[CPF] Smoke for the Moon Base Tower

Day 2,133, 18:42 Published in Canada Poland by TheSmoke
This one is for Tom Joad,

Another month has come and past, and now only 90 sleeps till the winter solstice, yay for Pagan rituals! Chyea. But also, another month and once again, congressional elections are before us. Such privileged people we are, aren’t we?

This article is to help clarify where I stand on congressional, and Canadian issues, and how I will respond to them. As many of you may know, my experience extends from my role as Commander of the CAF, and Party President of the CPF, with tenures as a congressman, and positions within CP cabinets and executive teams.

The two main area’s I would like to see focus on, and how I see them, are as follows:

Canada joining CoT. I am all for this adventure, and will fight hard to make this happen. Canada has learned that small alliances such as Asgard, Wolf, or NaN bread are not in our best interest at this moment. Asgard was what it was, and occupation for 8 months. I am not dissing any of those allies still in Asgard, as they are great fighters for their size, but we in no way were a match for TWO, who was, and is, an aggressor to Canadian Sovereignty. The only real options I see remaining are to join TWO, changing everything in our foreign department, we could stay neutral, and maybe win a Nobel Peace Prize for not getting involved in a war game, or we join CoT. To me, the decision is pretty easy to make.

Canadian Taxes and Funding. We are currently flirting with low taxes, and thus low to no government income, in hopes of attracting businessmen and women. As lucrative and exciting this sounds, I don’t believe the honeymoon will last forever. We will need to continue funding MPPs, and if MU funding is to be reinstated, well we are going to need money then right? In order for Canada to become a stronger fighting country, and thus more respected in alliances and battlefields, we will need our citizens and MU’s pumping out more damage. Pay those who earn it.

I can go on about trying to recruit my dead grandma to play this game, and help offer player retention, I could also promise cheese and whine, but alas I should not steal CW’s thunder. Go ahead do your happy dance guys…

I offer activity, commitment and level headed thinking. A vote for Smoke is a vote for TheSmoke. Helping to build a better tomorrow, for tomorrow.

Join the Canadian Progressive Front political party today for a solid committed community to Progress Canada to the moon.