【水木社(NewSMTH)】eChina 最新伤害排名 (Day 1402)

Day 1,402, 03:26 Published in China Republic of China (Taiwan) by kiss_mmx

eChina 最新DPH(空手Fight一次的Influence)排名,统计数据截至9月22日17:00。新增了与上周的排名,带-的表示下降。为了排版加了些..,可以无视。
上次排名(Day 1394)

SS(>1000): 276
S(>550): 356
B(>300): 306
A(>100): 405
下面是个人排名(不含死人),这里列出了前690名的名单 (全部活人排名)。军衔如果在名单里没有你,请在下面留言,下周我会把你加上。
另有:力量排名 军衔排名

 1... 9415.22 2895.49 World Class Force. KKng
 -1.. 9303.58 2862.56 World Class Force. alexeipo
 0... 8881.97 2784.59 World Class Force* kaycloud
 0... 8896.03 2742.33 World Class Force. Ayasaki Hayate
 0... 9026.51 2733.69 National Force***. xingxing88
 0... 8398.50 2727.54 World Class Force*** Haferkorn
 0... 8625.86 2707.76 World Class Force* Atracurium
 2... 8969.83 2576.70 National Force.... Prle
 -1.. 8551.04 2551.05 National Force**.. Lovevas
 -1.. 8374.52 2544.61 National Force***. silentstalker
 0... 8205.01 2538.48 World Class Force. R2huojianpao
 0... 8303.36 2523.98 National Force***. Purple Watermelon
 0... 8302.78 2523.81 National Force***. tsavo
 1... 8146.55 2478.50 National Force***. ZY1524
 -1.. 8261.76 2468.60 National Force**.. icewd
 1... 8384.83 2459.75 National Force*... munafix
 1... 7993.60 2434.14 National Force***. HuYu
 2... 7989.86 2433.06 National Force***. Allen Lin
 -3.. 8102.70 2423.27 National Force**.. usza0811
 1... 7922.99 2413.67 National Force***. stannum
 2... 8334.22 2401.91 National Force.... nevvven
 0... 8175.47 2401.13 National Force*... xhokage
 -4.. 7714.94 2393.91 World Class Force. Angelmaycry
 0... 7850.86 2392.75 National Force***. While Red
 2... 7772.73 2370.09 National Force***. shinetotal
 -1.. 7767.33 2368.53 National Force***. YaHoo.CN
 -1.. 7903.50 2366.50 National Force**.. jiqimaono2
 1... 7846.77 2350.33 National Force**.. Coldriver
 2... 7626.88 2327.80 National Force***. chenyongren
 2... 7755.45 2324.30 National Force**.. Sion Eltnam Atlasia
 2... 7594.43 2318.39 National Force***. wangdi0514
 -4.. 7583.07 2315.09 National Force***. plan2000
 -3.. 7696.64 2307.54 National Force**.. topspeed
 2... 7543.65 2303.66 National Force***. Cocacola123
 -1.. 7426.31 2269.63 National Force***. Kotobuki Nanase
 -1.. 7543.65 2263.94 National Force**.. hoverge
 1... 7528.42 2259.60 National Force**.. yangyang-scer
 -1.. 7229.76 2250.78 World Class Force. juzheng
 0... 7626.55 2247.44 National Force*... Ronia
 2... 7213.53 2207.92 National Force***. hayibara_ai
 -1.. 7320.39 2200.31 National Force**.. kongkong
 2... 7300.72 2194.71 National Force**.. Hotron
 2... 8324.33 2181.08 Field Marshal***.. PavelV
 -3.. 7377.70 2177.76 National Force*... Jpsong
 -2.. 7303.81 2157.06 National Force*... perfector
 0... 7194.05 2126.33 National Force*... seeroadhkg
 5... 6913.84 2121.01 National Force***. ecarvin
 3... 7309.23 2120.04 National Force.... UranusReborn
 1... 7306.95 2119.41 National Force.... FrankensteinMu
 4... 7021.27 2115.06 National Force**.. Lilip
 -3.. 7119.70 2105.51 National Force*... IGCC
 -5.. 7109.54 2102.67 National Force*... Hwyvar
 2... 6725.74 2102.09 World Class Force. martianY
 -5.. 7105.79 2101.62 National Force*... YuanLiFeng
 1... 7525.71 2100.31 Supreme Marshal**. Vikta
 5... 6926.61 2088.08 National Force**.. liubang
 5... 7046.92 2085.14 National Force*... kiss_mmx
 -5.. 7002.09 2072.58 National Force*... Yuan02
 5... 7367.46 2058.38 Supreme Marshal**. Dandelion Ou
 -3.. 6822.23 2058.33 National Force**.. Forza.Milan
 -3.. 6688.74 2055.74 National Force***. sgc1988
 -2.. 6793.42 2050.12 National Force**.. Big Tea Rice
 -4.. 7328.92 2048.17 Supreme Marshal**. double
 1... 6887.99 2040.64 National Force*... arronza
 3... 7014.90 2039.10 National Force.... damil
 8... 7118.24 2029.93 Supreme Marshal*** ibmason
 8... 6848.37 2029.54 National Force*... SMTH_B4U
 5... 6844.89 2028.57 National Force*... bullseye_0718
 -6.. 7073.06 2017.73 Supreme Marshal*** T.Pacl
 6... 6794.89 2014.57 National Force*... Dan Pop
 -5.. 7042.89 2009.58 Supreme Marshal*** paul.zeng
 -3.. 6904.01 2008.60 National Force.... realevo
 4... 7170.95 2006.30 Supreme Marshal**. realitear
 -4.. 6881.90 2002.52 National Force.... clover213
 -3.. 6871.91 1999.78 National Force.... myazure
 -5.. 7004.13 1999.12 Supreme Marshal*** Toro Rosso
 -10. 7130.52 1995.59 Supreme Marshal**. aliaspk
 4... 7052.91 1975.02 Supreme Marshal**. birdoffire
 4... 6648.36 1973.54 National Force*... gerusliang
 -2.. 6907.10 1972.92 Supreme Marshal*** whiteknight019
