[MoHA] Week 1 Press Release

Day 3,764, 12:06 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Weekly Press Release - Sunday 11/03/2018.

Evening all. This is the first press release of this term, Jamesw has been re-elected and the cabinet has largely stayed the same. Positions are as follows:

President - Jamesw.
MoFA - Aaron Mark Daniels.
MoF - Huey George.
MoD - Dave Trenga/3EyedRaven.
MoHA - Mr Woldy.

If you’re interested in getting involved in Government, please message myself or Jamesw and we can find you a role to see you make an impact in the eUK (also a great way to build a bit of a profile for yourself if you’re interested in getting involved in the politics module).

Ministerial updates

Prime Minister - Jamesw:
“So this week started with an ultimate end to something I wanted to finish last month. Thanks to our Croatian maneuvre, the americans wanted out anyway, but ultimately the war culminated in yet another stand of for Yorkshire. As there weren't many Asterian priorities, our allies had offered help before, and a ton of our companies and production is based in Yorkshire I took the decision to go for it. There was some heavy resistance to begin with, but ultimately thanks to some tanking, some COs, and a little help from our friends, we ended up winning 110-0.

That took up a day of time, but ultimately it was quite satisfying to nil poit them. I should add, towards the middle of the war they sort of subsided, but I thought it was still worth the sentimental value of nil poit'ing them, so we stuck to our guns until the very end.

It was great practice for our own deployments, but also a useful exercise of testing how much support we can get, and how much damage we can rely on: we did pretty well on both counts. The one thing which was missing, was a little extra coordination, which will be ironed out over the coming days.

Outside of that, this month is going to be about consolidation. Last month was pretty great, but it could have been much better. There's stuff going on, and it's got the potential to be pretty awesome, but we need to double down our efforts and ensure that we're focusing ourselves where we should be. Thus over the coming days, stuff like mentors, welcome packs, MU/party funding etc will be continued and re-publicize😛 I will also be finalizing what is hopefully our last welcome message change: as we move from plumping off game links to just offering a useful article in game, which is more likely to get people's lasting attention.”

Minister of Finance - Huey George:
“The MoF has continued recording our daily snapshots of the economy eUK to add to the long-term records and managing our Government and BoE Trust Monetary Market Investments. We have made a further investment of Government funds into additional Organisations for Monetary Market activity.
Rewards have been administered to parties and military units based on their activity, damage and national strike participation.”

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Aaron Mark Daniels:
“Same as usual this month. Looking at improving upon relations with Romania and Croatia for example and celebrating that the USA have buggered off tbh.
In general, over the next month we'll be looking st building upon and nurturing new relationships”

Minister of Defence - Dave Trenga:
“Over the past week MoD have welcomed our new TW partner Croatia to our regions. We have released orders and given our cash as part of the rewards program. We have coordinated the closing down of the American "TW", which needed a bit of COs but still went pretty smoothly. On Sunday we will host our weekly National Strike!”

Minister of Home Affairs - Mr Woldy:
“The Ministry has started with a push to try and find helpers this month, as we plan to monitor the mentor scheme, continue with ‘long’ ingame games and weekly competitions, as well as explore off-site competitions and games for eUK’ers to participate in. We welcome suggestions from eUK’ers (feel free to comment) on what games they might like to compete on through Steam or Origin, and the MoHA can begin to arrange tournaments. A comeback tournament on Supremacy1914 is being planned by TimmyTango which I encourage people to participate in.”

Caption Competition!

Last week's contest was won by none other than Horice G Fossil.

As there was some participation last month, and some people require this as light relieve from the press release itself, I think it will do us no harm to continue with the caption comps, and offer the following image as a sacrifice on the altar of wit this week:

Give it a go, there are no wrong answers!

Remember to help the MoHA’s media presence - shout this article to your parties, MU’s and friends!
Thanks for reading,
Mr Woldy.