1,000 Years of Valshannar

Day 1,210, 16:41 Published in USA USA by Mark Valshannar
Time to Classical it up!

I can't believe I am typing this.

So the party agreed that Cival Unrest would be the next party president. Though he had previously been party president twice, due to computer problems he was only able to serve two of the eight weeks.

Unfortunately he has again gone missing. I waited until the last possible moment, holding out on the hope that he would return. Sadly this has not been the case.

So I have broken my key election promise of only going for one more term. In return, have a poem.

I am the bone of the SFP.

Communism is my body, and Anarchism is my blood.

I have been party president for six terms.

Unknown to term limits, nor known to real life.

Have withstood many down turns.

And yet the SFP will always rebound.

So as I pray.


Accomplishments Last Term

Heavy use of the Revolutionary Committee, which paid off in the form of several ideas, programs, and improvements in the SFP.

For the first time the PP has published articles outside of the Party Press.

Implementation of Direct Democracy in the form of “Party Proposals”.

Progress has been made on reviving the Bear Cavalry (thanks Bruce Sommer!).

Continuation of the Rainy Day Food Program (thanks courage cowardly dog!).

Creation of the Freedom Writers (thanks Phoenix Quinn for implementation and Vincent Nolan for the idea!).

Revival of the Party Communes (Managed by Phoenix Quinn, Samuel Seabury, and Mark Valshannar).

Huge Increase in Activity and Recruitment, meeting and surpassing my goal of growing the party by 33% (thanks Civil Anarchy!).

Increase in the use of the forums and chatroom.

Two Senators were elected and many other newbies and fresh faces ran.

Failures this Term

However I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to. Here are some of my failures.

No attempt made to help revive the Internationale, even though I promised to.

I broke my promise of not running again.

No expansion of the Party Communes (though the amount of debate about them is truly amazing).

Revolutionary Committee

I would like to thank Samuel Seabury, Phoenix Quinn, Courage Cowardly Dog, Civil Anarchy, Jude Connors, Jack Cross, Brent Abernathy and Bruce Sommer for serving as my RC this term. They've done a truly amazing job.

As per the SFP Constitution, each new PP term we get a new RC. The Party President is able to make four appointments, and the other four spots are to be filled with volunteers. If we have more then four volunteers, then the newer faces get preference. So go to socialistfreedom.org if you want to apply for the RC this term.

I will use my four appointments on the following people:

Phoenix Quinn, Civil Anarchy , Jude Connors and Bruce Sommer

The other members of the RC did a great job, but these four are people I literally could not have done without. If the other members of the RC would like to continue their work they are welcome to it, however you will be bumped off if a newer face would like to try.

So be sure to apply!

Plans for Next Term

Its time for a Revolution in how we play

So here are my plans for next term.

Primary Goals

Finalize the Revival of the Bear Cavalry.

Get the new membership to be more involved.

Expand the current four party programs.

Secondary Goals

Instead of trying to revive the entire Internationale, build ties with a couple other parties. A lot of ideas have flowed between us before and reestablishing these links could yield some great ideas.

Increase communication between myself and the rest of the Party (mass message the party more).

Obligatory barely clothed tramp, to distract people from the lack of actual content in my article