 5... 6891.63 1968.74 Supreme Marshal*** ytyyuy
 -3.. 6871.02 1963.18 Supreme Marshal*** MeiFawAn
 5... 6469.89 1957.92 National Force**.. y05502
 5... 6835.14 1953.49 Supreme Marshal*** Allen Wong
 -4.. 6567.10 1950.79 National Force*... Hunter Huang
 -2.. 6940.76 1945.30 Supreme Marshal**. Ted Wong
 5... 6530.94 1940.66 National Force*... Micky XU
 5... 6641.01 1936.28 National Force.... haode
 -2.. 6906.29 1936.17 Supreme Marshal**. n.na
 5... 6887.79 1931.27 Supreme Marshal**. Takt
 -11. 6621.50 1930.91 National Force.... lovesmth
 -7.. 6980.06 1918.81 Supreme Marshal*.. Leetle03
 4... 6550.27 1911.33 National Force.... lead
 -3.. 6416.46 1908.61 National Force*... zhiniu
 -5.. 6537.62 1907.84 National Force.... rayiceray
 -2.. 6625.91 1896.99 Supreme Marshal*** Dracula_INT
 6... 6494.30 1895.93 National Force.... Crematory_Ns
 -2.. 6593.60 1888.27 Supreme Marshal*** ming000001
 8... 6460.68 1886.69 National Force.... daoy
 9... 6455.42 1885.24 National Force.... alienplayer
 4... 6576.59 1883.68 Supreme Marshal*** tinapegh
 -4.. 6545.47 1875.28 Supreme Marshal*** WittErer
 9... 7100.49 1875.12 Field Marshal***.. wangxiaoyaII
 6... 6542.36 1874.44 Supreme Marshal*** Windson Liu
 6... 6293.22 1874.10 National Force*... beijingit
 -7.. 6509.65 1865.60 Supreme Marshal*** zanerly
 -5.. 6731.73 1854.25 Supreme Marshal*.. CookieBear.info
 0... 6580.53 1849.84 Supreme Marshal**. bingri
 -3.. 6450.02 1849.51 Supreme Marshal*** Smallrabbit
 -6.. 6568.62 1846.69 Supreme Marshal**. lifethinker
 2... 6563.45 1845.31 Supreme Marshal**. ckdot
 4... 6537.60 1838.46 Supreme Marshal**. patpatt
 -12. 6916.04 1829.01 Field Marshal***.. CSSC
 1... 6482.38 1823.83 Supreme Marshal**. dream134
 2... 6262.55 1798.89 Supreme Marshal*** allenhsu
 -2.. 6620.18 1790.15 Supreme Marshal... verywellhk
 1... 6729.60 1782.40 Field Marshal***.. prograft
 3... 5851.19 1781.59 National Force**.. liewan012
 0... 6321.10 1781.09 Supreme Marshal**. koyal
 0... 6183.14 1777.45 Supreme Marshal*** zxzc
 2... 6001.50 1760.41 National Force.... Shakugan Shana
 0... 5859.72 1752.72 National Force*... VLKR
 1... 6095.27 1721.24 Supreme Marshal**. KevinYu
 2... 6214.92 1719.88 Supreme Marshal*.. DoyDoy
 2... 6185.02 1712.11 Supreme Marshal*.. WoD_hkg
 2... 6118.35 1694.77 Supreme Marshal*.. pyaler
 5... 5743.33 1689.41 National Force.... Oivalf
 1... 5601.06 1680.30 National Force*... Tang Li
 -4.. 6420.35 1670.98 Field Marshal**... Tommy Yu
 1... 6119.00 1662.34 Supreme Marshal... skyet2
 4... 6204.02 1651.01 Field Marshal***.. masami86
 1... 5925.98 1644.76 Supreme Marshal*.. bleu9
 3... 5800.94 1643.25 Supreme Marshal**. kindson
 0... 5968.33 1623.92 Supreme Marshal... karanam
 4... 5583.50 1615.55 Supreme Marshal*** Dingo0410
 5... 6156.15 1606.26 Field Marshal**... harrykewell
 6... 5764.85 1602.86 Supreme Marshal*.. Carloon
 2... 6385.33 1594.55 Field Marshal..... dominions
 6... 6084.75 1588.77 Field Marshal**... Tempoe
 2... 5484.17 1588.73 Supreme Marshal*** Green_Al
 5... 5819.22 1585.90 Supreme Marshal... China JimO
 -5.. 6321.11 1579.46 Field Marshal..... Jimmy Kung
 -5.. 5982.11 1563.62 Field Marshal**... zealous.b
 6... 5476.00 1557.14 Supreme Marshal**. cafacaicai
 2... 5340.05 1549.81 Supreme Marshal*** okbaby
 5... 5900.50 1543.62 Field Marshal**... HanHanMeiMei
 5... 5769.39 1542.35 Field Marshal***.. Xiaohu
 5... 5508.81 1536.29 Supreme Marshal*.. SHMYP8OS
 -5.. 5615.55 1533.97 Supreme Marshal... MianBizhe
 -2.. 5496.97 1533.21 Supreme Marshal*.. Diamaond Wong
 3... 5772.07 1512.16 Field Marshal**... etinhua
 5... 5749.04 1506.52 Field Marshal**... yjxiaosan
 -4.. 5605.81 1501.45 Field Marshal***.. SyndromeLee
 1... 5132.12 1493.67 Supreme Marshal*** eCrazylion
 4... 5558.63 1489.66 Field Marshal***.. ggbyron
 0... 5897.50 1479.91 Field Marshal..... HouTaiLaoBan
 13.. 5732.15 1471.72 Field Marshal*.... TheSpace
 13.. 5240.38 1466.50 Supreme Marshal*.. tobest
 3... 5021.84 1463.90 Supreme Marshal*** MylovelyPig
 7... 5694.54 1462.69 Field Marshal*.... panjie_china
 7... 5555.92 1459.20 Field Marshal**... FreedomAsia
 3... 5545.48 1456.64 Field Marshal**... Xinhai
 -2.. 5418.43 1454.61 Field Marshal***.. Milk tea
 -1.. 5177.44 1450.14 Supreme Marshal*.. SmaKit
 -7.. 5285.86 1449.89 Supreme Marshal... w4edward
 9... 5513.60 1448.83 Field Marshal**... Fujiwara Miyabi
 5... 5146.97 1442.21 Supreme Marshal*.. kpnecesong
 -4.. 5486.44 1442.18 Field Marshal**... cloudsea
