[smeekileaks] If these are your allies then you don't need enemies!

Day 1,889, 13:49 Published in Greece Thailand by deleted smee

FYROM is once again crying for help from their allies. They are scared Greece will erase them and therefore they will not have congress. FYROM asked Serbia for help in their war with Greece but Serbia denied them this request. Surprisingly though, Serbia suddenly changed their minds and was willing to help FYROM. Why did Serbia change their minds you ask? Good Question! It seems FYROM is also asking this and they do not trust Serbia at all. FYROM is scared that Serbia will take more "regions" from FYROM just like they took Apulia from them a couple months ago.

I publish many logs, many of them are long, but I truly suggest you read this one.. it is funny indeed. It seems FYROM is threatening both TWO and Serbia and both Serbia and TWO are threatening FYROM.. all I can say about this is hail FYROM-SERBIAN Brotherhood Sisterhood!

In this log you will see:
Cookies Crisp - the SG of TWO
Desert Hamster - the MOD of Serbia
Boban Panovski - the CP of FYROM
Aliss Wonder - the MOFA of FYROM

On an extremely funny note, the discussion between FYROM and Serbia was of course in Serbian, this is an English translation.


# # # Log session started at Sun Jan 20 00:24:28 2013 # # #
Alissa has joined #talks2
Can we talk Serbian? E

We want to talk about MKD
and how to preserve your Congress
Boban is not here but I will report it to him in detail later
I thought MKD go to Montenegro
Serbia + MKD NE Albania
MKD takes North and Central Montenegro
Serbia takes Coast of Albania
MKD RW Tirana
if we NE Albania we are losing MPP with America......
Serbian takes that region later
MPP or Congress?
: |
you will sign it again
desert_hamster has joined # talks2
MKD would be cut off from Greece
and we would try to defend western MKD
that is some of my ideas: P
desert_hamster: Serbian + MKD NE on Albania = MKD takes North and Central Montenegro, Albania returns Tirana
Serbian taken Albanian Coast and later even Tirana
try to defend Western MKD
I am for it
love to attack Albania
I think that the only way we can preserve their Congress
: D
we would fu*k her congress
will Bulgarians NE them?
MKD would have to win this http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/37734
they said they would if Serbia would as well
Turkey NE'd them already
about 23-24
Poles will be able to go for Turks
they work on Romania to lose Congress
that about Romania is idiotic
it's not planned
NAP was expected to be signed immediately
but Poles wanted to make them suffer

What do you think Aliss?
I will tell bobanabout your ideas
do you have a cell phone? : P
although I already talked with desert_hamster about Albania
and he knows what I think of it
if you want this, we have to defend Tirana
and you have to NE Albania
desert_hamster: Aliss Cookies_Crisp how difficult it will be to return Tirana?
currently is dificult to keep it : D
honestly I'm directed to the eastern ....
returning Tirana dependens on the MKD
it will be very messed up to return Tirana
mkd needs that
ZeBosk_AFK is away: I'm out. If I do not come back, just wait five minutes more
I know
do you have Boban' cell number?
can you invite him to chat?
he can't join on his celphone
he is in the disco
we talked half hour ago
vcp is in the hospital his dad was in surgery
Can you not decide about it then?
give me half an hour to consult with my people
but we don't need Albania like it is ...
I tell you nicelly
I wanted to attack them already
they spread too much
they set up a monument for terrorists
do you need Montenegrian regions?
we have a casus belli!
I mean
no one uses them
: D

Aliss: http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/37734 defend this
: P
I feel that anything can happen
: D
especially if CG returns some region
: D
we can fake RW rthe central Montenegro
before NE
and then block them for min 40h
: E
just need MKDto NE and defend Tirana : (
Boban is here
can you invite?
desert_hamster: what have you and me agree to Albania?
you told to me the other day
to not attack them
that Albania is ours
it's MKD Congress: P
Serbia + MKD NE Albania
MKD takes North and Central MNE
RW Tirana back to Albania
Serbia takes the Coast of Albania
later Tirana
MKD has Congress
all happy
: P
What do you think? E
[SS]Boban: Do you agree on this?
I honestly do not
just I did not want to without you ...
how do you benefit of this?
-. -
do you want Congress or not?
you are not doing this because of our Congress

