[TheBlueSmoke] Presidential Elections: Interviewing our Candidates by J.Z*

Day 2,204, 14:41 Published in Norway Norway by Indigodavo95

Dear friends!
i would like to invite you to read this awesome interview of our candidates to the CP election in norway!

I feel to lazy to write any myself so again this is just a Copy of a well written article ;P

I would also like to wish you both good luck! i know that the country will be safe under you both!
But with this said, here is the article form J.Z*

Hello Norway!

The country presidential elections are fast approaching and it is quite interesting as we have what appeared to be 3 very strong interesting candidates, which is a surprising sight for most of us, and which has not happen for a long time around here. So I took the chance to interview our three main contenders and see what it is they have planned for us next term! However when I got a reply from Divonex he says he won’t be contending for the elections, so please do not vote for Divonex! This I find a pitty because I think he could have offered a lot, anyways enjoy the interview!

Joshua Morriseau:

1) So we know that you have announced your candidacy, Why should we vote for you, what distinguishes you from your competitors? (Taulen and Divonex)

Well I don't want this to sound rude or offensive to the other candidates but I feel that I am in a sense a "breath of fresh air" to Norwegian politics. I believe I have brought around more activity since coming here, that can easily be seeing in Free Liberty's member count as well as the involvement by new citizens which I have helped a lot and brought into our politics such as yourself Jasper or G. Admiral Thrawn for example. I am extremely active and even this term so far in Congress there hasn't been a ton of involvement by my counter parts. I expect the work that I have done, and my activity to speak for itself and not have to rely on my last name to get elected so to speak.

2) You have been Norway’s president for the month of November, what new goals can you bring to the table for December to make a difference? How do you hope to achieve them?

Well without going into to much detail, I plan to initiate games and fun for all citizens. This was something that I failed to do this past term due to lack of man power but this term I will be re-enstating the MoHA which will take care of that. Some other things I will be exploring is giving Norway more autonomy from Asgard over our own foreign policies. I will be releasing my article soon announcing all of my cabinet and policies that I will be looking to achieve.

3) Are you happy with what you accomplished this term? But if you'd be given the opportunity what would you have done differently?

That is a good question. I feel very happy with my term. Our population is on the rise, we have a newly elected Congress of 20 members and we are guaranteed to be on the map until Poland leaves Norway. I believe our relations with Asgard have also gotten much better since my term which helps to improve our alliance. However given the opportunity there is nothing I would of changed that I have done in Norway but I would of liked to of pushed for an Asgard summit to openly discuss setting up a new policy with new goals. I think our alliance needs new direction and I should have pushed for that. Come this term if I am elected I will make it one of my goals, I would like to see Asgard come together and look to expand our alliance, something I know much of Norway agrees with.

4) Do you think the deal made with the UK and Poland has a negative opinion and will change the outcome of the elections?

I feel I may have lost a few votes because of the treaty. It is an issue that my counter parts have tried to spin in order to gain votes but that is fine with me, its all apart of the campaign. I think that it was quick to be painted in a negative light by taulen without really discussing the benefits that it has brought us. As to do I believe it will have a negative outcome on my election, no I don't. I think people realize that I got the best deal for Norway that was possible. We were backed into a corner and I was forced to choose if we were to be wiped or wiped and Poland would return our tax money. Instead I managed to persuade Poland to force the UK to cede Svalbard to us, a very big accomplishment. The treaty itself was overseen by Asgard and many of our allies were discussing their own similar treaties.

5) Is there anything you would like to add that we should know before we vote?

I believe it is best to vote for who is willing to be here and get the job done. I have proven that this month. I am constantly updating the public on government affairs, most proposals through Congress this past term have come from myself and I am on IRC and in Asgard HQ as much as possible. Im not just an old name who " can’t promise I will make much new stuff happening." I am here, I am active and I am ready to continue into the next phase of my job serving the Norwegian people. A new term with me will come with a larger government, a re-ensated Ministry and plenty of new policies and proposals that will help develop our nation and our alliance as well as increase our population. For a free Norway, for a strong Norway, make Joshua your choice!

Thank you for the interview, I look forward to reading the final product!


As we have 3 very good candidates for presidency this term (December) I thought I would create an interview with each of the candidates to get a glimpse of there goals, etc. If you have time could you fill in the questionnaire? That way I can release an article as soon as possible.

- Thank you for making an article about this, much appreciated !

