Who I'm endorsing for CP, and Why

Day 591, 20:18 Published in USA USA by Cromstar

Greetings citizens of the eUSA!

I'm Cromstar, currently the 5-term Congressman from PA and Vice-President of the Conservative Party. I have served in a number of other posts in the government, including currently as Chair of the Congressional Military Committee (MilCom), formerly Speaker of the House, and currently as a special ad hoc advisor to President scrabman. Additionally, I founded the organization known as RightCon (which, despite the name, originally included the AAP and UIP parties in addition to CvP, Feds, NP, and a few smaller parties). For those of you who recognize the name, important changes in RightCon will be announced soon, but that's not today's news.

No, I'm here right now to express my endorsement for a great eAmerican currently running to be the next POTUS (President of the United States for the un-initiated). That man, our next President and a good friend of mine, is Harrison Richardson.

Now, I know that some of you are probably wondering about this. How can such an avid USWP-hater like myself support Harrison Richardson? How can I go against my party lines to support HR? Am I crazy? Am I losing it?

I'm quite sane (or as sane as one can be when involved in the business of egovernment). I know Harrison Richardson and have worked extensively with him the last few weeks I was Speaker of the House, while he was one of my Congressmen, as well as Secretary of State. Now some have already expressed their opinions of HR, but I want to address those anonymous concerns.

HR seems gruff, tough, and a bit unsociable. In fact, I'd say that may be an accurate description of HR as seen most of the time. HR spent so much time dealing with foreign dignitaries and fighting to build our new alliance (Fortis), that by the time he would come to Congress, he was exhausted and exasperated on occasion. He isn't, however, like that. When you get to know him, instead of just reading his short snippets on the boards, you realize that he is an intelligent, well-spoken individual who cares about the eUS first and foremost. HR isn't some addle-pated USWP zombie; he's a thinking, breathing, person with plans that will move this country into the future.

Now don't get me wrong. Richard Brophy and Emerick aren't exactly horrible PEACEniks. However, I don't think either of them is as qualified to be the next CP of the eUS. Afterall, Emerick hasn't been in politics since, what, December? At least until he got elected to Congress again this month. And Rich...well, he hasn't been out on the frontlines of foreign or domestic policy in the new age of the post-ATLANTIS, newly budgeted eUS government. HR has been. He's been everywhere.

And that's why I'm officially endorsing Harrison Richardson for President of the United States. He's ready to lead today, not next week, after he's been given a crash-course in the new eAmerica. Let's not pussyfoot around the shallow and pointless politics of some, who can't see past the ends of their noses. HR's an American President, not a USWP President.


"Who watches the watchers?"