{MOE} Guns N' Buns End of Month Sum Up

Day 2,413, 13:15 Published in Canada Canada by crisfire

With the upcoming Country President elections on the 5th of July it will be up to the candidates to decide whether or not to continue with this worthy program to help new players with donations of food and weapons as well as a source to ask questions and obtain links to important sites such as the eCanada forums. For this program to continue it will not only need a different steward to run it but more money from the Government.

Some quick stats to sum up the month

Each participant was given 40 Q7 tanks and 6000 Health a week

Total tanks delivere😛 6080
Total cost of foo😛 9360


30,000cc and 1000Q7 tanks from DMV
2020cc from JonathonEdwards
400 Q7 tanks From Dillpickl
12,020cc from crisfire
25,000cc from the eCanadian people

Thanks to Umbra Bellator for selling some tanks at a reduced price

Participants 41/34 active at end of month
(41 people signed up for donations, questions and links. 34 remained active enough to qualify for continued donations)

Total cost of program for 1 month

44,248 covered by donations

It is obvious to see that without the generosity of a few this program at its current supply rate would not of been possible.

These are the Country President hopefuls that have declared their intent to run eCanada for the month of July so ask them questions here, in their CP articles or shoot them a PM.

Ardikus V2 of the Military Dictatorship Party

Bruce Lightninghands of the Imperial Wolves Party

yst31 of the United Front Party

Thanks go to DMV3 and his administration for seeing the importance of making sure we help people in their early days so that eCanada can try and stop its population decline and perhaps even grow it, player by player.

Getting Started

What should I do on daily basis
What is energy and how do I keep it high
What can I find in my land
Which features are unlocked after reaching each level


How you can fight
What happens on a battlefield
How wars work
What a resistance war is
What a resistance war is


Political Parties
When and how elections take place
What you can do if you’re a member of Congress or President


Different companies that you can create
Qualities of products
Different raw materials
Different products
How much you can produce in different companies

The Media

How you can find newspaper articles you are interested in
How and what’s required to start a newspaper
How to write newspaper articles

Great Tips for Beginners

- Join a Military Unit to take advantage of Daily Order rewards and seek help and supplies

- Join a political party and ask for help

- Save your gold to invest in training facilities

- Make lots of friends so that you can get info from shouts

- If your going to upgrade anything WAIT for the periodic deals like the 45% off company upgrade ect, ect.

- Make sure your in a Military Unit that provides supplies to fight and move

- Find enjoyment in game by interacting with others through the media, forums, shouts etc, and not even worrying about accomplishment in battle or business. These are crafted to be money sinks surely ending in disappointment.

- Don’t spend more in resources to accomplish eReps periodic missions then you get back in reward

- Do the math if you plan on hiring people and take tax’s into account, don’t lose money.

- eCanada is full of people willing to help out new players with food and weapons, start in MU’s and political party’s, grow your player network, use your feeds to ask for help.

- Upgrade your energy centers and training facilities, don’t waste gold on Energy bars and first aid packs.

- If you plan to spend real life money the best deal is the monthly Combat Stash

- Work, train and fight every day

- Don’t lose money chasing a Mercenary Medal as the reward is only 5 gold.

If you have any tips not included here please PM me and ill add them

TheSmoke & Crisfire
Ministers of Education and Welfare