[Pichu Gaz.] Interview with Arrden, New Segments, an eWedding and more!

Day 3,545, 19:39 Published in USA Serbia by chriscoded

Hello eUSA, and the rest of the eRepublik!
Welcome to Issue 4 of The Pichu Gazette!

To preface this issue, I have some advice. Junior Journalist is not retroactive. Therefore, I’ll need to get 25 comments again. So I thought of starting a new section to try and start discussions in the comments, and I’d love to hear feedback on it and discussions.

Due to the writing contest getting no entries from what I can tell, it’s not happening. Sorry...

On top of that, I think I’ll try to make one of these every 6 days! I also might have mini-issues put between them, if you guys would like, or if I have one made.

Anyways, today will be possibly the last PP interview, and we have Arrden of the Black Sheep Party!
Here’s the man of the Issue, Arrden Himself!

So, Arrden, tell me a bit about yourself outside of being the Black Sheep Party’s party president.
I was born and raised New York City. But I've always been a mountain woodsman at heart. I should have left the city long ago to live somewhere in the Central Appalachian Mountain region. But because of work and family, I stayed put. I love the Forest, I love Animals, and I can't stand people.

Q1. Just in case any are unfamiliar with the Black Sheep Party, could you tell me a bit about the party?
We are the Bastards in Black of eAmerica. In comparison to the other political parties in eUSA, we are the Black headed step child, the rejects, the anti social social group, the drifters, the shape shifters, the pastry cook, the Black Polar Bears, the giant midgets, the problem child, the hard one.
The reputation of our Patriotism is impeccable, and our word is stronger than Steel.

Election Related Questions

Q2. What were some of your first changes and actions?
Recently, me and my friends in the party congress took a bold step in the right direction by announcing our secession of participation in the eUS Forums. This caused quite a stir to say the least. Years of absence of basic decency & respect for our patriotism and very existence could be tolerated no longer. And I have to say, we've all been much happier players since we left. We will stay the course we are on, as we have no sufficient reasons to look back, or change course.

Q3. Was there a reason or strategy behind your cabinet picks?
Experience, participation, activity, and hard work.

Q4. I know some parties hold primaries, and with a large party of 84 people, was holding primaries hard? How did you do it?
The Blacksheep has always chosen to conduct our operations primarily in-game. No off website primaries. We hold our CP Primary vote in game. The Blacksheep does not conduct a PP primary or congressional primary. Any true member of the Blacksheep is allowed to run for PP if they chose. Though to be honest, we have rarely, if ever had a challenging PP election. We always unify behind experience but most of all extremely active member of our party to lead us for the term. This isn't done by a vote, but a unanimous choice.

Policy Related Questions

Q5. How are you going to handle Diplomacy, if you end up having to handle diplomatic relations?
Diplomacy is always changing. Last years mortal enemy, can be this years new MPP. And this years MPP, could be next year's primary enemy. This is the "New World" hence RL national politics are inconsequential. I would handle our nation's diplomacy with an open mind, and react to the facts in it's current state. Above all, I would conduct what would acquire the best outcome for eUSA. All of us.

Q6. The Black Sheep Party is pretty big, having 84 members. How do you provide for your party members, and what do you provide for them?
We have a Tank giveaway program that we conduct on the party comment section in-game. 5-10 Tank giving away every day or every other day. We post comment telling our members to post comment to receive Tanks. No off website programs or spreadsheets.

Q7. What are some of the biggest concerns you have for the eUSA, and how will you attempt to address them in your Party Presidency and Congress Term?
To be honest, I have no big concerns at the moment. The simple reason for this being that, ever since the Blacksheep has left the eUS Forums, I am happier than a Butcher's Dog. The Blacksheep will conduct itself the same as it always has.

Q8. How do you plan to get new players into the Black Sheep Party?
Our spokesman Brave.fighter has been been working very well reaching out to new accounts. He is a good brother of the Blacksheep. I am grateful for his efforts, as am I grateful to all the Blacksheep for any effort they give. And my faith resides in knowing that if a new account stays active and interacts with our group for a little while, they learn quickly that we can be a very welcoming and nurturing group of players. A very tight group of very good friends.

Q9. Is there anything in the party or eUSA you want to stop, and why?
In the party, nothing.
In eUSA, I would like to see discrimination, prejudice, and intolerance stopped. It hinders participation in the eAmerican community from both new and old players.
Disagreeing with someone's ideals or ideas is one thing, that is how a functioning Republic works. However, hatefully insulting people for their ideals and ideas is something very different.

