Day 647, 20:56 Published in Australia Australia by Australian Defence Department

Thats right.

They are finally finished. It took a lot of work. Way more than i expected but me and Cozza have finished them. So the new Dropbears Squads are as follows:

Alpha Commander: William Shafer Max: 277

Alpha 1: MachineMadness Max: 343
Alpha 2: Zaney Max: 289
Alpha 3: Ottogustavo Max: 280
Alpha 4: K A Bracher Max: 257
Alpha 5: Xavier Griffith Max: 250
Alpha 6: Patti11 Max: 246
Alpha 7: Br0adside Max: 241

Bravo Commander: Cozza Max: 262

Bravo 1: Ramin_sh1 Max: 239
Bravo 2: Hawkl7n6k41 Max: 231
Bravo 3: Jaz Razzle Max: 228
Bravo 4: Dennis Kong Max: 224
Bravo 5: Cmel Max: 216
Bravo 6: Irsh Max: 239
Bravo 7: Varilion Max: 214

Charlie Commander: Patrick Reckitt Max: 214

Charlie 1: Cpt. Linseed Max: 189
Charlie 2: Mr Rosewater Max: 191
Charlie 3: Aussie Vegeta Max: 144
Charlie 4:
Charlie 5: Listhp Tomptos Max: 169
Charlie 6: Cerridwen Voeland Max: 169
Charlie 7: Jake jones Max: 168

Delta Commander: Mack Craft Max: 163

Delta 1: browndogga Max: 172
Delta 2: Moyston Max: 188
Delta 3: Daryl Kerrigan Max: 180
Delta 4: Srg91 Max: 163
Delta 5: Crazyman27 Max: 176
Delta 6: Lews - Therin Max: 160
Delta 7: Mitch Johnstone Max: 149

Yes they are ranked according to Damage, so go brag to everyone about how great you are.

Now for ACUK. I tried something different here. Echo and Foxtrot are both Landlocked squads ranked according to strength. But unfortunatly there where to many people for two squads and not enough for three. This will make it easier on me for things like missions overseas because I only need to PM the squad commander and they PM the rest of the squad. So ACUK is as follows:

Echo Commander: IWarrior1*

Echo 1: corny-ratbag*
Echo 2: Meadow*
Echo 3: Coppr*
Echo 4: Guy Baumber*
Echo 5: Arthur Cole*
Echo 6: Mr. Awesome*
Echo 7: bobdebilde*

Foxtrot Commander: Santic*

Foxtrot 1: TheBlackAdder*
Foxtrot 2: Melchizedek Smith*
Foxtrot 3: Reminisce*
Foxtrot 4: Son of Rambo*
Foxtrot 5: Johnny Citizen*
Foxtrot 6: Newt Gingrich*
Foxtrot 7: Timeoin*

Golf Commander: Aussie Vegeta

Golf 1: Davyzeng*
Golf 2: Frankie I
Golf 3: BbongzZ
Golf 4: Arno Vann
Golf 5: Chris Carnage
Golf 6: Jack Lantos
Golf 7: Boyd

Hotel Commander: Sir_c0nstant

Hotel 1: Mark Sanchez
Hotel 2: BruceyGobson
Hotel 3: stewstoyc*
Hotel 4: Maverick Goh
Hotel 5: Schoft
Hotel 6: Nikita Zhukov
Hotel 7: Johnathon Brown*

I apologize to everyone that applied but there isnt enough spots for everyone. But remember keep training and fighting and you might make it one day soon.


Ezekiel Thomas
Minister of Defence