...and Now a Few Words From Our Publisher:

Day 1,438, 18:03 Published in USA USA by Clorox II

Ladies, gents, boys and girls:

I think that I'm over the election now. Needless to say, I had my ass handed to me.

Running for office did seem to bring me out of my shell, and one of the positive things that came out of my failed candidacy was moderate success as a media wonk. I guess that you could call that snatching moderate success from the jaws of abject failure. I just want to take this time to thank all who stopped by and perused my rag. You were quite generous with the comments, votes and subscriptions.

Let me extend congratulations to all friends and associates who won seats in the congressional elections (especially ST6 members--much RAWR!). Finally, thank you to the two (unpaid, I might add) players who voted for me.

I will try to come up with followup material that might be thought-provoking and entertaining.