Congress Elections

Day 1,128, 12:30 Published in Canada Canada by Ralph Kline

Hello eCanadians,

On Saturday December 25th, we will be electing another group of Congressmen to office.

We are all facing difficult times and those elected will be making many difficult votes. Recently erepublik admins have made changes to the congress vote and there are no longer experience points awarded for them. I for one, feel they did not go far enough. They should have cancelled the treasure map bonus for winning a seat as well. All too often we see citizens elected that do nothing! They get their 4.5 gold and make a few proposals that end up getting voted down because of not following procedure.

What an insult to fellow citizens this is. To take the money and abuse the position. I ask if you are not going to participate in the forums and get into the business of running the country, don't run!
This situation is exactly how laws get passed that make no sense and we end up getting mowed down by foreign armies with our allies unable (or unwilling) to help us.

Now, there are several very good congressmen in office at the moment and I see several that have decided to run for the 25th election. I mean not disrespect to those that participate in the forums or plan to when elected. This is what we need more of.

I will be running for a congress seat in Alberta, if you happen to log in on Christmas and want to vote for someone experienced who will do his best to make this country whole again, vote for me.

I hope for a happy holiday for all of you, eat too much, drink too much and enjoy life.
You never know what's next, as I have been painfully reminded of with the passing of a relative yesterday morning.

Merry Christmas,
Ralph Kline