[ST]Part 1:My Presidential Program

Day 1,069, 06:53 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by SatoshiTomiie

Already Publish, publish it again+spelling mistake....

Semekom semua and hello eMalaysia citizens, my motive bring this campaign before its time because i need to get approval from you guys and get myself majority in my future congress..so, starting from this Party President Election, i need to organize this future eGov so there will be nothing wrong when the time has come 🙂


This is a crucial area for the future of this eCountry and will have our ministry do more work from multiple fields. It'll not be easy but with the erroneous tax market that unfortunately we have. Try to have taxes return to the previous state before the PTO and helped promote with our Office of Trade greater foreign capital investment in the economy of eMalaysia, quite impossible ain't? If we want our economy back, it is not easy and same from before it was destroyed.

before PTOed(10)

>(1) after being destroyed.
well, what will i do? i'll reverse the step accordingly where we will start remodel our taxes. Remeber, we can't reverse our taxes as before, thats why i stated the Re-Structure word. we must build it back from step to step (i have the step and can be discuss in private forum/irc anytime you want), 1,2,3,4,.. till 10.

Then i promised we will be back like old days or even better, the only matters is time which i can't give you the exact value, maybe 1 term, maybe till 2-3 terms (vary from 30days - 90 days).
why me?
I don't know myself, i step up because i'm seeing some ridiculous, acting in 'too' safe condition and slow action in economy movement. Well, this statement doesn't apply the current gov 😛 . Well, even before i promote myself, i've been doing the small recover for eMalaysia economy:
-providing loans/investment (directly from SatoshiTomiie Bank) to anyone who want to open charity company.
-open myself (1st one though after Take Over from PTOers), me3bestudio Holdings.
-involving myself in charity and NGO Team, lead by Wingman.
-personal charity including donating both items and money to eMy citizen.

Short Term Plan for economy:
-have the cheapest price in market in term of gold rate (thanks to our low MYR value and not the cheapest after the 2nd publish) and not forget about our local citizen too. Providing them suitable buying power(salary) too but not too much because they will make our products price go high (short term, remember!).
-this will attract more investor and foreign buyer to our eCountry, and provide more jobs opportunity and the side effect (hope so), more population in eMalaysia. Foreign buyer is needed in this level of our economy because this is where the Gold will flow back. I'll have our Ministry of Trade and NGOs to promote/sell our product outside the country despite of our trading embargo/war. I already see it and admit that our food supply is the cheapest around the eWorld and they sold out in a day because of foreign fighter/citizen choose our country products as their primary consumes.
-without notice, our eCountry itself will move forward to rich eCountry and long before we know, our country will be rich country and the point i stated below will be vice-versa.

Long Term Plan for economy:
It will be like this: Our job market is too empty with much demand and allowing companies that offer low wages (often ridiculous wages) and exploit workers. The growth of new companies will cause greater demand for workers and increased wages to workers, increasing our tax revenues and a reduction in the price of our products. We will also have a Ministry of Trade to promote business relations affected by trade embargos.
I believe in a capitalist environment, where competition amongst companies, will ultimately benefit all eMalaysia citizens.

Solving High Region problem:
This will be taken care by Minitry of Human Resource where we will sending and hired our own people to foreign eCountry to work for eMy Raw Material company. I don't plan on getting raw material directly from foreign company, although this is minor, it will distrub my economy plans above slowly but effectively.


transparent box that will be provided 😛

Okay, this issues have been long discuss sinces the beginning of our eGov of eMy. I'll stated this, "there is no invisible wall between ME and the people i'll serves and there will never be.

The Transparent plans:
Central Bank of eMalaysia
i'll not get the access from it, and we will consider it as eDead Org/ultimate reserve because this has been inactive/ban for too long (lost its holder contact), our money in there, let it be till we can get our hand on it.
New Bank of eMalaysia
This is simple, in my term of being president, we will use new eGov Org to use taxes and treasury wisely and transparent, you guys can see all the donation being made and where the money go and spent. The money request for developmental (construction,establishment and project) for GLC or eGov needed will be publish everytime(article) and will asked for citizen opinion and majority whether its benefit for citizens or not. The MYR value will also being controlled from this new eGov Org(of course, without interuption from reserve/old bank).
-i'll open it myself, by the end of my term, 12 hours after the new Presidential Election, the Treasury will move to new Org that will be decided by new president of yours. i'll not share and be the one who will have the access, so there will be no money/fund leakage. (consider yourself, our current treasury is too low around MYR 2700-MYR 3000, valued at 24GOLD)
-debit and credit will be publish openly everytime there is a transactions.
-the money that goes to eGov Ministry and the ministry in charge will take full responsibilty on where, when and what the money being spent of.

GLC company
Now, still, there is no GLC company in Sabah, Malaysia (the sole). General Manager will be someone that i trust and i'll take full responsibility for him/her if anything happens. All the transparent plan will be applied here too. The Old GLC, we will try to get our hands on it.
Back bone (Support team and new ministry):
Ministry of Human Resource
Ministry of Defense
MInistry of Newbies
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Trading
NGOs Team (yes, thats already been approved that they can stand by their own feet, so they will be most of our side support from now)

These ministries duty and job will be specified later , we will hire civil servants. SO, I NEED EVERY SINGLE eMALAYSIA CITIZEN TAKE PART IN THIS 🙂

My majority in Congress is important. This is most crucial part, i need my own congress (active and can be contact in RL) to be able run the Gov smoothly and according to plan.
who will be???...please inform here 🙂

Part 2: Foreign Policy and our security....still in progressssss.........

if theres is speeling mistake/setences that you not understand..kindly PM me personally.