Day 3,735, 09:56 Published in Cyprus Israel by 3.14 Goat

Hello people that love goats, and people that don't know it yet, but love goats also 🙂

since i was again elected as CyPlus CP for the next month,
it's my duty & pleasure to introduce our gov team:

CP of Goats Island ~ Sergeant Spring ~~|~~ PM of Goats Island ~ Mich3lAngel0


MoD of Goats Island ~ Mithrantir ~~|~~ V.MoD of Goats Island ~ PiluPirru


MoFA of Goats Island ~ Dictoydeurn ~~|~~ V.Mofa of Goats Island ~ PriinzMirza


Governor of Goats Island ~ TsoglaN

MoE of Goats Island ~ Maliopopoubross


🐐 We are looking for "new-blood" at all our gov offices, if you wish to learn all the top secret things only gov members know (like: where do goats go to die?) talk to me and i will hook u up 🙂

🐐 During the coming weekend, a new ### Cyprus High Council ### PM will be lunched by me, please update me if you wanna join the Council o7

🐐 Join secret whatsapp of CyPlus, so we can track you in RL & send you goat propaganda & our secret recipe for baklava! "Eat baklava like a B0$$!!!"

you can also keep yourself updated on a variety of subjects like: "where can i buy cheap porn/goat food?" or "why are franchman so gay?" join whatsapp group today \o/

🐐 8008s are so awesome 🐐

🐐 Cats are also awesome 🐐

10x ppl for voting me in to office xD - i can't wait for my impeachment 🙂 in honor of our cypriot tradition o7

Sergeant Spring,
CP of Goats Island