1) I’ve seen that you announced your intention for candidate for presidency, Why should we vote for you, what distinguishes you from your competitors? (Divonex and Joshua)

- The players of eNorway shouldn’t necessary vote for me because of some statement I give here and now, but instead vote for me because of what I have showed the last few years of always putting eNorway first, before my own personal gains. I pretty much singlehandedly made sure eNorway for about a year had a very well working commune with FSK and somewhat Heimevernet, in the start fredrikz and a few others helped get it started, and that were an awesome period being active in eNorway. When needed I have sat many nights awake to make sure eNorway would have a congress election by making sure we RW’ed the right region or made sure enemies wouldn’t be able to take any regions from us. I hope eNorway remembers the effort I put down to make sure eNorway always have been loyal to allies and friends. Whenever I have been in congress, government positions (MoD more than 12 months total) or the one time as country president I have always made sure we had the most open and transparent discussions we could have. I would and will make sure that every discussion will be posted on the forum for everyone to see, and to take part in.

2) In your article you stated you would work hard for our economy, foreign affairs, relations with allies, etc. What is it that you intend to improve if it need be?

- Some, maybe most of these, is in my opinion well working the way it is, and have been for awhile. Some on the other hand needs some work. There have been some discussion about spending our gold-reserves, that is something I would try and make sure we don’t use on a whim. We don’t know what will happen in the future, and I’m a person that really appreciate to have some funds secure and not be used, much like Norways real “oljefondet”, we can use some of it, but also make sure we have most of it for the future. Atm there is no big investments that need to be fulfilled. Quite a few in congress wanted to buy a lot of Q7 factories for communes. But why spend thousands of gold on that when players in eNorway have factories that is unused, and they have offered to let eNorway use free of charge, that for an example is in my opinion a BIG waste of gold.

Immigration is also something we need to take a look on in my opinion. We have in theory a well working immigration system, every citizen asking for CS in eNorway needs to fill out a form, and then congress have to vote for it, at the moment well under half of the congress actually votes on these applications, that is not good enough, we need to make some changes here I think.

Foreign affairs, communication with allies is something that I think works quite well the way it is, at least from my perspective, but the information that goes out the “uninformed” “common” citizen is not nearly good enough.

3) I looked over your profile and noticed you have been a president in the past, any experiences from back then you can use for the greater good of Norway?

- Thats right, I were a CP quite a while back, and actually the situation I had back then, quite similar to what Joshua had this term, Poland was on our doorsteps. What I did, in stark contrast to JM, I made sure Poland would not take our regions, and at the same time, with just a short window made sure congress could vote over the best alternatives to make sure I as a president did not make any decisions without consulting with the congress so I knew I did what eNorway as a whole would stand behind, I also made sure that every step of the process was documented in articles posted so even the players not reading the forum or the “closed” ingame message-threads that I despise. With those threads we have no documentation for the future so the next government have no way to know what was discussed the previous term. That is one of the reason why I am such a strong advocate of using our forum to make any such decisions.

4)What do you think should have been done this term by our government that you hope to work on during your term?

-I think I have talked some about it in my earlier answers, but more openness, I knows JM says over and over again that he strives for a transparent government, but in my opinion he showed that when it really was important for just that, he failed, big. There were NO information, no discussions and no voting at ALL regarding the “treaty” with Poland, a treaty I would NEVER signed. I personally would rather be without congress elections then to sign that treaty. I know I might lose some “votes” because of this statement, but this is a SO important topic for me personally that I am willing to risk losing the election for. When that is said, the food/weapons program that JM have started looking at and hopes to finish before his term is over, if not he gets it implemented in time, is something I will promise to get running in my term, it is a very nice idea that will help a lot of players. I know the economy is not good atm, it is very hard to earn enough money to afford enough food and weapons- The main reason for this is of course the new weekly challenges plato decided to start, having double the energy really empties ones wallet, that is something even I as a old player and as a players that have bought quite a lot of gold for IRL money is starting to feel, my stash of money and gold is shrinking day by day. So I can just imagine how hard it must be for players that are not willing to use IRl money in this game.

5) Is there anything you would like to add that you think the voters should know?

-I think most of eNorway know where I stand in most cases, I might be hardheaded and be straight forward, I never deceive, and are rather blunt then try to to talk my way out from hard discussions. I hope players vote for me because they think I am the better choice for eNorway, and can only ask they do what they think are best for eNorway. I will always be here, for eNorway, I will always be open for questions, anyone can always come to me if they need help or just need guidance. I will be here, even if I do not win the election.

Thank you again for doing this interview !

Best regards,

This article is original written by J.Z* (Jasper Zuidema) if you are reading this please leave a vote and a sub to his newspaper!
Oranjekrant Thanks Jasper for letting me post this

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