least once. Did you know that Wayne Gretzky, best Hockey player in history didn't start out in the NHL? Did you know that Michael Jordan, greatest basketball player ever got cut his Freshman year in high school from basketball?

Could you imagine sports without these two men?

You may be asking yourself, Vandy, what does this have to do with me? Well I simply ask this, did either of those men, while facing adversity of their own ever simply quit when the chips were down? Clearly history would tell you they did not. What does this have to do with me however, I'll tell you. Over the last few days, since the dec on Canada I have been running like a chicken with my head cut off. First arguing with my fellow eUS soldiers on the meaning of this war to my most recent article in trying to prevent a Civil War.

Stopping Civil War is tough, just ask Abe Lincoln

I did it for one simple reason, for love of my country. I love the eUSA, from Uncle Sam to Evry I was here for most of it's history and I love every second of it. But the title of this is not "What Vandy loves" so ill get to the point. As a Government Official, this term as Captain of the Smile Squad has been awful and I take full responsibility for it.

I love to make people laugh, smile, have fun. This term, with all the political drama, international conspiracies and war drum beating I couldn't deliver on my promise for people to have fun. My short story contest received no interest despite plugs in prominent papers and on eNPR and I could not start a games night like I wanted to. All in all, I want to apologize to everyone for not being better. I think in a better climate the program could work out well, but perhaps I am not the man to lead it.

I am the first to admit, when it comes to politics here, im still very green. I could have done better if I knew how to properly gauge the political barometer here but I don't, well, at least not yet. Even though this is a bad personal review, I'm not going to let it stop me. While this term has been bad not just for me but for others, im going to make a second run at Congress for Washington State under the AMP Banner.

Why Vote Vandy? Well there are many reasons but ill list them:

-Congress was one of the things I did really well on, I recieved an internal award with the AMP for being the most active Congressman in the eUS under their banner.

-I never missed a vote, ever. Touching on that, I held my own in debates and I think to think I made coherent arguments.

-I was the exchange Congressman between the eUS and eCanada before the outbreak of hostilities and got to know some of our Canuck friends, they also enjoy disco fries.

What will I do as Congressman?

Simple. I will do everything in my power to repair the split between the United States and her Allies. I will do everything in my power to also bring about peace between our brethern in Canada and I will keep the United States from joining ONE.

What do I bring to the table?

Currently I hold or held the following positions:

Captain of the Smile Squad (Cabinet)
AMP Retention Director (2nd Term)
AMP Deputy Chief of Staff
Congressman for Washington State (AMP)
Lt. Colonel, eUS National Guard
Division 1 Executive Officer, eUS National Guard

I hope on Wednesday you make the right call, bring back an experienced, involved and enlightened person and I hope you re-elect me to Congress.

We only send one, Washington. Lets send our best.