 -9.. 5252.64 1441.42 Supreme Marshal... Tony Crimson
 -4.. 5721.89 1438.64 Field Marshal..... fredszh
 2... 5172.23 1420.92 Supreme Marshal... oOQOo
 2... 5640.39 1419.49 Field Marshal..... WFKA
 -4.. 5140.52 1412.83 Supreme Marshal... darkthree
 4... 5611.39 1412.68 Field Marshal..... smartdragon
 5... 4901.54 1404.91 Supreme Marshal**. levelzero
 3... 5304.98 1397.72 Field Marshal**... Varian Wrynn
 6... 4764.00 1394.28 Supreme Marshal*** boscopong
 -1.. 5347.62 1379.43 Field Marshal*.... magickylin
 2... 5071.16 1367.79 Field Marshal***.. tje84
 2... 5441.83 1343.62 General***........ skyff86
 4... 5312.58 1342.46 Field Marshal..... M1911
 2... 4940.15 1335.04 Field Marshal***.. xtt1230
 5... 5276.77 1334.04 Field Marshal..... Jadyzeng
 2... 5264.10 1331.06 Field Marshal..... sdshang
 2... 4811.62 1328.96 Supreme Marshal... s6492
 5... 4804.54 1327.16 Supreme Marshal... Classica
 2... 4673.32 1293.70 Supreme Marshal... aliao
 11.. 5213.67 1291.14 General***........ OceanFar
 7... 4861.11 1288.97 Field Marshal**... baisk
 2... 4857.04 1287.97 Field Marshal**... nimitzlin
 -1.. 4850.59 1286.40 Field Marshal**... villy_yang.2
 6... 4842.84 1284.50 Field Marshal**... iwillwe
 7... 4608.71 1277.22 Supreme Marshal... dying
 1... 4915.90 1275.82 Field Marshal*.... zhuan
 -2.. 4796.99 1273.26 Field Marshal**... lawsherman
 5... 4889.88 1269.57 Field Marshal*.... golionme
 -3.. 5001.98 1269.47 Field Marshal..... sagaWF
 8... 4542.39 1260.31 Supreme Marshal... zulolo
 5... 4741.66 1259.71 Field Marshal**... yes ua
 8... 5273.59 1248.19 General*.......... donvan.f
 2... 4683.00 1245.33 Field Marshal**... black5reborn
 -5.. 4667.07 1241.43 Field Marshal**... Why English&Spanish only? FML
 6... 4598.50 1224.63 Field Marshal**... vigosun
 8... 4376.77 1218.08 Supreme Marshal... Xenon Ng
 -3.. 4570.81 1217.85 Field Marshal**... Snayke
 -1.. 4777.90 1216.81 Field Marshal..... Gao DaQuan
 0... 4346.09 1210.25 Supreme Marshal... GarfieldBoy
 7... 4333.76 1207.11 Supreme Marshal... Kriny
 2... 4961.27 1206.29 General**......... hyssexy
 0... 4509.69 1202.88 Field Marshal**... Florys
 6... 4508.17 1202.50 Field Marshal**... xhawk
 1... 4714.39 1201.88 Field Marshal..... c933103
 11.. 4702.98 1199.20 Field Marshal..... HeadlessAlex
 2... 4493.97 1199.02 Field Marshal**... Sdxiaxl
 7... 4263.50 1189.19 Supreme Marshal... WendyJIang
 -2.. 4747.75 1183.98 General***........ huanghd
 1... 4531.67 1183.60 Field Marshal*.... daviddvd
 7... 4145.40 1181.80 Supreme Marshal*.. d2-501-2
 10.. 4305.00 1176.25 Field Marshal***.. 70sPoverty
 6... 4370.42 1168.75 Field Marshal**... harenet
 -2.. 4271.04 1167.76 Field Marshal***.. nophotonotalk
 20.. 4457.42 1165.78 Field Marshal*.... anac2k
 -2.. 4358.00 1165.71 Field Marshal**... Alerionz
 -4.. 4560.08 1165.62 Field Marshal..... ntb77819
 10.. 4440.83 1161.80 Field Marshal*.... Brendashanje
 8... 4435.44 1160.51 Field Marshal*.... xy008tc
 -4.. 4644.50 1160.23 General***........ benson2005
 4... 4239.30 1159.83 Field Marshal***.. Marsforever
 -1.. 4637.89 1158.71 General***........ crimsonsmith
 6... 4319.50 1156.28 Field Marshal**... offside
 6... 4210.97 1152.74 Field Marshal***.. cataliin
 9... 4369.03 1144.57 Field Marshal*.... EH3Y
 -3.. 4171.91 1142.98 Field Marshal***.. hapsygreene
 -7.. 4462.47 1142.68 Field Marshal..... smthlllbnu
 -2.. 4258.87 1141.42 Field Marshal**... galadrael
 -5.. 4346.38 1139.13 Field Marshal*.... Lord wuxp
 7... 4410.29 1130.42 Field Marshal..... Finale Clannad
 8... 4114.69 1128.67 Field Marshal***.. yay1980
 1... 4392.93 1126.34 Field Marshal..... goke
 -1.. 4194.09 1125.55 Field Marshal**... angelunion
 7... 4193.54 1125.42 Field Marshal**... Nlex Dragon
 -4.. 4594.73 1123.81 General**......... yeast
 0... 4178.31 1121.69 Field Marshal**... MrFive
 5... 4357.75 1118.07 Field Marshal..... KOWAR5
 0... 4059.88 1114.97 Field Marshal***.. Alex008
 4... 4314.63 1107.94 Field Marshal..... falleaf
 0... 4613.03 1102.87 General*.......... dashuai
 3... 4084.11 1098.61 Field Marshal**... cozyhh
 3... 4153.10 1092.74 Field Marshal*.... ObserverUA
 12.. 3969.48 1092.37 Field Marshal***.. beandou3
 4... 4139.47 1089.47 Field Marshal*.... The Prayer
 5... 4435.00 1087.87 General**......... Roger Chan
 7... 4067.58 1072.22 Field Marshal*.... Flashmansai
 7... 4460.72 1069.36 General*.......... zhongguoren
 8... 4048.37 1067.61 Field Marshal*.... vesti