I hope you do not expect me to beg you so we can save Congress for you
Cookies_Crisp how you changed your opinion about us in 24 hours
you are winning something by this
I can not accept this
and thats it
I know that I can think of something
I'm going to have Congress

My personal opinion
we don't have
thats it
to be honest
we do not benefit of this
this has nothing to do with you
from taking albania
and having one more RW
desert_hamster: we know that this is not the first time that you are asking us to give up Albania and let you have it...
and desert_hamster
when you get 10 rw
from 1
I didn't ask for Albania
and let that to Albanians
then you are draining dmg: D
they NE us
but to mess up Albanian Congress
and we would be in deep mess again
as it was with the Greek
you do not want Congress?
6-7 days ago
people, no one is interested in Albania
Serbian benefits last
Serbia gets nothing
we already have 10/10
Cookies_Crisp the way you got it
why do you insist on Albania then?

you can lose it the same way
I hope it's clar?
if you want to help us simply fight against the Greeks
clear *
or I'm going to ask again
Because of your paranoia
you have free NE
at the end you will lose Congress
put it on Greeks
you have a border
so that we can fight
rather then Albania

I would like to say something
but I don't represent Serbia
: p
Do you have NAP with the Greeks????
Do you have NAP with the Greeks????
we do not have it
answer me?
then NE Greeks
come on then lets push back Greeks
where they belong
You can not hold the Greeks
I have no intention to hold them
but I can not be hiding in Montenegro
your choice

right will you help us save the Congress so you NE Greece?
explain to me why the Greeks can not ignore the Serbia-Greece war
and fight just against you?
Aliss: this what Cookies_Crisp says can be a problem
it's not the same
if they put 100m
against us
and to put at 2 places 50
Are you saying that no one from Greece will hit in the SRB-Greek war?
we need much more than one Greek not hitting
they prolly wont let you win their regions just like that ...
if you shoot and they will
they want for Congress
Cookies_Crisp so if you take their regions easy
not later
in 3 days you can take half a Greece
and more
3 regions in 3 days we can only
half a Greece can not physically be performed
Macedonia, Epirus and the Ionians are 3 days
and we have no longer the border
will be returned by RW
while you fight
that is not a problem
this means
Serbian NE Greece
attack on the Ionian
attack on Epirus
MKD attack 24 hours
plan is great
to take just Macedonia, border region and we will lose the border and it will be easier
Do you read what I write or what?
I'm reading
While Serbia reach Macedonia
Greeks will already take Western MKD
and attack Tirana
we can defend ourselves in the meantime
Tirana might be lost tonight
will vie plus share stetata
and battles wont be that tight
if you can defend yourself
I would not have made such plans
and we would not be talking here now
Cookies_Crisp I told you
its not the same
against us
and 2 battles per 50
they will ignore
because they want to take your Congress
Cookies_Crisp how much time do you need to give back 1 region? 3-4 days? because there are some not informed
and there is so as well
always have someone to hit +
Serbia is a different story: P
certainly you will not take the round with 100%
we do not like giving back a region
can not ignore you not to allow it to lose border with MKD
Cookies_Crisp to ignore the lost of territories is not going to happened
I know that you do not like to return regions: D
I know it very well : D
[01:13:27] Serbian is a different story: P
that means we do not like returning a region
we wanted this because of you
however you do not have to return Greek regions: D
I'm not worried about that
you chop off us and keep your regions
we will stick to the plan and take resources from Albania
you are obsessed with resources

: P
and you are not??
you're paranoid
we need it
ahaha childish
what else are we?

