Why I support Frost, in an easy bulleted format!

Day 804, 11:48 Published in USA United Kingdom by Devoid

Oh hi. Do you like bullets? I do. They make things simple and easy to keep track of. So here's why I support Josh Frost for president, in a few handy bullets. You wouldn't read a dissertation anyway.

* Proven experience: He's already been president, and did a damn fine job. I was there.

* Military: Dude knows military. He's run Seal Team 6 for a while now, kicking ass all over the globe.

* Foreign Policy: On his watch, PEACE collapsed, triggered by the defections of France and Italy. Those weren't random occurrences, those were the result of brilliant foreign policy work.

* Maxxxx: His VP pick is Max McFarland 2. Has anybody ever said anything bad about that guy? He gets things done in the government, gives us free hospitals, and has a media presence like no other.

Sums it up nicely I think. Frost is a good pick. Have a kitteh

and go vote Frost on Friday the 5th.