¡Hola! Madrid!

Day 3,367, 22:23 Published in Spain Croatia by Selak Ivan

Buenos dias! Es un placer conocerle, soy Comet Academy. Encantado de conocerle. Fuera hace un poco fresquito.(hard time for me writing this.... is that at least clear? XD )

As you guys know, I am originally from South Korea and I've just graduated high school there. To celebrate our graduation, me and some of my friends started planning a Spain tour 2 months ago, and here we are in the center of Madrid now!

I am extremely pleased to see and meet those beautiful buildings and kind people here. We had hard time finding our room yesterday, but we finally found with huge helps from your people. Gracias!

I hope we can find more innder beauty of this city during the tour 😉

Plane from Paris to Madrid

Palacio de Correos


Cooked fish and potatoes!

Madrid street

¡Hola! Madrid!