[PCP] Wuella Wuella!

Day 2,205, 08:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jimbobfrey

Hiya, comrades! I’m bringing you another round-up of events and news for you all.

First, I want to declare that the PCP will be supporting ChewChewShoe in the CP elections. We wish him the best of luck!

Of course, all PCP members are encouraged to vote for whoever they think is the best candidate. But we voted for ChewChewShoe in the PCP poll so he is our official candidate! Remember to vote, guys and girls!

If you are under level 28 and an eUK citizen, you can click this image to join the NHS and receive some food for free every day.

The PCP was happy to support the NHS and some of our Congressmen very generously donated their Congress medal gold to the NHS. Between us, we managed to raise 10 gold (roughly 2,000 GBP) to support the eUK’s young citizens. Thank you for your donations

I know it’s been said already but I would also like to thank the people who helped us to keep our top 5 status for the Congress elections despite the sharp rise in membership of the UKPP and UKRP (similar size parties to us). Seriously, we are very grateful and I just want to thank New Era and the WRP for their help again.

Sorry, I just wanted to show that this support hasn’t been forgotten.

That’s all for today. It was just a short update. Expect more soon 🙂

PCP Spokesman