 0... 3868.88 1067.22 Field Marshal***.. CiripB
 7... 4044.12 1066.59 Field Marshal*.... Ginobili20
 -5.. 4237.25 1066.57 General***........ volcanoant
 -5.. 4334.95 1065.36 General**......... shawkcn
 6... 4114.34 1060.87 Field Marshal..... zou xing
 4... 4019.96 1060.79 Field Marshal*.... jinganggang
 -4.. 3922.21 1058.94 Field Marshal**... jjzistd
 -4.. 3996.67 1055.20 Field Marshal*.... Ge Xiaofeng
 12.. 3977.64 1050.64 Field Marshal*.... Alan Liu
 3... 3887.17 1050.36 Field Marshal**... Oscar Chan X
 7... 4335.00 1041.70 General*.......... KennethHon
 5... 4318.89 1038.16 General*.......... siumanzi
 6... 4532.02 1035.72 Colonel***........ Passerby021056
 -2.. 4172.29 1028.77 General**......... HKGHAKUNAMATATA
 -1.. 4161.29 1026.29 General**......... chemical_corn
 34.. 4036.50 1020.40 General***........ Beacon.Zh
 -2.. 4030.49 1019.01 General***........ Cheung Siu Chu
 4... 4027.19 1018.25 General***........ wudonga
 6... 4009.82 1014.26 General***........ mmmmm1027
 -4.. 4093.10 1010.95 General**......... OSTTW
 15.. 3877.92 1005.31 Field Marshal..... hughlai
 -2.. 3852.08 999.24. Field Marshal..... TSHINE
 1... 3939.50 998.09. General***........ iceblock
 17.. 3927.00 995.21. General***........ mu_haogu
 18.. 4020.26 994.56. General**......... kds_xzt
 -3.. 4120.09 994.42. General*.......... chr1212
 15.. 4015.52 993.49. General**......... xorange
 -2.. 3915.39 992.54. General***........ ahbut
 15.. 3913.41 992.08. General***........ grrrg
 9... 4204.76 990.02. General........... F-t-D
 -4.. 4314.33 990.01. Colonel***........ one_piece
 17.. 3812.07 989.84. Field Marshal..... MAC-QC
 13.. 3811.77 989.77. Field Marshal..... Op72
 -4.. 4093.40 988.55. General*.......... Room103
 -3.. 3553.50 988.38. Field Marshal***.. china.cc
 -5.. 3984.91 986.60. General**......... xxoo
 -9.. 4083.74 986.42. General*.......... kybbage
 15.. 3888.52 986.36. General***........ Schisandra
 9... 4083.07 986.28. General*.......... NFH666
 15.. 3882.04 984.87. General***........ HankPTT
 -6.. 3870.95 982.32. General***........ supersuperhero
 -9.. 3779.44 982.17. Field Marshal..... illusory star
 8... 4636.71 982.16. Colonel........... dealy113
 -10. 3862.49 980.37. General***........ stSOSO
 -8.. 4152.44 978.77. General........... gezi
 11.. 3854.56 978.55. General***........ lagidorp
 -9.. 4047.05 978.35. General*.......... tali014
 13.. 3936.96 975.82. General**......... sigon leo
 10.. 3936.52 975.72. General**......... Poplulu
 -10. 3919.89 971.98. General**......... Cherry Gram
 -4.. 3733.03 971.26. Field Marshal..... PsyLai
 -7.. 3636.67 968.80. Field Marshal*.... SpartaWrath
 11.. 3714.00 966.79. Field Marshal..... namiochen
 0... 3895.51 966.49. General**......... kenei15
 18.. 3711.88 966.29. Field Marshal..... GFMikeWolf
 12.. 3987.64 965.28. General*.......... Kelvin Johnson
 3... 3887.49 964.69. General**......... lightenforce
 5... 3788.58 963.37. General***........ CHINA-frp
 6... 3784.37 962.40. General***........ EthanRen
 -4.. 3772.94 959.78. General***........ cn_mao
 19.. 3769.50 958.98. General***........ sweetysunny
 0... 4058.90 958.66. General........... Rin5KoKoRo
 -11. 4514.15 958.26. Colonel........... RCorp
 -6.. 4035.69 953.67. General........... Yinfei Yang
 9... 3831.69 952.13. General**......... Richard Gym
 15.. 3789.43 942.62. General**......... HUGOLiu
 0... 3609.20 942.16. Field Marshal..... Bowen Yu
 11.. 3979.55 941.60. General........... azhen
 0... 3778.95 940.26. General**......... Panbidong
 0... 3687.11 940.04. General***........ Shopping Deng
 -5.. 3775.99 939.60. General**......... Syuki
 15.. 3849.45 934.88. General*.......... Justfortest134
 16.. 3573.18 933.70. Field Marshal..... xiaoshipp
 21.. 3656.68 933.04. General***........ lotusmerry
 -3.. 3653.26 932.25. General***........ lili676767
 32.. 3653.00 932.19. General***........ curcubitator
 -2.. 3934.02 931.82. General........... tinyjff
 -7.. 3933.16 931.63. General........... chi1989
 -3.. 3730.93 929.46. General**......... Awang
 11.. 3823.48 929.16. General*.......... marcomarco1991
 9... 3550.73 928.42. Field Marshal..... GL.Hong
 28.. 4014.22 926.99. Colonel***........ Jet Li Zhang
 -5.. 3719.60 926.91. General**......... ckmail
 -7.. 3718.28 926.61. General**......... JadiydV2
 9... 4116.24 925.83. Colonel**......... MrJJ
 14.. 3900.23 924.55. General........... Justkidding Smth
 14.. 3884.94 921.26. General........... Chinesedragon
