A call for a new national discourse

Day 1,138, 18:21 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

I've seen a disturbing trend lately, and while I've written about it before, I feel I need to continue to speak up.

We're all on the same team, let's work together.
All of us want what's best for our country.
Cut the negativity.

In recent months, it's become acceptable for a presidential campaign to spend its time bashing the other candidate instead focusing on what their own candidate will do. What they forget is that all major candidates have spent their careers working for the greater good and are hoping to do the same as President. This month's election is still four days away and already at least one side is going out of its way to bash the other, instead of focusing on their own quality candidate.

In recent months, it's become acceptable for people in our executive branch and our military to hold grudges against each other. It's not acceptable to question the other's purpose, and it's not acceptable to not communicate with the other.

In recent months, it's become acceptable for political parties to go at war with each other and devote significant amounts of time to bash and put down other parties. It's become acceptable to blame an entire party for the actions of an individual. This isn't real life where the major parties have fundamental ideological differences, our parties here need to work together for the good of our country.

In recent months, it's become acceptable for high-quality congressional candidates to run against each other instead of running in different states, meaning that our Congress is worse off as a result.

In recent months, it's become acceptable for this game to mirror real-life. And most of us come here to avoid real-life.

I ask leaders of all sides to remember: We're on the same team. Let's work together.