Why work?

Day 1,217, 03:02 Published in Canada Turkey by Semper5

For the last couple of days I was thinking about what was left of an economy in eRepublik. I'm trying hard to find any sense of running a company, of employing workers and even getting a job.
And whatever I do, in any way I put things, every time I get the same conclusion - it's pointless. It has no sense.

Here are my thoughts:

1. today almost everyone can start a company. Starting a company became cheap.
2. every company owner can work in his own companies, so why to pay somebody else to work if you can do it by yourself and save money for salaries.
3. why to buy products on the market if you can produce it by yourself for your needs. You need food - you produce it by yourself. You need weapon - you produce it by yourself. You need raw - you produce it by yourself.
So, why to pay someone else if you can do it by yourself. Moreover, working in your own company makes your working skill raising faster.
4. Selling products at the marketplace became unprofitable and pointless. Why to produce and sell if your income is less then production cost? It's stupid to do such thing.

So, we have a situation in which everyone is self-sufficient. Since the war module is the only functional module left, everything I need to fight I can produce by myself. I don't need others.

What is even more ridiculous - now we don't buy gold packs anymore. I used to buy gold packs in order to invest it into my business. To grow economically, since the economy module that I was interested in. But back then it had sense. Buying gold, investing it to make something bigger used to make sense. And it was fun. But now we have nothing to invest to. So, why to buy gold packs? It's a nonsense.
It is a nonsense to invest in something that will never pay off. It is nonsense to buy gold packs to recover health if we can recover it by eating food that we produced on our own. Why to buy gold packs to buy weapons if we can produce it by ourselves. Gold packs will buy a few "tanks" for tanking, but that's all.

Maybe I'm stupid, but I really don't get it. I don't understand what they are trying to achieve. I really don't...