[FEDVR] Days Twelve and Thirteen

Day 3,269, 03:57 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

I appreciate Yui’s honesty. The big increase in people who want to spin in a day let something fall between the cracks- the fact that he missed yet another challenge and was eliminated once more.

But I am nothing if not merciful (don’t laugh), so DAY 12 of The Wheel was all about redemption and restoring honor. Yui, Tenshibo, NewAzazel (Azazel Romanov), psybertron (Shuji Ariwa), and WhyDoIBotherToo all completed a challenge to get back onto the good graces of The Wheel and have re-entered the race to become the Ultimate Winner.



lil’ guns

Free Parking is over $20,000 already, we have a player-created space on The Wheel that is a total game-changer and my baby is flippin adorable in his little homemade Halloween costume. He also did a very good job of gathering almond joy’s for his mama.


Major Trite
Major Trite: MEDIA MADNESS: eRep will shut its doors forever in 1 week. What do you do?

Orikfricai: MEDIA MADNESS: Interview the laziest person in the country.
NOT TODAY SATAN: Get out of spin free card

Yui: TROLLIN: Declare war on someone
I declare war on this f*cking wheel for always giving me media pieces
***$ECOND $PIN***
Yui: TROLLING: Give me $500

MCKitKat: Getting to know you: Do you believe in ghosts? What are they?
Take One: Ghosts are an annoying british teen with a blank white blanket above their heads running around and saying stupid words in a british accent. They also are really fast for some reason.
Take Two: I don't believe in ghosts, ghosts are non-existing. I mean who would even run around as a ghost. That's got to be a shitty job, always being confused for members of the KKK, being greeted by Trump supporters and beaten down by everyone else.
Take Three: [ success ]

ike: There's a secret you've been keeping, time to confess.
I've lied to people about why I named my dog Benson. I say that it is because "it just came to me," but in reality he was named after the person who I secretly love(d) from back home.

Hale Kane: ADVICE PLOX: Is it normal for two left-handed men, in a closed room together, conducting business to get intimate feelings for one another?
Whatever happened behind closed doors is those people business. Just don't get me involved in it! 😛
(boo hiss that was terrible)

(Psy) Shuji: FACE ME FINGERGUNS (I make a new banner for your paper)

Tenshibo: ADVANCE TO THE FINALS (you do not have to spin again until November 13) submitted by Hale Kane


FREE PARKING is at $23,500!! That's huge! Also, I know you didn’t miss that space that Hale Kane created- advance to the finals. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? Well, I can’t say, but it appears to start on November 13.

Remember this is the last week for new spinners, so if you want to test your luck and take a chance at becoming the ULTIMATE WINNER of THE WHEEL, then join me in the general room on the Fed Discord server! Now let’s get to spinnin!

shadowber: Get out of spin free card (can be used at any time- transferrable)
***$ECOND $PIN***
shadowber: MEDIA MADNESS: write a poem about me
[ success ]

MCKitKat: MEDIA MADNESS: create a 'dating profile' for yourself to find love in erep
[ success ]
***$ECOND $PIN***
MCKitKat: CHA-CHING! You win $100!!

NewAzazel: Save someone who has been eliminated

Yui: MEDIA MADNESS: Who would you most like to trade places with in eRep and why?
[ success ]

Malarkey: MEDIA MADNESS: Write a hype piece for the wheel
[ success ]

Hale Kane: 1-UP (extra life, non transferrable)

wasp15: Finish this sentence: My favorite thing about eRep is ______
The Fed Party.

Another brand new spinner and another new space hit! Expect more little bonuses and prizes as we go along. Also FREE PARKING is up to $27,000! That’s the biggest it’s ever been!!! How high will it go before someone get its?!

Join me tomorrow in the Fed discord to test your luck or just share the love with the other spinners.


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THE WHEEL IS LIFE: How to play