[Wavve] serious talk

Day 1,948, 12:36 Published in India Australia by ShockWavve

So, Alector "the barbie doll" is getting impeached due to HER limitations with internet during HER CP term again 😃
Somethings never change......lol

And things are looking tough ahead and with the lack Alector's FA experience , we will have a hard time 😒

We might be able to get congress this time (but very less in number) , but having congress next month will be a big task.

eIndia got robbed , eIndia getting wiped, eIndia got refused from CoT ..............these are interesting time indeed.

MPP eAustralia

looking forward for wipeout eIndia 😛


ShockWavve For Congress

Wavve is running for congress elections after a gap of many months and as always from my Ghadar Party.So who so ever wishes to sell his vote , contact me
So vote vote vote

I promise ;-

I will provide 24 hour electricity
I will provide good "pakki wali" roads
I will provide jobs to the youth
I will bla bla bla


Blast from the past ;-

couple of months ago , during hamturk's term , I snapshot this.

Another one , This time from IRC

NEED ANY HELP REGARDING USING IRC CHAT ????? Contact Minister of Education


Second Commander , Brats
Vice President , Ghadar Party