New Player Advice

Q10. As a very well-off and well-established player, do you have any advice for players just getting started?
Hoard Your Gold!
Use it only to upgrade your Training Grounds when there is a discount on the upgrades. Absolutely the most the important first advice to give to a new player.

Q11. Since you also just won the Party Presidency, what is your advice for politicians who are just getting started, and possibly running for congress, this position or even president?
If you want to become a Congressman, talk to your Party President.
If you want to become CP one day, you must participate fully in at least a few Executive Cabinet positions over a good period of time to learn the proper ways of being a CP, most importantly the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs.
If you want to be a Party President, then you must participate heavily in your political parties social interactions, membership growth and assistance, and party advertisement in media. Most of all, you have to conduct yourself with dignity & respect for those you want to represent. Never attempt to deceive your party colleagues, and never use your party for your own personal gains, only the gain of the party as a whole.

Miscellaneous Questions

Q12. From what I know, the Black Sheep Party and SFP usually work together. So, how do you plan on working with the SFP and other parties?
That's not historically true. For most of our time in the political T5, the Blacksheep and SFP did not work together on very much. We opposed each other's Speaker nominations, CP nominations, and congressional legislation. There have been a few times we have worked together on these areas, but more times we have been on separate or opposing sides politically speaking. However, in the past couple of months, we have found in each other, very good, and honest political allies. Particularly, both of our groups, came to our breaking point simultaneously with the almost constant volatility and unnecessarily grotesque behavior that persists on the eUS Forums. I am happy to say, that these days, our groups work very close together, in our common ideals. And when we disagree with each other, which certainly does happen, we do so in an honest and respectful way. I think it would be safe to say, that both of our groups, are very happy and appreciative of our current close association. It will certainly continue. As for other groups, our doors and ears are always open. However, decorative words rarely sway a Blacksheep. Actions speak far louder than words ever could.

Q13. Here’s the most important Question: Can I be the Minister of Fun or some throwaway title for shits n’ giggles that gives me little power?
As far as I am concerned, you could be Lord Paramount of Fun & Protector of the Realm. Words meaningless and forgetful. Actions stand the test of time.

Last Question: Is there anything else you’d like to say?

Baaaaaaaaa (⌐■_■)

While that was a lengthy interview, I think it shows that Arrden is a serious and qualified pick for PP. Good luck to you and your party, Arrden!

First and Foremost, the Plato Foundation! The Plato Foundation is truly a step in the right direction. The full article can be found here, but here’s the “Reader's’ Digest” version if you haven’t read it yet. Every week, a group of two Community Officers, three eRepublik Volunteer Mods and four High Profile Players will pick and fung a project using part of the monthly budget. For month one, the budget is about 6,000 gold. The goal is to help communities in an engaging way, and after a project is written and has some steam from the community, it can be submitted via discord to possibly win that prize. I will be making a proposal, so expect that to be released soon!
Serbian Civil War?!?! In Serbia, a new dictatorship is going to be set up, and a Civil War is happening over it. Clearly, this Serbian Power Vacuum is a huge thing since they’re the strongest country. It’s a lot more thoroughly discussed in this article, and I would recommend you check it out!
The eWedding of Queen Tasha and King Colonel Bruce! The King of Slovenia and Queen of Nigeria are getting married, and it is extremely touching. I assume this means Nigeria is going to willingly submit and become partners with Slovenia. This is huge for both countries, and is a beautiful love story. I wish you both the best in your wedding. 😃
UK-US Alliance falling apart? Recently, the eUK had a congressman who proposed the eUSA as their Natural Enemy. However, this proposal was denied 29 to 4. Congressman King William The Great has won 9 elections, and seems to be quite a powerful player, so there’s no telling if he will somehow sway the votes and pass this later.
Argentinian Plot Failed! In a coordinated effort with all eUSA MU’s, Mesopotamia, Argentina attempted to be Liberated from Serbia. However, despite the massive effort (I personally killed ~175 enemies and did ~8 mil damage.) we failed to kick Serbia out of the region. Serbia also seems to be kicking butt in the recent Japanese and Bosnian RW.
Ukraine Freed? Ukraine is beginning to be freed! Or so it seems. Worry not, eAmricans, for we are simply trying to reset the determination. The krai is still likely ours, and just keep fighting as per your employments, and everything will be alright.
eJapan is holding a citizen meeting. If the meeting is done in 3 days, I will do an in depth recount and informational thing. The issues on the table are leasing their land to Serbia, their Unresponsive Dictator, Government Transparency and Naturalization of Citizenship. The meeting can be found here.

