[UCP] Proposal to eCypriots and government

Day 2,377, 17:17 Published in Cyprus Cyprus by L30n4rdo

Dear eCypriots, oc depici...

It's been ages since the last Minister of Economy in Cyprus really "produced" some cash to eCy.

We have a specific amount of money hidden and we will blow it at once when emergency comes while next govs will have zero money to use.

Our proposal

We propose to establish a committee of 5 trusted eCypriots who will guide the ministry of Economy PERMANENTLY

Tasks of commitee:
1.Use national orgs in the Monetary Market

2.Merchandise with the country's stock of Q7 weaps and multiply it

3.Control and check the expediture of every CP

Nothing will be secret. Everything will be recorder in an online spreadsheets while one of member of the comittee will check the amounts in the org and Q7 stock once in 5 or 10 days.

My suggestions for every postion:
-Use of National Orgs: kaniballos + another one

-Tax issues: Kemal Ergenekon

-Stock of Q7: marcelbok + Rauf Raif Denktas

-expeditures of CPs: adamjensenn + KypriosEL + Finway

I expect your opinions whether you agree or not with this formula.
I also expect depici to answer us if we could establish this programme during his term and see how it works.

Thank you 😉