[NEWS FROM THE FRONT] Stockholm liberated! Asteria forces advance on all fronts!

Day 5,240, 15:40 Published in USA USA by Tito Magnus
The war against CODE continues as Asteria forces liberate Stockholm and launch further attacks against CODE nations in Eastern Europe, primarily Hungary and Russia, opening another front in the war against Code (the Eastern European Front).


Asteria forces completed the liberation of Sweden following the stunning successes of the military operation to liberate our Swedish ally. Following a series of devastating assaults Asteria forces finally surrounded Stockholm and liberated the city after a short but fierce battle. With Stockholm liberated and Croatia expelled from most of the region, Sweden, once facing the prospect of being completely occupied by conquering CODE forces, has instead been revived and restored as a major Asteria power.

Swedish military forces raise the Swedish flag over Stockholm again


With the war resuming in Asteria’s favor, Serbia recently launched its own invasion of Hungary. With CODE forces disorganized by the rapid Asteria attacks across the globe, Hungary was unable to organize sufficient resistance to Serbian forces. As a result Serbian forces enjoyed huge successes, capturing major swathes of Hungarian territory with little to no resistance. As Serbian forces closed on the last remaining Hungarian holdouts, CODE finally responded by sending reinforcements to shore up the position by taking over defense of Hungary’s final provinces. CODE nations Croatia and Argentina took charge of the defense of Hungary, with the two nations temporarily occupying the last Hungarian provinces to defend them against Serbia. Facing renewed resistance, Serbian forces have halted to plan the final attack to finish Hungary and severely damage CODE’s power in the Balkans.

Romania also took advantage of CODE’s distractions to launch an invasion of Russia. Romanian forces quickly broke through weak Russian defenses to seize huge swathes of Russia’s Black Sea territories, seizing all of Central Black Earth and opening the path to Moscow itself. Romania has currently launched a series of attacks on Moscow, aiming to destroy Russian morale by seizing the fabled spiritual capital of the Russian people and nation.


Following the stunning successes of the first phase of Asteria’s attack on Turkey, the Bulgarian military began a second offensive, aimed at capturing Turkey’s final core provinces in Anatolia and crippling Turkish military capabilities. The Bulgarian offensive was again met with great success, with Bulgarian forces cutting through Turkish lines to seize both Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia. Faced with the prospect of Turkey’s complete collapse, CODE forces, namely Chilean and Albanian military units, launched desperate counterattacks on the Bulgarian forces occupying the Aegean Coast. After fierce fighting the Bulgarians were ultimately forced to withdraw, though inflicting tremendous losses on Chile and Albanian forces in the process.

In eastern Anatolia, Turkey’s presence has been severely undermined, with Georgian resistance units overthrowing their Turkish occupiers and expelling Turkey from the Caucasus region. Turkey has since attempted to shore up its position, currently launching multiple attacks on Bulgarian and Romanian forces occupying Anatolia and attempting to spark resistance wars against the Asteria troops garrisoning these provinces. Turkey has also attempted to reassert its authority in the Caucasus by attacking Georgia, though these attacks have bogged down into wars of attrition against entrenched and determined Georgian forces.

The war continues in Asteria’s favor for now as Asteria forces advance on all fronts. Be vigilant however my fellow eCitizens! Pay attention to the news feed for any instructions from President Kody or other government officials about important battles and make sure to do your part! Fight for Asteria! Fight for America! Fight for the future!