[Wavve] Congress and CP elections

Day 1,925, 10:59 Published in India Australia by ShockWavve

Thanks eIndia for voting India United party and improving our party count of congressman to 11 this term. We have mixture young and experience from our party . May the guidance of old enlighten the path of young .

Meet CONGRESSMEN AND CONGRESSWOMEN OF eINDIA from India United Ghadar party.

1) Queen Asmitatheone - former CP of eIndia and multiple times congresswomen , currently part of Cabinet and foreign ministery of eIndia.

2)Lord Hamturk - Former CP of eIndia, multiple times congressman , highest true patriot damage record holder for India .

3)Treain Pakke Kanneda wale - former CP of eCanada , multiple times congressman from Canada , second term as congressman in eIndia.

4)Shreyash - multiple times congressman from eIndia , served in many govt positions and second commander of Marcos MU ( National MU of eIndia)

5) Ashvaria - old D4 player from eIndia entering congress for the first time.

6)Dranze R - aka Dinesh - current minister of defence of eIndia , Current commander of Brats MU ( official MU for training new players), multiple times congressman from eIndia, Dispatcher of weapons

7)Hem Sharma - current depty Minister of Education of eIndia ,multiple times congressman for eIndia, member retention team of eIndia.

😎Nagaraj Suraj - second term as congressman , current commander of Nirvana MU .

9)Ashish - second term as congressman

10)davidselva - first time entering congress , active young player

11) Desakrator - First time entering congress , active young player.


I would like to inform all that Uncle Citizenneel is handling CP nomination from India United Party , Willing persons plz contact Citizenneel. After uncle neel approves te nomination , party will hold a poll to make it official.

TO cCcNeuvochocCc

To run the country as CP ,you should be regular of that country . You have hardly two - three total time spend in eIndia and you are insulting our veteran player ??? And after that you expect eIndians to vote you ?? You don't even have a party president supporting you as candidate and I wonder how you gonna run for elections ? You away from ground realities in eIndia , you didn't even knew that we have national MU 😃 what else can be expected ?? We had many Real Life non-Indians as CP because they were eIndians , they started at lowest level in eIndia and made their way up in the community over many months and years , may it be Alector or Hamturk or UgoRafele .
