Yeah, Time to Jump Back In

Day 942, 20:00 Published in USA United Kingdom by Devoid
TL😉R Version: I'm running for Congress in Florida!
^spoiler alert

Ah, the beautiful sights!

So, how about a short bit about where I've been lately.
As you may or may not know, I was in India for several months. Some good times, some not-so-good times. You can check my last couple articles if you want to learn more. I ran for president twice, but both times I publicly conceded and supported the other guy, and that leads to why I've come back to the good old US of A. The leadership clique in India never trusted me, to such a strong extent that they willingly put the country in PTO risk to keep me from potentially becoming president. That being the case, I conceded the elections because I didn't want to see India PTOed, which they would have been both times if I contested. Why didn't they trust me? The biggest issue was Karnataka. I supported continued renting, because I know a good, mutually-beneficial deal when I see one. I wasn't about to screw over the US, who were and are India's best friends and allies, nevermind the obvious benefits India received. If I wasn't going to compromise, they were never going to trust me, so in the end I said hell with it, and came back to my true home.

Nah, I think it's pretty cool.

Why Congress? Why Florida?

Eh I'll answer the first one first. I've never run in a fortress before, but I think I can win it. Also, I want to follow in the footsteps of great American patriots like Joe Newton and Pizza the Hut*, who have represented Florida admirably in the past. I've been somewhat reluctant to dive back into the political scene since my return, but my good friends in the USWP have agreed to run me, for which I am grateful.

*I look forward to the comments 🙂

Why Congress? Well, I did the Congress thing 5 times while I was in the U.S. previously, and I do believe I did a pretty good job. I've done all sorts of other work in the eUS government as well, from Secretary of State, to various jobs in the Treasury, to being the Deputy Secretary of Economic Relations in Asia and Australia now. Also, I'm a former Libertarian PP, and plenty of other stuff. I can't remember all the jobs I've done in thie country 🙂

I heard lolcats get votes...?

Ok, I'll keep my positions short because nobody reads them

Foreign Relations/Military - Hey, we just got rolled in Liaoning. Again. Know why? Because Serbia's a whole lot stronger than us. Last I checked, they have nearly twice as many active people as us. That's your problem right there. Until something major changes, it's a fool's hope for us to attack again. We've blown a whole lot of gold the last two times with nothing to show for it. This last time we did it through China, and though they may be a growing power, we're stronger, and in any case they don't match up to Serbia. Long story short, it was foolish to attack the last time, and it would be doubly foolish to try again in the near future.

Aside from that, the more reaching out to non-aligned and non-core PHX nations we can do, the better. Hooray for a long-term view. Also, I'd like to see us develop the Brolliance a bit more, and take it a bit further. I bet half the people reading this can't name the nations of the Brolliance. I support the principles of TAMA, and moving the Brolliance toward it would be pretty cool.

Economics - No more tax increases, they may already be too high. No, an extra 20 cents every day would not be a big deal to me, but there has to be a line we draw. Unless we're heading toward 50% income taxes in Glorious Soviet America? *mostly kidding*

Also, free trade is awesome. It gives us lower prices and greater purchasing power, which turn into greater firepower. And it creates as many opportunities as it closes for domestic businesses. It's a large net benefit to the country to keep our tariffs low, and they'll be raised over my 0-wellness body. If anyone has questions or wants to discuss this issue, send me a message and I'll be happy to.

Uncle Sam don't take kindly to all that text

I've droned on too much. I'm running for Congress in Florida on the 25th on the USWP ticket, and I'd totally appreciate your vote.

If you want to ask me anything or just want to chat, send me a PM, or find me on IRC, where I'm logged onto a decent amount of the time.