I was not in office for the Greek MPP, but I approve. We need to help countries like Greece, and free them when they are totally conquered by an opponent of ours, or when they’re our better friends than their captors.
I voted yes on the MPP with Argentina. Serbia’s imperial holdings down there are quite an issue, and I have fought in several Argentine Resistance Wars. Removing Serbia from the Americas is a good idea, if it is possible (but since their Canadian holdings are leased, that may not be possible).Plus, since they have not earned our wrath, it is good to extend the olive branch to them.
I did not vote on the Serbian Natural Enemy. It is an issue that, while I would be for it, we would need a definite provocation to start to war with Serbia. An act like this even reaching the congress room is going to put Serbia on edge. Plus, it was a joke proposal.
I voted yes on the Ukraine Natural Enemy. We need to make sure that they are ours until we strike up a good deal. I personally don’t want to give it back since our Ukraine and New Zealand holdings got me into congress, but we should definitely not give it back unless we can strike a deal for at least 3 million USD.
I voted yes on the Brazilian MPP because it is one of the few countries in South America that is South American and seemingly stable, so I see no reason not to. Plus, we could use a hand in any RW’s down south, and we could even assist them in expansion if they’d want.
(Not gonna talk about the mistake CBO donation)

A little idea I’ve been thinking of is a Resistance War Fund. The purpose would be indirectly warring with our enemies, and starting/supplying for resource wars. Each RW would have a budget of ~50,000-100,000 CC that doesn’t have to be spent. The first chunk would be devoted to starting the RW. The citizens don’t have to be pushing for it too much, all we need is the money and 10 operatives to go in and start the RW. The reward would be subsidized support, possibly 50-100 CC and a Resistance Hero Medal with the eUSA’s support behind it. The next chunk of ~20,000 would be set up to arm all players who wish to fight. This would likely be a minor arming of ~10 Q7 weapons, either from the eUSA from people who produce them, or purchased by the government, with a budget limit. The next chunk of ~5,000 CC would be “Foreign Aid”, or as I call it, an “Alliance Bribe”. They pass an MPP with up, we give their government some cash. A lot of money not spent (so for this 50,000 budget, ~15,000 CC) could be spent on Combat Orders, added weapons, or just saved. (The numbers for 100,000 would be doubled and adding a spreaded 10,000 form not starting the RW.)
Another idea I’ve been thinking of is the “Department of Espionage”. It would be a legion of players who are recruited in or recruited and sent off to other countries like Serbia, Iran, and other big countries/countries who are our enemies. They would report back with info like citizens worries, planned government actions, and possible future plans. They would be paid, by the week, assuming they got their info. Then, the Minister or Secretary of Espionage would organize the information into a report, and present it to the other chairman, the president, and possibly the MU Leaders. This would give us an edge to succeed if we didn’t already have one, which could lead to us having info for a preemptive strike, helping other countries pre-war, and timing our actions better. It may not be as good in eRep as it would be in real life, but I can see it’s positives.

Today on the first run of this segment, we have the idea of suggestions to fix the War system. For this the most creative suggestion and the largest discussion will both get a prize (Which may be a bit bigger if I get the usual amount of endorsements you all give me. By the way, thank you so much for all those! I really appreciate the money.)

I have some ideas to get your noggin joggin’! I put these in these in the comments section of an article that discusses the topic, written by Liracy.

“I feel like the Guerrilla system is a step in the right direction, but for low level players to matter, the high level players may need them. For example, new weapons. I mean like... mega tanks.

My idea for the mega tank would be a beastly machine that requires players to gain mass amounts of resources and possibly needing multiple players to use the energy from. It would mean that new players HAVE to get involved in the resource collection to field these massive, war swinging weapons.If low level players can help operate the tank, and build the tank, players would feel more involved and important in wars.

Another idea would be Division Battles, where a quick 10 V 10 match with players from all divisions. It would make low level players feel like they battle the top dogs, and make high level players have to strategise and get low level players involved in the wars.”

So, please discuss your suggestions for the war system in the comments section. I’ll try to look and engage in the discussions going on down there as well.
I am so sorry this issue was late, schedule with shows have gotten really hectic (I have 2 performances tomorrow, and one on Sunday) and I’ve been getting really tired earlier because of it. I should’ve uploaded it when it was done, instead of about 3 days late… but I’d say that this issue is still good, regardless of its semi-outdated info. I also missed voting on an MPP, which sucks but I think it’s fine.

Regardless of all that, that’s a wrap on issue 4! I hope you all have an amazing day, and a prosperous eLife!