[MoE] Iaponia IV

Day 5,288, 19:48 Published in Japan Ireland by Violence Seth

Subscribe, sure you'll forget to after reading all the way down.

G'wan. Have a look and see.

Hey, t'is me, Seth the Education expert, the May eJapan MoE in the soona place to be. The role of MoE seems gravitational. I don't know anything you don't already know. I don't know nothin' 'bout Anime. Jealous? Sure, you needn't be. I'm looking for a Protégé type. ePress remains a valid part of the game, especially in small eNations.

An Garda Síochána dispersing a crowd of drunken Pokémon, Dublin 2001

Sorry for the delay and thanks for your patience. This is the third time I've posted this. 七転び八起き

Right so.

How about some community engagement alá a weekly eJapanese Citizen Spotlight?

*drumroll plz*

This weeks inaugural eJapanese Citizen Spotlight is the legendary, enigmatic

Death Kneel

He has kindly taken time from his state of eCryostasis to answer a few inaugural questions in what I hope can be at least a weekly segment, abhinc.

Q: What drew you to eJapan?
A: I played here before. Before the game went alpha.

Q: Any hot takes for Plato or all is well?
A: I do not know many of the old staff, we are stuck with the same cadre so long it is difficult to get a name/face.

Q: Have you any advise for new eJapanese citizens?
A: Don't fret, we don't bite.

Q: Any anime you could recommend?
A: I would go for some Record of Lodoss War.

Message below or PM me who you think should be on next issues Citizen Spotlight.

Sure yis could nominate yourselves if you have anything you want to broadcast.

For all ye shameless pirates, Record of Lodoss War
Be it at your own peril, ye scallywags!

Closing Anecdotes

Drudging up a set of trick stairs, I post here,
Unbalanced by the bedlam and endorse-dust and spray
Of quick Spring moments, in the woods on private lots, laying idle
Wild as the march Hare, I'll reef at the sinew and
bone and connection to the state of everything I've known
All too quick and honest

So! That's the show ladies and gentlemen. I hope to post more but yiz know yerselves, RL stuff n' all. I'll leave you with this belated, rando vid for Golden Week

(I was a bit too late on that wan, but ara sure, what can you do?)

Ya Boi,

Seth the Skald

A shout out to Advisor spike.spiegel and the venerable Nanashi Senshi & Ōkī thanks to Death Knell (as he's known this week) for his precision candour. A gent if ever I met wan.

Don't forget to nominate someone for the next edition!