 11.. 3603.10 920.71. General***........ BlackTortoise
 35.. 3689.19 920.07. General**......... aeaeflower
 -6.. 3681.70 918.38. General**......... wjqcool
 -9.. 4076.26 917.63. Colonel**......... lam3509
 14.. 3587.08 917.03. General***........ duoduo11
 -10. 3341.03 916.55. Field Marshal**... sirko_2001
 11.. 3493.24 914.91. Field Marshal..... charlestcl
 -10. 3491.77 914.57. Field Marshal..... Gary Mak
 -10. 3752.25 913.49. General*.......... berlinmauer
 -9.. 3839.23 911.43. General........... Hiru719
 -6.. 3561.43 911.13. General***........ anthony1964hk
 -6.. 3392.50 910.20. Field Marshal*.... Badman0316
 15.. 3826.23 908.64. General........... HoneyB
 15.. 3717.53 905.86. General*.......... lagrangek
 17.. 3811.95 905.57. General........... CF I
 17.. 3715.70 905.46. General*.......... greyfish
 10.. 3713.53 904.98. General*.......... Jungfrau
 18.. 3709.73 904.14. General*.......... XuDongLai
 -4.. 3899.26 902.84. Colonel***........ LM-286
 -9.. 3701.72 902.38. General*.......... Master_luck
 -11. 3606.36 901.43. General**......... dv216
 -13. 3687.92 899.34. General*.......... Tkob
 -7.. 3874.25 897.59. Colonel***........ efni
 -7.. 3413.65 896.21. Field Marshal..... haoyi
 -1.. 4313.98 895.66. Lt Colonel***..... Elling
 -6.. 3663.03 893.87. General*.......... wks1993
 14.. 3654.73 892.04. General*.......... wormbig
 3... 3835.53 889.46. Colonel***........ vladimir linev
 -7.. 3550.09 888.77. General**......... MaxHoTo
 12.. 3636.50 888.03. General*.......... ChrisPEK
 16.. 3619.86 884.37. General*.......... NetherRain
 -7.. 3708.09 883.24. General........... Tolakjam
 -3.. 3610.83 882.38. General*.......... HKchiu5d
 1... 3682.59 877.76. General........... nianlaohu
 3... 3499.50 877.39. General**......... phillipgz3
 -2.. 3678.65 876.91. General........... Klaith
 -11. 3983.61 876.72. Colonel*.......... Sixi
 1... 3660.81 873.07. General........... lawshermin
 11.. 3306.84 871.11. Field Marshal..... ghost941
 0... 3954.45 870.89. Colonel*.......... nimabi
 11.. 3947.35 869.47. Colonel*.......... yech
 12.. 3640.40 868.69. General........... McLokYui
 10.. 3638.68 868.32. General........... SyD3210
 7... 3546.67 868.27. General*.......... lovcavil
 -2.. 3723.55 865.95. Colonel***........ kenneth0602
 9... 3817.25 864.54. Colonel**......... leemars
 -3.. 3616.48 863.54. General........... chenpeng
 -3.. 3603.72 860.80. General........... kusabi
 9... 3418.36 859.13. General**......... LIV E VIL
 -4.. 3786.58 858.25. Colonel**......... RemiliaYuki
 11.. 3591.65 858.20. General........... noool
 12.. 3491.11 856.04. General*.......... RozenDentzy
 13.. 3750.58 850.87. Colonel**......... vincentrong
 -5.. 3551.25 849.52. General........... Davis Sean
 -7.. 3955.43 849.31. Colonel........... Archduke
 0... 3277.50 845.83. General***........ WzH bud
 0... 3621.67 844.55. Colonel***........ WaterGuattro
 21.. 3821.49 844.30. Colonel*.......... Molithe
 16.. 3717.57 844.10. Colonel**......... Comrade Zhang
 -1.. 3429.84 842.56. General*.......... rickyyip1234
 0... 3500.79 838.67. General........... kokwow
 14.. 3410.63 838.34. General*.......... Bergkamp No.10
 18.. 3243.84 838.08. General***........ renmin
 16.. 3317.25 836.38. General**......... MuYangRen
 18.. 3306.61 833.99. General**......... Siverwing Magician
 28.. 3667.80 833.90. Colonel**......... Josh Sorkin
 0... 3303.97 833.39. General**......... Polacca
 19.. 3762.68 832.54. Colonel*.......... wensheep
 0... 3552.05 829.93. Colonel***........ johohn
 -2.. 4209.85 829.77. Lt Colonel*....... soya saucer
 -1.. 3458.34 829.54. General........... eboueahleb
 -7.. 3367.89 828.93. General*.......... Cessy
 -2.. 3365.96 828.51. General*.......... Schelling001
 -2.. 3354.00 825.88. General*.......... dogwong
 17.. 3351.48 825.33. General*.......... milkwayz
 -2.. 3258.69 823.21. General**......... jyku
 -4.. 3423.65 822.08. General........... oceancalvin
 -1.. 3709.42 821.88. Colonel*.......... vivixie
 -1.. 3502.24 819.47. Colonel***........ 19hunter
 2... 3590.52 818.06. Colonel**......... AyuAqua
 5... 3148.38 816.13. General***........ wilson shing
 3... 3772.46 813.63. Colonel........... TestCover
 1... 3765.63 812.30. Colonel........... Gabriel66G
 4... 3373.76 811.36. General........... hzsdr
 12.. 3048.96 810.51. Field Marshal..... FengKai
 3... 3651.36 810.27. Colonel*.......... NORRIS_PACKARD
 4... 3643.27 808.65. Colonel*.......... Sun.Feng