Cookies_Crisp has quit IRC
desert_hamster: Now tell me honestly what is real reason for all this???
yesterday when I asked for help cookies_crisp aka sc or CG or SG or whatever, and that the TWO had other problems and priorities
now within 24 hours he wants to help us???
I do not drink oil you know?

Cookies_Crisp has joined # talks2
Well this Aliss
I DO NOT represent Serbia
here's what I asked desert_hamster
al you can do the little bit honest for a change
if you expect me to beg
for you to have Congress
and to help
you are mistaken
its not matter of congress
I don't want to argue with you, we argued enough

I agree
just want you to be a little more honest with me
I'm honest
and open
have no reason not to be
if you want to help us you will NE Greece
will help you
not to expose ourselves to the danger
at least TWO HQ thinks like that
we have attacked Greeks for COTW interests .....
and that this is what we get in return
you attacked them for yourself
you should be honest and open if you expect the same from others
I am
you attacked them for your sake
the same reason why you attack them
we attacked them to drain damage while you pound turkey
last 2 years
boring it is for us, this war
its not the same
no patriotism
we also want what you have and what BG got.. exit from the Balkan cage

I will repeat
for the fifth time
I do NOT represent Serbia here
but TWO HQ
and the two agreed that you attack Albania so you could defend us????
How about you read what I suggested?
It would probably be easier to understand what's going on
what you propose to me looks more like a proposal from Serbia not from TWO
I do not care how you think it looks
I already said I do not want and I refuse to beg and convince you that you help me rescue you kongress
And one more thing, I've already been told today
amount of assistance TWO recives of MKD
will be proportional to the assistance MKD receive from TWO
Take it as you wish

while Hungary was on the Turks while you were still with Turkey you had CoD with us
and DO
If so
and we striked and organized to help you
no cause for concern
it is
Super the
but boban here gave the proposal
to helps us best and easiest
and TWO did
strategy is not his stronger side: P
al from Serbia they don't want to fight and are desperate for Albania
if Serbia wanted so much
Albania would already been taken
can not because of us: D
why not
look at the map
Serbia could take Albania
just like MKD coul take Italy while Serbia was deleted
I do not speak about the map I see every day map att least 5 times: D
but I appreciate that Serbia is not like that
I do not speak about map but of the relationship and friendship between the two eCountries
Ido not want to keep you any more
we offered a solution
refused by MKD and it is ok
it does not even cross my mind to ask you to have Congress
good luck
# # # Log session terminated at Thu Jan 20 01:38:01 2013 # #


