[Gov]Reports of the first week!

Day 1,365, 11:05 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Hello citizens,

Here are some intresting reports from ministers for week 1 of my term. It has been a very good week for eBelgium. We decided a new MPP, TW ends, and the Army is reformed to make sure that people from BTA can easily be transformed to BAF.

In my previous article I told you something about minister meetings, well we currently already had 2 meetings. One about merging and one about BTA-BAF integrations and to be honnest, those 2 meetings were very intresting! Reports of these meetings can you read in the links below.

Merger meeting

BAF-BTA integration

Minister of Economy:
The main task is the daily upkeep of the Belgian Accounting spreadsheet. Two articles were publishe😛 an explanation of monetary intervention and offers; and a FAQ on starting a resistance war. Since the name change, MoE changed the newspaper name and pixel-edited the government articles footer label. MoE wantonly advices anyone who asks or not, mainly about taxes and wages.

Minister of Defence:
-Post Daily Civilian Orders
- Post Daily Orders to the Army
- Keep both Civillian and Army orders up to date.
- Attended meeting about BAF/BTA Merger and gave my input
- Wrote a report based on the BAF/BTA Merger meeting
- Coordinated the Training War the eUK CP Thorrold.

State Secretary of Defence:
I don't know if this counts, but I developed a bot to make it easier to coordinate battles/wars in Training Wars and our own wars if we ever get in to one. I'm also working on rewriting the battle guide Vulcain wrote a while back.

Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Through the past week, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs published an article to recruit new ambassadors and the article had some success - two new ambassadors were appointed and they are now representing eBelgium over the eWorld. Also, I have cleared the inactive ambassadors, and now it is easier to see who are the ambassadors of eBelgium as you just enter the forum, and you can be sure that all of them are active. Finally, the negotiations for MPP with Hungary were successful and now we are voting it. The options for the second MPP are still being considered.

More reports were sent, but these are the most intresting 😉 (not that other ministers are boring or something 😛 )

Have a nice day,

President of eBelgium