WhydoIbotherToo Continue

Day 4,766, 19:51 Published in USA USA by WhydoIbotherToo

2000 days ago I wrote this article: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/why-bother-playing--2531824 2000 days and I logged in every day. 2000 clicks of the work button, 2000 days worth of clicks on the red fight button. 2000 inconsequential days coming here and reading wall posts by friends, MU mates, Party associates and Country Officials. 2000 reasons to wonder Why Do I Bother to continue to log into a game that continues to slowly dwindle away.

In those 2000 days I have done many things, I have served in Congress, been the Commanding Officer of a Military Unit and have even been Country President twice. What is left for me to do in this game? Honestly there is nothing left for me to do. I just go through the motions. I log in, click the shiny buttons, read articles, scroll through the feeds, click a few like buttons, maybe drop a comment or two then go back to whatever Real Life stuff I was doing and repeat this behavior several times throughout the day.

2000 days and I still have that same fundamental question... why do I bother logging in here daily. I still have no answers and in all honesty, over the last few weeks, it has become increasingly more nagging of a question as those left in this social experiment of a game devolve into more and more boorish behavior. Is this really how I want to spend my free time? I don't know any more.

Tell me readers, what keeps you logging into this game day after day? What makes you want to keep coming back to a place that is devolving into a cesspool of narcissistic blowhards that believe they are bigger than the sandbox? What gives you joy in this pixel world?

Drop a comment below answering any of the above questions. I will pick my 5 favorite answers and pay those people 20k cc on day 4780.