### Log session started at Sun Jan 20 00:24:28 2013 ###
Aliss has joined #talks2
Moze Srpski?:E
Hocemo da pricamo o MKD
i kako da vam sacuvamo kongres
boban mi nije tu ali izvesticu ga kasnije detaljno
Mislio sam da MKD ide u Crnu Goru
Srbija+MKD NE Albanija
MKD uzima Sever i Centralnu CG
Srbija uzima Coast of Albania
MKD RW Tirana
ama ako stavime ne na albanija gubime mpp so amerika......
Srbija posle uzima tu regiju
MPP ili Kongres ?
potpisacete ga opet
desert_hamster has joined #talks2
MKD bi bila odsecena od Grcke
u sustini
pa bi probali da odbranimo zapadnu MKD
to je neka moja ideja 😛
desert_hamster: Srbija+MKD NE Albanija = MKD uzima Sever i Centralnu CG, vraca Albaniji Tiranu
Srbija uzima obalu Albanije kasnije Tiranu
probamo da odbranimo Zapadnu MKD
ja sam za
volim da napadamo albaniju
mislim da samo tako mozemo kongres da im sacuvamo
jos bi joj %$#%$% kongres 😃
hoce bugari stavljati NE?
morali bi da dobiju ovo MKD http://www.erepublik.com/en/military/battlefield/37734
rekli su da hoce ako zeli i Srbija
na njih je vec Turska stavila NE
oko 23-24
Poljaci ce moci na Turke
oni rade na Rumuniji bez kongresa
to sa rumunijom je idiotizam
nije planirano
NAP je trebalo da se potpise odmah
ali Poljaci su hteli da se izivljavaju
sta mislis ti Aliss ?
ja ke mu kazem na boban za vashata ideja
imas mobilni? 😛
mada ja prethodno zbori so desert_hamster za albanija
i on zna sta mislim ja za to
ako hocemo tako moramo da odbranimo Tiranu
i da NEujete Albaniju
desert_hamster: Aliss Cookies_Crisp koliko ce biti zajebano vratiti Tiranu?
trenutno je zajebano sacuvati je 😃
iskreno ja sam nasocena na eastern....
a vratiti je zavisi od MKD
veoma ce biti @#$@#$ vratiti tiranu
vec da albaniji @#$@#$ kongres
i mi opet u govnika
kao sto je bilo i sa grcke
Ne zelite kongres?
pre 6-7 dana
ljudi ne interesuje nikoga albanija
Srbija najmanje dobija ovim
nista ne dobija
10/10 vec ima
Cookies_Crisp kako ste dobili
zasto ondak uporno trazite albaniju?
tako mozete i da izgubite
to je valdja jasno ?
ako hocete da nama pomognete jednostavno tucite grke
ili ja cu da opet pitam
Zbog vase paranoje
imate slobodan NE
na kraju cete izgubiti kongres
pustite na grke
imate granicu
pa da bijemo
a ne albanija
rekao bih nesto
ali en zastupam Srbiju
jel imate NAP so grcite????
jel imate NAP so grcite????
desert_hamster: ?
odgovori mi?
ondak dajte ne grcima
epa ajde da vratimo grke
gde im je mesto
Ne mozete da drzite Grke
nemam ni nameru da drzim
ali ne mogu da se skrivam u crnu goru
vas izbor
jel cete pomoci nama spasit kongres so NE na grcija?
Pojasni mi zasto Grci ne mogu da ignorisu Srbija-Grcka rat
i tuku samo protiv vas?
Aliss: ovo sto Cookies_Crisp kaze moze biti problem
nije isto
da udre 100m
protiv nas
i da udre na 2 mesta po 50
hocete da kazete da ni 1 grk nece udariti u srb-gr rat ?
treba nam da mnogo vise od jednog grka ne udara
vajda nece da vas puste da im osvajate tako regije...
ako vi pucate i oni ce
hoce za kongres
Cookies_Crisp ako uzimate tako lako regije
posle nece
vi za 3 dana uzimate pola grcku
i vise
za 3 dana mozemo samo 3 regije
pola Grcke ne moze fizicki da se izvede
macedonia,epirus i ionians su ti 3 dana
i nemamo mi granicu vise
rw-om cemo ga vratiti
dok vi bijete
nije to problem
znaci ovako
Srbija NE Grcka
napad na Ionian
napad na Epirus
napad na MKD 24h
plan je super
da se uzme samo macedonia region i gubimo granicu, posle je lakse
Da li citas sta pisem ili ?
Dok Srbija stigne do Macedonia
Grci ce vec uzeti Zapadnu MKD
i napasti Tiranu
mozemo i da se odbranimo mi u medjuvreme
