[EN/RO]Housecleaning still going strong/ Marea Curatenie continua

Day 1,266, 01:31 Published in Romania China by mihail.cazacu
One week ago I was pointing out the interesting coincidence between the massive purge of multiaccounts/clones/bots prior to Easter (April 24) and the reverses suffered by the NWO.

Since then we have seen a series of mini-purges, which resulted in the "forced retirement" of a sizable number of level 26 and 27 players.

I find that type of "retirement" more interesting than the massive purges. The huge 20k+ housecleaning before Easter was performed by the Admins using automated tools. The mini-purges were mainly the result of the players' individual hunting and reporting. And most of the successful banning was the work of the local bot-hunting: Poles successfully exposed the Polish cheaters, Serbs got Serbian bot-master wannabes banned and the Hungarians started to clean their own house.

Hungary's situation is a tad different than Poland's and Serbia's because roughly half of the key Hungarian players are RL Romanian citizens. While in Poland and Serbia the main motivation for multi-hunting remains the political rivalry, the multi-hunting in Hungary is also politically motivated, but with a twist. There is indeed the same political rivalry among the 5 leading parties just like in Poland and Serbia. And on top of that there is the rivalry between the Hungarian Hungarians and the Romanian Hungarians.

That rivalry is somewhat similar to the one in eChina, where in the beginning of the eChinese political life RL Hong Kong and Taiwan residents competed against each other and against the residents of Mainland China. That competition was both along the various political parties and inside each party. Eventually the Chinese managed to sort out most of the issues among themselves. And another source of political rivalries disappeared when the Admins brought Taiwan (Republic of China) to the game.

However I expect the Hungarian power struggle between the Hungarian Hungarians and the Romanian Hungarians to follow a different path than in China:

1. There's no equivalent to Taiwan to accommodate the political ambitions of some of the members of the Hungarian community;

2. The Romanian Hungarians aren't decisively concentrated in only one party. Hatarontuli Magyar Szovetseg has a lot of them, but many others are spread among the other parties. So the intra-party rivalry will continue to be as strong as the classical inter-party rivalry;

3. All the Chinese, irrespective of their geographical location, worked for the interests of eChina (this is the explanation why the Admins didn't get their much-desired Chinese-Taiwanese war). Some of the Romanian Hungarians work for Romania for the simple reason they are fed-up with the 19th century style of rabid nationalism which still makes so many Hungarian players tick. Therefore as long as the hard-core nationalists stay in game, some of the Romanian Hungarians would sabotage eHungary to the extent of their abilities. That sabotage includes reporting the multi-accounts using information gathered through the "grapevine" (indiscreet remarks on the IRC channels, forums, etc.)

But let's focus on the main thing here: even though the internal hunting for multies has different motivations in Poland, Serbia and Hungary, what matters is internal multi hunting makes a cleaner and therefore more enjoyable game for everybody.

Therefore happy hunting!


Vorbeam acum o saptamana despre Marea Curatenie de Paste, care a avut ca scop diminuarea spectaculoasa a fortei militare a NWO (Ungaria, Polonia, Serbia si catelusii lor).

Odata cu disparitia brusca a mai mult de 20 000 de clone, balanta militara s-a mai echilibrat. Acum Ungaria mai poate castiga temporar in luptele cu Romania, doar cu pretul pierderii unor teritorii de catre aliatii lor. Dupa care, aliatii incep sa-si vada de ale lor iar noi putem sa-i impingem pe unguri afara.

Treaba interesanta e ca in ultima vreme in Ungaria are loc o vanatoare de clone organizata chiar de unguri.

Vanatori nationale de clone s-au mai intamplat cam peste tot. Polonia, Serbia, Rusia, au asa ceva periodic. Si ele se intampla si la noi.

Motivul principal pentru care au loc vanatorile interne, facute de jucatori, nu de Admini, este rivalitatea politica.

Chestia interesanta in Ungaria este ca acolo se intampla doua tipuri de rivalitati politice: una este intre partide, ca peste tot. Alta, mult mai interesanta, are loc intre ungurii din Ungaria si ungurii din Romania (care, din cand in cand, se mai cearta si intre ei, ungurii de la noi cu secuii).

O situatie asemanatoare s-a mai intamplat in China, unde rivalitatea initiala era intre chinezii din China propriu-zisa, cei din Hing Kong si cei din Taiwan. Dupa ce Taiwanul a fost pus pe harta, o parte din sursele de competitie au disparut.

Totusi evolutia din Ungaria va fi diferita de cea din China:

1. Lipseste un echivalent al Taiwanului. Ungurii din Romania ar trebui sa se intoarca acasa, si sa lupte impotriva Ungariei. Aia care se comporta ca niste cetateni loiali au facut-o deja. Restul s-ar lasa mai degraba de joc;

2. Ungurii din Romania sunt raspanditi prin toate partidele lor, spre deosebire de chinezi, care se grupau geografic. Acum exista un partid cu multi unguri din Romania (Hatarontuli Magyar Szovetseg - in traducere libera "Sovietul Ungurilor cu Hotare Trilulilu"). Dar destui dintre ungurii de la noi sunt raspanditi si la celelalte patru partide de top. Asa ca bataia va fi in continuare si intre prtide, si in interiorul partidelor;

3. Toti chinezii, indiferent de originea geografica, lucrau pentru China. Asta e motivul pentru care Adminii n-au avut parte de razboiul pe care si-l doreau, intre China si Taiwan.

Cu ungurii treaba e putintel mai complicata, pentru ca unii dintre ei lucreaza pentru noi. Aia care considera ca iredentismul dauneaza bunei convietuiri in Viata Reala, vor continua sa saboteze Ungaria.

Unul din modurile prin care o fac este sa-i vaneze pe vajnicii "patrioti", care cloneaza "pentru ca Ungaria sa fie puternica". Flacaii aia cu mare dor de Trianon nu pot trai fara sa le fie cunoscute si recunoscute meritele. Asa ca din cand in cand se mai bat cu caramida in piept pe vreun chat, pe vreun forum. Adica acolo unde continuam sa avem ochi si urechi. Metoda este imparabila: ungurii nu pot restrictiona accesul la canalele lor de chat si la forumuri pentru ungurii din Romania, pentru ca si-ar pierde cam jumatate din piesele grele.

Cred ca pe viitor vom continua sa vedem cum unguri de nivel 26, 27 sau mai mare vor disparea subit, chestie care se va simti si pe campul de lupta. De fapt, se simte deja.

Sigur ca asta ne bucura. Dar important e sa retinem ca indiferent de originea lor, clonele sunt un mod de a strica jocul pentru toata lumea. De aceea, cu cat mai putine, cu atat mai bine!

E bine ca Marea Curatenie continua. Sa curatam si noi harta de salata!