[WHPR PIU] Plato eliminates market

Day 1,346, 17:45 Published in USA USA by Mark Valshannar

Hello people of eRepublik. I am Plato. Or maybe Socrates. Or perhaps Lana. I don't know.

I have heard the call of you plebeians. I am sure that the following changes will bring much excitement to you all! Note that we have no pictures of these new features because we just can't afford them. Please buy more gold so that we can post them.

1. Elimination of the market

Instead of having to deal with complicated day by day changes in prices, you simply "two click". Click once on your factory and again on the "eat button". We will simplify the economy module by making you all play as poor workers who must slave away in a factory in your nation of choice, meaning that you no longer have to deal with raw materials such as grain, iron, etc since , as a poor person, you will not be able to own a business.

2. Elimination of food

While you can simply "two click" to regain your health in our new and improved version of eRepublik, you will not be eating food. Instead your citizen will directly consume gold to restore his or her health. The formula will be:

Amount of Gold divided by 2 times 0 = Amount of health regained.

You will auto consume your gold until you have 100 wellness or until all your gold has been depleted.

To help out new players, you will automatically gain 1 health per day. You are given the option to buy a monthly plan that allows you to auto recover more health daily.

3. Elimination of Local Currency

To make transactions between people of different nations easier, gold will replace all current local currencies. So hurry up and sell your USD, SKW, or whatever you have!

4. New "Loyalty" Medal

One of the new medals we are introducing is the "Loyalty Medal". You get this medal when you purchase 100 gold from eRepublik. You receive a bonus 5 gold for your purchases. It's design will have yours truly trusting his' golden scepter into your anal sphincter.

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