[MoHA] Mentoring, Quizzing & Press Release

Day 3,750, 05:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Weekly Press Release - Sunday 25/02/2018.

Good afternoon all, in this article you’ll find updates from the MoHA concerning the Royal Quiz’s return and a new mentoring program (sign up!) as well as sunday’s usual press release further down the page.

Royal Quiz!

What? A pub quiz! 8 rounds of ten questions for teams to answer and score points.

Where? On Discord, UkGov general channel (This may change to a quizzing channel - TBD)

When? 5pm, Sunday 4th March.

Who? Anyone from the eUK can participate as an individual or in teams up to 4. We welcome party teams, MU teams and so on.

How? Simply sign up using this sign up sheet.

Prizes? 1st place 50Q7 weaps and £2,000. 2nd place 25Q7 weaps and £1,000. Plus other Raspberry awards.

Questions? Ask me, your magnanimous host; Mr Woldy

Mentoring Program

RIGHT, to help our new players we are setting up a coaching program, and as such, we need some volunteers to be coaches. It’s very straightforward, send me a message.

All it will mean is your name is kept on a coaching article for new folk, which will be included in the new player message. It will point to you as a contact for new people joining the game who have questions as to how they play, what they’re doing and so on. It’s very simple, but something we haven’t been doing.

We don’t expect that the demand on volunteers will be very high, but we do feel it will have an impact on retention, one of our key aims this month. It’ll be a fairly easy way to contribute to boosting some activity and retention in the eUK. Do your bit to help!

Ministerial updates

Prime Minister - Jamesw:
“This past week has had highs and lows. There was a super awesome proposal that came up, and it's a great chance for us to try something different, but we're still looking at the finer details of how it'd work. I've been fiddling with welcome messages and somehow still managing to bugger it up, but hopefully once my image guy has finished stuff it'll be at, or close to, where I'd like it to be. Outside of that, Discord has been taking up a lot of my time as I try to keep in touch with the newer players who've joined the channel. The reason I'm sending this so late is because I've just spent an hour with a new guy, he joined the channel before he did anything daft and it looks like he'll be able to help MoHA realise what sort of issues new signups are facing. The weird, and great, thing, is whilst i'm writing this other new players are re-using the advice i originally gave to them to answer some of his basic questions. That's vindication in my book. Going through all of these hoops to setup discord, get people here, and constant messaging is finally starting to reap rewards. I've been trying to finalize strikes but we're struggling to find people so I've had to delay stuff temporarily. I should be ready to go starting next monday though, so let's hope nothing else comes up.

Outside of that, we're in the hump, and I'm glad the NNA thing kicked in, because it's good to have a day where I'm not writing my own article, or badgering someone to finish theirs. The realisation that basically, a lot of the stuff that gov does, I'm doing myself is kicking in, but if anything, it's just motivating me even more to double down and do the work. I'm hoping that everyone else keeps stuff up, and the people caught up in RL can come back to normal activity over the coming days. I have PM'd the whole UK asking for help before, so I won't bother again, I only got an offer from Appleby... so yeah.

Other than that, I messaged the whole UK once again advertising the NNA and article thing. I appreciate people who have already done something, to then receive a reminder, is a bit of an irk; but I don't want to leave anyone out, so even if I think that I know you've already done something, I send the reminder again anyway just to make sure no-one falls through hoops. So anyone reading this who thinks I get a kick out of asking you to do something you've already done: I don't. I hate mass messaging, but as hardly anyone is interacting with articles (hence NNA) or shouts (hence stikes from next week) it's the only really reliable way I have for getting information out there. If you don't want to receive my messages, then get active and interact with the national feed, articles, or other feeds! Over the coming days we should be finalizing a big pet peeve of mine: tutorials. I've pretty much finished 'how to fight smart' aka: war part 2, MoHA has an awesome 'overview' of all available material, and the MoF will be going through holding companies, how to decide where to set a company and all of that stuff, so I'm quietly confident that by the end of the month, our basic tutorial structure should be in place. That'll mean future work can be on more intermediate stuff.”

Minister of Finance - Huey George:
“Once again the MoF has been recording our daily snapshots of the economy eUK to add to the long-term records, managing our Government and BoE Trust Monetary Market Investments.
Rewards were again administered to parties and military units based on their activity, damage and national strike participation (as directed by the MoD).

Our future plans for the rest of the term is to continue with the above and would hope to produce some more guides before the end of the term.”

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Aaron Mark Daniels:
“On top of the usual things this week it’s basically been just the causal messaging of our allies and article prep for the week ahead. Begging in contact with people for interviews, etc and planning out what I’m actually going to write from day to day! There have been a few things going on which I’ll be able to update you on in the near future hopefully, but other than that it’s mostly been admin work.”

Minister of Defence - Dave Trenga:
“Pretty much the same for MoD. We've been trying to put out our daily order articles. We have been given out the rewards to the MUs for Strike participation, Air Damage and Damage growth. MoD also announced another strike for Sunday from 02.00 - 04.00 erep. And trying to sort out daily strikes, however, James will be better at answering any queries regarding that.”

Minister of Home Affairs - Mr Woldy:
“As mentioned above, the MoHA has produced a guide that tries to introduce people to erep, guide them through their first steps and point them towards guidance on business and fighting produced by the other ministries. This hasn’t been published yet, it’s still being reviewed by a couple of newer players to try and ensure that it is actually useful to them and will reduce rather than increase their confusion.

Great Scott! Is ticking over nicely, with players writing home this week to win one off rewards. The Royal Quiz will take place next sunday, see more on that above. We’ll also start looking for mentors this week to help participate in an in-game and discord based mentoring program. You’ll find a sign up link up the page - it will be a fairly easy job so please sign up to help coach people.”

Caption Competition!

Last weeks Caption Competition saw very few contributors, maybe they felt like their possible contributions were skating on thin ice. Nevertheless, Mr Knee’s caption-come-commentary has won him 500 GBP. Easy Money!

This week, captions are needed for the following picture:

Give it a go, there are no wrong answers!

Remember to help the MoHA’s media presence - shout this article to your parties, MU’s and friends!
Thanks for reading,
Mr Woldy.