[CPF] TheSmoke4PP

Day 2,124, 13:35 Published in Canada Poland by TheSmoke
This one is for Tom Joad,

Hello everyone, today I am announcing that I will run for the position of Party President for the Canadian Progressive Front, for a hopeful 3rd term in a row. I hope to bring to this party what I have brought to it for the past two terms, that being activity, leadership capabilities, communication, ability to work with other parties, successful congressional elections, and a very beneficial program to all CPF members. There may be other things, but who really knows right? Chyea
I am happy with how our party is representing itself within the eCan community, as our members are productive, helpful, and here to progress the country as a whole. This is what I wish to continue to produce as the Party President. We must stay active and engaged, in order to remain at the top. To do so I have several promises for those who vote for me.

1) Not only continue our Moose Calls, but to help push for more communication, more brain storming, more issues brought up, and more general activity overall.

2) I will continue to operate the CPF Assistance Program, which to date has provided 910 Q7 tanks to our members at 40% off of current market value. With an average price of 12.50 per tank, that’s a savings of $4,550 for our members. It has also provided 120 Q6 tanks at 40% off of market value, along with 62,000 energy units.

3) I will push hard to ensure that we have another strong, and involved group of Congress members in the next election.

4) We will hold our regular CP primary to find out who as a whole, we will stand behind.

I hope that on the 15th of September, you will vote for me in the Party President election. For those of you who do, I will try my best to fulfil my promises and all your fantasies, what? What I mean to say is I will continue to work hard to keep this community strong, committed and fun.

