[UK] Terra Summit 2011

Day 1,216, 08:27 Published in United Kingdom North Macedonia by Foreign Office

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the eUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is proud to present:


March, 20th 2011

We have requested the honour of presence to every Country President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, MoDs of the following countries: eUSA, eCanada, eArgentina, eBrazil, eRussia, eFrance and eJapan.

PANAM HQ presiding: Artela (Supreme Commander), Jamesw (Secretary General), FlorenciaC (deputy Secretary General) and Bradleyreala (Deputy Supreme Commander)

Summit host :
eUnited Kingdom - represented by the Prime Minister Woldy and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Frerk

1. TERRA Supreme Commander speech (Artela)
2. Each country's intentions to stay in TERRA, what do they hope to get from it?
3. Each country biggest hope from TERRA?
4. What would we like to see improved within the alliance?
5. Setting a common goal to be achieved in following months.
6. Discussion about prospective future members of TERRA
7. Any other business

London Time 10 PM (gmt 0)
Sao Paulo Time 7 pm (gmt -3)
Buenos Aires Time 7 pm (gmt -3)
USA EASTERN Time 6 pm (gmt -4)
PARIS Time 11 pm (gmt +1)
Tokyo Time 7 am on the 21st march (gmt +9)

The Channel will be sent via private message.

We are delighted to offer this opportunity to discuss ideas and put forward proposals within the alliance, specially now that it has been re-branded and the need of re-affirm and setting new guidelines and new goals leads us to make of this meeting, a grand event.

John Rupert Miranda
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs

On behalf of His Royal Britannic Highness, the King Woldy I of the electronic United Kingdom's Government