 2... 3734.77 806.28. Colonel........... meade
 11.. 3432.61 804.85. Colonel***........ NgdofBe
 3... 3326.29 801.15. General........... gggghhhhjjjjkkkkllll
 10.. 3699.14 799.33. Colonel........... LuisCarlosHK
 13.. 3398.98 797.79. Colonel***........ kewell11
 14.. 3302.70 796.08. General........... Paimmno
 28.. 3122.50 792.56. General**......... Timmy11Wong
 13.. 3554.59 790.92. Colonel*.......... Archelleto Cheng
 0... 3189.50 789.69. General*.......... bellzi
 -2.. 3644.39 788.66. Colonel........... sthhuat
 12.. 3439.55 787.11. Colonel**......... ryan_cps
 -1.. 3437.68 786.72. Colonel**......... Thoma Z
 16.. 3627.93 785.45. Colonel........... cscsw
 2... 3426.67 784.47. Colonel**......... KK Lau
 0... 3421.00 783.30. Colonel**......... zhanghany
 -4.. 3393.52 777.67. Colonel**......... plurber
 34.. 2830.50 775.32. Field Marshal*.... barbruce
 -1.. 3380.08 774.92. Colonel**......... level99
 0... 2896.79 774.75. Field Marshal..... GreyFool
 2... 3116.52 773.63. General*.......... levchi
 6... 3100.50 770.11. General*.......... ashun
 2... 3097.79 769.51. General*.......... JambaJuice
 2... 3544.40 769.16. Colonel........... Zhu.Lin
 4... 3174.52 768.52. General........... KimiRaikkonen
 16.. 3257.00 767.97. Colonel***........ flyc
 0... 3324.48 763.52. Colonel**......... James Kim
 4... 2988.00 762.30. General**......... TSZ25769257
 2... 3317.84 762.16. Colonel**......... Seedness
 3... 3313.42 761.25. Colonel**......... kewellma
 3... 3294.17 757.30. Colonel**......... Iceesnow
 35.. 3104.18 753.40. General........... tentacle_master
 6... 3166.00 748.86. Colonel***........ HenryTsang
 1... 3245.70 747.37. Colonel**......... Wilson Lin
 5... 3429.50 746.75. Colonel........... Ueno Juri
 41.. 2916.50 746.21. General**......... huyue
 1... 3067.92 745.60. General........... Wily_wil
 17.. 3137.01 742.77. Colonel***........ pxlele
 5... 3123.30 739.89. Colonel***........ yyuue
 39.. 2815.00 739.45. General***........ Coben Wang
 4... 3120.00 739.20. Colonel***........ Rex Alvarez
 1... 2883.87 738.87. General**......... heart of china
 16.. 2958.17 738.80. General*.......... silicon010
 16.. 3287.66 737.53. Colonel*.......... Howielababy
 2... 3023.60 736.08. General........... Rickyka
 0... 3361.18 733.43. Colonel........... JimZheng
 1... 3151.97 728.15. Colonel**......... Woodylm
 5... 2980.97 726.91. General........... Samjomy
 1... 2900.46 726.10. General*.......... JACK_LEE
 7... 3141.82 726.07. Colonel**......... nicomimi
 -2.. 2976.17 725.88. General........... mr_math
 -1.. 3055.91 725.74. Colonel***........ mizunoami
 5... 3216.42 723.28. Colonel*.......... alexchang1
 20.. 3033.76 721.09. Colonel***........ inhorw
 18.. 3204.23 720.84. Colonel*.......... wowk
 25.. 2778.50 715.16. General**......... handsomekai
 -1.. 2923.26 714.50. General........... hr889
 3... 3170.45 714.09. Colonel*.......... Chan Cheuk Lam
 56.. 3674.00 712.95. Lt Colonel........ Kishimoto Akira
 18.. 2915.17 712.76. General........... NightFall00
 4... 3249.32 711.62. Colonel........... cryst216
 2... 3248.41 711.44. Colonel........... Axel Roxas
 34.. 2752.00 709.20. General**......... tsunsing
 8... 2892.31 707.85. General........... zhouyuwcc
 10.. 3138.10 707.62. Colonel*.......... Code1976
 5... 3323.50 707.47. Lt Colonel***..... starcaptain
 1... 3046.06 706.44. Colonel**......... WhiteCUbe
 -2.. 3130.24 706.05. Colonel*.......... DarthXile
 -7.. 3314.10 705.68. Lt Colonel***..... adungu
 -1.. 3313.22 705.51. Lt Colonel***..... osos
 5... 3117.47 703.49. Colonel*.......... LGLL
 -2.. 3194.83 700.99. Colonel........... Quasimodo.Liwu
 28.. 3017.82 700.65. Colonel**......... Free Dragonlancer
 20.. 3373.98 698.19. Lt Colonel**...... westhambayern
 16.. 2763.02 695.86. General*.......... TigerG
 6... 2756.00 694.32. General*.......... ppp2000
 8... 3153.14 692.86. Colonel........... lxp121
 2... 3152.48 692.73. Colonel........... kakika
 4... 3049.55 689.91. Colonel*.......... jeffery838
 27.. 2964.88 689.80. Colonel**......... Chokoyo
 3... 3047.42 689.48. Colonel*.......... bluebel
 10.. 3042.87 688.57. Colonel*.......... Holycrane
 3... 3221.00 687.99. Lt Colonel***..... suncaptain
 18.. 2862.91 685.21. Colonel***........ surfs
 3... 2941.50 685.01. Colonel**......... Senel2010
 3... 2941.32 684.97. Colonel**......... Jackal Wu
 49.. 2642.00 684.45. General**......... nkzzt
 -1.. 3010.33 682.07. Colonel*.......... ZaphieV
