[AFA-Congress Elections] Vote American Freedom Alliance for a better tomorrow!

Day 2,042, 21:31 Published in USA Serbia by Chopp

Dear Americans,

This days our beautiful homeland is struggling. We are all asking ourself what caused the current crisis in our beloved society and who is responsible.
We are loosing on all fronts in this virtual world.

We are losing on all military fronts against "TWO" countries but that's not the worst thing. We are loosing without fight, elitists and their friends don't want to fight for us. They are letting all our regions one by one in the hands of our enemies. Where is their duty and honor? Why are they giving our homeland to foreigners? I don't know but something caused this. Like what?

Secretary of State had the worst month ever or they along with the whole Government Cabinet and President of the United States betrayed us all. There is no help from our so called allies. US Government didn't want to save us from this invasion or they didn't have enough power and knowledge to make our allies help us. We are the strongest country in the "Circle of Trust" and we don't have enough authority in the alliance headquarter. Really?
I don't buy it.

We might loose congress this month or maybe even for a longer period. They could keep us like this for months if we don't make some changes in our own backyard.

What's our next move and what should we do? I don't know about you but I think we have a better people for this job then elitists in the current US Government.

Now we start changing things over here!
It's a very last moment!

American Freedom Alliance is still standing! We must be united and determined in our cause!

Join American Freedom Alliance so we could fight together for our freedom and democracy! For our homeland!

Vote American Freedom Alliance because that's the only right solution!

AFA Party President

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[AFA-Congress Elections] Vote American Freedom Alliance for a better tomorrow!