[EN] eSerbia

Day 1,270, 11:08 Published in Romania China by mihail.cazacu

Two months ago the Admins finally realized the bot farms are bad for their business. The main reason for bot-farming was far from patriotic: the bots were first and foremost producing gold for their master, who then sold it on the black-market in return for Real Life currency. The "patriotism" of the clone-masters was just a by-product of their lucrative business: the scripts which made the bots work also made them fight.

The problem was the Admins implemented the anti-bot-farming policy in two stages:

Stage One - the gold transfer was limited to 10 gold/person/day. This did kill the ability of the bot farmers to make serious money but also made impossible the legitimate financing of the tanks of many nations.

While many nations were suddenly deprived of tanks, the clone armies remained intact. The gold those clones were producing was now pretty much useless but they still could fight. So what did the Clone Masters do?

Some of them simply left the game but many others decided to strike back. If the Admins had destroyed their business, they'll try to destroy the game in retaliation. So instead of leaving, they stayed in-game with the sole purpose of commanding their clones in battle.

What was visible to the naked eye was the sudden collapse of several countries which had based their defense mainly on tanks.

The key question was: were those tanks financed mainly by legit sources or were those tanks backed by huge clone-farms?

It was impossible to answer that question 2 months ago because whatever bot armies existed, they were still active on both sides. So the crushing series of victories inflicted by NWO on EDEN + Terra could have been interpreted in two ways:

Hypothesis A: Once the tanks were removed on both sides, the countries with the largest number of real players would win. The clone farms make indeed large armies but those armies are comprised of very weak soldiers. Clones fighting on one side would be compensated by the clones fighting on the other side so in the end the alliance with the largest number of real players would win;

Hypothesis B: If the clones are concentrated mainly in one alliance, the other side would be severely disadvantaged because the only way they had been able to keep the balance until then was by legitimately financing their tanks. Once the legit tanks were deprived of financing, the clone armies would crush any resistance.

We had to wait for the massive elimination of the clones to see which hypothesis was true.

Stage Two - the clones were massively purged from the system. In a single day some 20000 "players" got the Banhammer. That incident took place right before Easter (April 24).

What we saw after Easter was that the overwhelming superiority of NWO evaporated overnight. Literally. It is up to you, my good readers, to draw your own conclusions.

Today we live in a eWorld where clones still exist but their number is severely diminished since April 24. And the Admins are dead serious about exterminating them.

In this eWorld eSerbia is now down to a single region. This is an eWorld where eSerbia has 4 main allies: ePoland with 22,000 players, eMacedonia with 14,000 players, eTurkey with 11,000 and eHungary with 9,000 players.

eTurkey and eMacedonia might be populous, but their populations are quite young compared to those of the eUSA, eCroatia, eRomania, eRussia, eGreece or eChina. eBrasil and eBulgaria had their baby-booms at roughly the same time as eTurkey and eMacedonia so they cancel out the younger NWO Superpowers.

Therefore we can safely say that in this Brave New eWorld purged of clones eSerbia's defense depended on ePoland and eHungary. And while eSerbia was losing region after region, ePoland and eHungary were trying hard to repeatedly defend...Crisana, the last Romanian province still held by Hungary.


With "allies" like those, who needs enemies?