 7... 2847.72 682.02. Colonel***........ fng746
 3... 2698.00 681.56. General*.......... simnida
 4... 2923.17 681.25. Colonel**......... justajokin1984
 -2.. 3264.04 677.85. Lt Colonel**...... Pan_hongkongeseism
 5... 2987.14 677.43. Colonel*.......... sldtpsh
 5... 2904.13 677.35. Colonel**......... Lingco Zhao
 10.. 3064.94 675.66. Colonel........... phnirvana
 4... 3247.54 674.79. Lt Colonel**...... Dickchau
 19.. 3150.00 674.50. Lt Colonel***..... Good Man YUE
 24.. 2727.50 672.41. General........... hkfathorse
 5... 3331.09 671.59. Lt Colonel*....... hkkane
 8... 2719.00 670.59. General........... Noahsark
 2... 2791.34 670.18. Colonel***........ wohaodu
 16.. 2867.76 669.89. Colonel**......... Junz.Cheung
 22.. 3117.31 668.29. Lt Colonel***..... Wenjun love
 2... 3117.29 668.28. Lt Colonel***..... Jooooooooon
 7... 2629.09 666.40. General*.......... Shrike88
 23.. 2850.50 666.35. Colonel**......... Michael HY Wong
 2... 2842.67 664.75. Colonel**......... LordOfFinanciers
 34.. 2691.50 664.67. General........... corazonbostero
 2... 2763.00 664.23. Colonel***........ blithechan
 16.. 2919.80 663.96. Colonel*.......... blurt
 -1.. 3182.94 662.84. Lt Colonel**...... AlanChan
 1... 2996.07 662.23. Colonel........... hinXhin
 18.. 2751.50 661.82. Colonel***........ rebeccaa2
 16.. 2900.50 660.10. Colonel*.......... wangji
 22.. 2817.00 659.48. Colonel**......... rukavina1
 33.. 2973.00 657.73. Colonel........... Bright8212
 15.. 2729.53 657.20. Colonel***........ lucklam
 -4.. 2885.46 657.09. Colonel*.......... mjiala
 -2.. 2960.95 655.39. Colonel........... Jason Gu
 0... 3332.24 653.14. Lt Colonel........ LibertyAsia
 -2.. 2785.94 653.12. Colonel**......... x-ho
 5... 2630.50 651.56. General........... macahk
 -2.. 3023.00 650.37. Lt Colonel***..... Hellgater
 -1.. 2844.37 648.88. Colonel*.......... green40red25
 -1.. 2926.32 648.63. Colonel........... M1shanya
 17.. 3095.49 646.67. Lt Colonel**...... justforfuns
 23.. 2666.00 643.86. Colonel***........ Kimi Wang
 5... 3161.98 641.16. Lt Colonel*....... GGGH
 5... 3260.16 640.53. Lt Colonel........ fineabc
 5... 2970.90 640.47. Lt Colonel***..... Czeslaw Meyer
 -3.. 2801.40 640.28. Colonel*.......... cnmb
 9... 2789.19 637.84. Colonel*.......... CNZXzhouxiao
 20.. 2710.90 637.73. Colonel**......... Gauzeroad
 14.. 3142.01 637.56. Lt Colonel*....... wingbird
 4... 2775.50 635.10. Colonel*.......... diao
 4... 2827.51 629.36. Colonel........... HKGdisco
 8... 2746.50 629.30. Colonel*.......... Winnie J
 0... 3191.56 628.52. Lt Colonel........ pflanzemann
 5... 2660.03 627.31. Colonel**......... nyulnak
 18.. 2730.50 626.10. Colonel*.......... wlau86
 6... 2882.90 623.75. Lt Colonel***..... barbiehh
 4... 2792.95 622.62. Colonel........... Jnas
 22.. 2876.13 622.46. Lt Colonel***..... Captain Marley
 7... 2711.17 622.23. Colonel*.......... gerthux
 7... 2622.24 619.56. Colonel**......... andrew21212121
 8... 2517.66 612.71. Colonel***........ Jing1113
 12.. 3002.50 612.45. Lt Colonel*....... petermarco
 9... 2822.98 612.37. Lt Colonel***..... hazardface
 6... 2515.50 612.26. Colonel***........ 3.1416
 14.. 2575.00 609.88. Colonel**......... Pierre Finse
 9... 2722.03 608.80. Colonel........... yushinmeow
 10.. 2636.88 607.38. Colonel*.......... johnchan
 8... 2561.08 607.02. Colonel**......... westkowloon
 32.. 2490.50 607.01. Colonel***........ ragnarok0521
 12.. 2625.34 605.07. Colonel*.......... P.Hakunamatata
 25.. 2868.88 604.74. Lt Colonel**...... hotpear
 11.. 2959.67 604.74. Lt Colonel*....... jack01
 8... 2700.94 604.68. Colonel........... Norris_Chun
 -3.. 2618.90 603.78. Colonel*.......... Taoism
 23.. 2617.31 603.46. Colonel*.......... ganhengqian
 2... 2543.57 603.43. Colonel**......... wantautong
 7... 2761.30 600.65. Lt Colonel***..... bigcat1
 24.. 2842.45 599.85. Lt Colonel**...... superstone
 11.. 2588.16 597.63. Colonel*.......... wenove
 11.. 2444.50 597.34. Colonel***........ f1yinthesky
 5... 2742.76 597.12. Lt Colonel***..... thiefchris
 3... 2826.81 596.96. Lt Colonel**...... extinct123
 6... 2501.29 594.77. Colonel**......... sailosha
 9... 2729.50 594.60. Lt Colonel***..... Petri Wong
 3... 2811.87 594.20. Lt Colonel**...... yuns
 6... 2558.02 591.60. Colonel*.......... Frankie Chan
 10.. 2477.50 589.89. Colonel**......... StayGreen
 6... 2547.92 589.58. Colonel*.......... jzj666
 6... 3066.71 589.34. Commander***...... Sunny panda
 10.. 2329.50 586.84. General........... Dayi Zhang