tiranu mozda izgubimo veceras
plus vie ke podelite stetata
i nema da bidat tolku tesni bitkite
Da mozete da se odbranite
mi ne bi pravili ovakve planove
i ne bi pricali ovde sada
Cookies_Crisp ja sam reko
nije isto
protiv nas
i na 2 mesta po 50
jer zele da vam uzmu kongres
Cookies_Crisp koliko vreme vam treba da vratite 1regiu onako ? 3-4 dana? jer ima neimformiranih
pa i tamo je tako
uvek ima neko da udari +
Srbija je druga prica 😛
sigurno necete uzimati rundu sa 100%
mi ne volimo da vracamo regije
ne moze da vas ignorishu nema da dozvole da se otcepu od mkd
Cookies_Crisp da ignorisu da gube teritorije ne ide
znam da ne volite da vracate regije 😃
ja to najbolje znam 😃
[01:13:27] Srbija je druga prica 😛 to znaci de ne volimo da vracamo regije
ovo smo hteli zbog vas
ma ne morate vi da grcima vracate regije 😃
ne brinem ja o tome
vi otsecite nama i cuvajte si regije
mi cemo kako sto je i bio plan da uzmemo resursite od albanija
vi ste opsednuti resursima
a vi niste??
paranoicni ste
trebaju nama
ahaha neozbiljni
sta smo jos?
ajt pozdrav
desert_hamster: kazi mi sad iskreno sta se krije pozadi sve ovo???
kad sam juce molila za pomosh cookies_crisp aka sc ili cg ili sg ili sto i da e u TWO je imao druge probleme i prioritete
sada u roku od 24 casa on zeli da nama pomogne???
ne pijem nafta ja znas?
Cookies_Crisp has joined #talks2
Pa ovako Aliss
ja NE predstavljam Srbiju
evo sta sam pitala desert_hamster
al mozes i ti bit malo iskren za promenu
ako ste ocekivali da cu vas moliti
da imate kongres
i da vam pomognemo
pogresili ste
ma nije ovo zbog kongresaaa
necu da se svagjam sa tobom dosta je svagje bilo
slazem se
samo trazim da budes malo iskren sa mnom
ja sam iskren
i otvoren
nemam razloga da ne budem
ako zelite da nama pomognete onda ke dadete NE na grcija
Pomocicemo vam
tako da ne izlozimo sebe opasnoscu
to je bar stav TWO HQa
pa mi smo zbog cotwo napali grke bre.....
i evo sta sto dobili zauzvrat
napali ste ih zbog sebe
budu ti iskrena i otvorena ako ocekujes isto od drugih
napali ste ih iz zbog vas
iz istog razloga zbog kojeg ih napadate
napali smo ih za da dreiniramo stetu dok vi lupate turska
zadnje 2 godine
ma dosadna je nama ta bitka
nije vishe to to
nema patriotizam vishe
mi isto zelimo ono sto ste vi i bg dobili izlaz iz balkanskog kafeza
peti put
ja ne predstavljam Srbiju ovde
vec TWO HQ
i celo two se slaze da vi napadnete albaniju za da odbranite nas????
Sta mislis da procitas sta sam predlozio?
Verovatno bi bilo lakse da razumes o cemu se radi
to sto si predlozio meni izgleda povekje kako predlog od Srbije ne TWOa
ne zanima me kako tebi izgleda
vec sam rekao ne zelim i odbijam da molim i ubedjujem vas da vam MI pomognemo da spasite VAS kongress
I jos jedna stvar, koju sam vec porucio danas
Kolicina pomoci koju TWO dobija od MKD
bice srazmerna pomoci koju MKD dobija od TWO
Radite sa tim sta zelite
dok je Ungarija bila sa Turke dok ste Vi bile sa Turskom uvek ste bile CoD kod nas
i DO
Ako je tako
i udari smo organizirali da pucamo da vama pomognemo
nema razloga za brigu
zar ne ?
Super ond
al evo boban je dao predlog
kako bi nama najbolje i najlakshe pomogli
I TWO je
strategija mu nije jaca strana 😛
al iz neki razlog Srbija ne prifvata to tuku ocajno trazi albaniju
Srbija da toliko zeli
Albaniju uzela bi je vec
al ne moze od nas😃
Kako ne moze
pogledaj mapu
mogla je Srbija da uzme Albaniju
bas kao MKD Italiju dok je Srbija bila brisana
ne zborim za mapu gledam ja mapu svaki dn 5 puta najmanje 😃
ali cenim da Srbija nije takva