Day 1,244, 09:34 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by JUJAI23

MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR: I first wonder how many people will read this article. i'm excited to have a newspaper, but now i don't know, blame the new feature in this game . This articles brings up some thoughts of mine that are nagging the back of my head. I hope you agree with me. Thank you.

Party Elections

Gone are the days when to be a Party President meant something in politics, where the top players fought to hold such prestigious positions or great influence. Where the fought openly in the public for the trust of people, captivating their audiences and making themselves heard. They were the players we all aspired to work with.

Gone are they days that leading players fought out within their parties to become leader of their party to lead them to victory with the parties polices their way. Them jousting for prime spot to heckle the opposition and the people in Government. To support and make deals in order to het policies through.

Gone are the days when political parties meant something, had there own clear defined policies for people to vote to. Where people know what they were getting. Where the parties made the effort to get out there on a daily basis. Where parties wanted to make the community for new players.

Cast your gaze onto the political structure of eMalaysia and I ask you to question what is happening to our politics. Where there is no jousting for position, where the Party President is a position that needs to be filled to prevent a PTO, it is just mechanical and doesn’t really mean anything to the politics of the country. Where even the parties don’t set out clear polices for the public.

It is such a shame that this has occurred, but I understand why. Through the turmoils that are the PTO’s, it has broken our political system and we are only just getting it back. Let us not forget out political parties however, where we work together with our parties to get a similar belief. Where in Congress, members of the same party work together to try get a policy through, where deals are made, you vote for me, we vote for you. Where parties create their own polices to put forward to Congress.

This is what a true democracy is and I wish for us all to start doing this. I call upon our President to encourage such activities. For the current, newly elected Party Presidents to step up and make this change to make politics more interesting in the ecountry, capturing the interest and inspiration of more players, aiding us build a greater nation together.

Media Module

I will most likely pick up forfeit points or a suspension. I hope not a ban for this. But what have admins done to our Media Module? No more are articles easily assessable. Many articles fit into more than one category. It has ruined that aspect of the game in my opinion. Adding more steps and more work to viewing articles that we used to wander through at our leisure. Now we have to actively search.
I wonder how many votes will be given to this article. For admin, please reconsider this change and put it back to where it was. You meddled with something that we all loved and something we liked a lot about the game.

Follow the words of “KISS”.

not that kiss for sure, i mean Keep It Simple, Stupid. That what we want this game to be.

eMalaysia Minister of Defence (shadow)
CEO OF JKem corp.