 8... 2602.31 585.45. Colonel........... Wei_Simayi
 24.. 2671.50 583.59. Lt Colonel***..... Mirror Wong
 24.. 2574.71 580.07. Colonel........... mubai9999
 10.. 2813.97 578.51. Lt Colonel*....... Xi Zheng
 23.. 2717.60 576.76. Lt Colonel**...... finddie
 7... 2632.60 576.20. Lt Colonel***..... BuDoNg
 23.. 2554.33 576.09. Colonel........... rocchen
 9... 2552.00 575.64. Colonel........... hehesmile
 7... 2393.09 572.58. Colonel**......... Zhuge Liang
 36.. 2532.00 571.74. Colonel........... WuDaoGang
 7... 2775.35 571.56. Lt Colonel*....... metatron1989
 7... 2845.25 567.92. Lt Colonel........ theblackbird
 10.. 2509.12 567.28. Colonel........... ataberman
 10.. 2841.58 567.28. Lt Colonel........ andrewlyh
 5... 2577.33 565.69. Lt Colonel***..... Phil Leung
 26.. 2230.76 565.61. General........... sgwingsky
 -2.. 2575.72 565.39. Lt Colonel***..... Begonia
 3... 2739.37 565.09. Lt Colonel*....... zieee
 24.. 2422.24 564.45. Colonel*.......... ieu555
 37.. 2416.50 563.30. Colonel*.......... Mog.c
 20.. 2728.76 563.18. Lt Colonel*....... gemis
 0... 2560.24 562.45. Lt Colonel***..... FM876
 2... 2805.10 560.89. Lt Colonel........ SplitC
 8... 2615.67 557.90. Lt Colonel**...... I am Dave
 10.. 2534.07 557.47. Lt Colonel***..... Xiaohuli
 8... 2683.86 555.09. Lt Colonel*....... sloths
 9... 2442.00 554.19. Colonel........... restartingcn
 9... 2441.58 554.11. Colonel........... mr.ray
 2... 2507.29 552.39. Lt Colonel***..... alexhk83
 14.. 2347.00 549.40. Colonel*.......... A.Torres
 9... 2279.50 549.30. Colonel**......... cattail
 6... 2648.76 548.78. Lt Colonel*....... FoxW
 6... 2486.48 548.43. Lt Colonel***..... Sun Yong
 34.. 2412.00 548.34. Colonel........... Zichao Qiu
 -2.. 2480.83 547.36. Lt Colonel***..... zapping
 9... 2897.88 544.15. Commander**....... ABDOOK
 14.. 2313.00 542.60. Colonel*.......... avv123
 9... 2455.50 542.54. Lt Colonel***..... TightChina
 10.. 2602.29 540.41. Lt Colonel*....... torasuke
 10.. 2439.00 539.41. Lt Colonel***..... khliu501
 7... 2592.32 538.62. Lt Colonel*....... Eason Chan
 12.. 2158.50 537.28. Colonel***........ windtiger
 12.. 2577.50 535.95. Lt Colonel*....... allsunday
 23.. 2149.75 535.45. Colonel***........ JoeWen
 20.. 2572.56 535.06. Lt Colonel*....... watry
 6... 2415.08 534.86. Lt Colonel***..... chjieyu
 19.. 2204.50 533.92. Colonel**......... REPUBLIKBoy
 21.. 2483.00 533.35. Lt Colonel**...... hoho1021
 4... 2482.80 533.32. Lt Colonel**...... Maki_Horikita
 10.. 2405.44 533.03. Lt Colonel***..... jiageng
 12.. 2199.00 532.79. Colonel**......... mukhtarl
 4... 2555.10 531.92. Lt Colonel*....... Sankuaidi
 6... 2626.00 529.55. Lt Colonel........ hkben
 8... 2621.82 528.82. Lt Colonel........ Frederick Cheng
 3... 2450.50 527.34. Lt Colonel**...... bestzhou
 5... 2521.50 525.87. Lt Colonel*....... Yui Hatano
 18.. 2228.65 525.73. Colonel*.......... sinDinosaur
 19.. 2429.00 523.36. Lt Colonel**...... dragoo1
 5... 2569.05 519.58. Lt Colonel........ omgkaka
 21.. 2406.81 519.26. Lt Colonel**...... roytse
 9... 2478.50 518.13. Lt Colonel*....... oldchan
 10.. 2248.00 516.36. Colonel........... J.Elmander
 21.. 2458.00 514.44. Lt Colonel*....... fdcomet
 22.. 2164.60 512.92. Colonel*.......... markoramius
 8... 2367.85 512.05. Lt Colonel**...... lokxyz
 5... 2443.31 511.80. Lt Colonel*....... KitChu
 7... 2693.75 510.47. Commander**....... ean_128
 11.. 2509.50 509.16. Lt Colonel........ BlackMerchant
 13.. 2023.00 508.83. Colonel***........ Linzx
 6... 2766.51 506.64. Commander*........ Rego Grehand
 20.. 2487.00 505.23. Lt Colonel........ eventide
 13.. 2565.50 504.14. Commander***...... bird not
 7... 2480.57 504.10. Lt Colonel........ tl1181231
 21.. 2313.00 501.90. Lt Colonel**...... nadrkanovic
 32.. 2108.50 501.70. Colonel*.......... saintdiablo
 33.. 2108.00 501.60. Colonel*.......... wingsofhope
 19.. 2368.59 498.35. Lt Colonel*....... xienxj
 19.. 2292.50 498.11. Lt Colonel**...... sljemenaprijed
 4... 2445.99 498.05. Lt Colonel........ Royle von Keyn
 8... 2802.43 496.38. Commander......... yijiangfeng
 31.. 2015.93 495.27. Colonel**......... bklwm
 31.. 2192.90 492.65. Lt Colonel***..... charles841
 6... 2487.59 490.89. Commander***...... full of questions
 32.. 2246.00 489.51. Lt Colonel**...... stynj
 7... 2469.77 487.86. Commander***...... Douglas Lai
 7... 2464.91 487.03. Commander***...... Holicxx
 7... 2378.08 486.16. Lt Colonel........ Banagher