World War 5 Over ?

Day 1,703, 16:54 Published in USA USA by John Wilander

Hello my fellow eAmericans, I write this article with a heavy heart today knowing that we are fighting a war which should never have happened, but that both sides wanted.

First off lets state the facts.

Both the Evry and Rylde have failed the people they represent!

This war was caused by no one side, but by two corrupt governments and two crumbling alliances.

TEDEN is actively doing it's best to prevent America from forming alliances outside of TEDEN influence, though they must realize that this just further alienates our government and drives us away from TEDEN and towards ONE (calling us all traitors doesn't make me to happy either). What TEDEN must and hopefully will eventually realize is that like it or not ONE has won World War 5 and every point worth of damage it inflicts on the USA is one point that it is not inflicting on ONE.

The USA and Brazil were the superpowers that kept Terra alive. Without us it is just EDEN and EDEN is considerably less formidable then ONE even without the backing of Spain. If EDEN hopes to survive in the upcoming months I suggest suing for peace with ONE and ordering Canada to start talking about a white peace with the USA.

I want the world to realize that, the idea of CTRL is harmless all the founders of CTRL wanted to do is get away from this games Balkancentrism which makes the game boring for players who don't really care that Serbia is beating the crap out of one of its neighbors for the umpteenth time. I do not want to say that the logs are false or fabricated but there has been a lot of effort on the part of both EDEN and ONE HQs to destroy the idea of CTRL.

If you are some one who is worried about the potential of the CTRL alliance being pro ONE then do everything in your power to change it not by destroying the alliance but by joining it. That is the only way to permanently solve the problem and I quote some dude "You can't kill an idea!" very dramatic.

As for my opinions of Glove and Evry pick the better of two evils Glove hates people from Spain which shows incredible ignorance on his part I also believe he is uninterested in serving the country and only interested in serving Glove. As for Evry I believe she needs more experience and a better propaganda department she also need to listen the the peoples opinions and curb her policies to match those that most people agree with dont be such a POTUS.

And to finish up this article next time we go to war with Canada I hope they tell us that they have weapons of mass destruction on hand it will give me a good lol.