Which party is right for you?

Day 1,411, 19:44 Published in USA USA by Mike Ontry

What you need to know...

I've found it very difficult to pick a party based only on the "Info" provided on the party's page. So I've spent about a week gathering more detailed information from the parties at the top of the rankings. I prepared questions that I believe to be important to know before joining any of these parties. Then I sent these questions to the parties current presidents:

Henry Arundel

Kria Erikson


Cerb volunteered to be a spokesperson for INCI


Phoenix Quinn

The current PP of NCP told me to speak with Pizza The Hut II


Questions and Answers

"Well, the USWP is the best at the political mod. We win the most elections, and we have the best players. So, being able to learn and absorb knowledge from those players is a huge benefit. Also, we're a 'the more you put in, the more you get out' party. You do good work for us, we'll do whatever we can for you. I also run a thread on our forum where I dole out wellness to members who post funny links and images. It's helping me in my goal of reading the entire internet."

"We have a community that's always willing to help out players learn the ropes of the game. We do have an education program and we have a program to help players get food if they need more than they are able to make."

"We do not award anything formally to our membership in terms of money or goods. Our community is reward enough, and it is open to all members of any party if they join us at #fedpartychat."

"The iNCi party in the USA is the American branch of an international organization which is all over the Internet, including eRepublik. If you speak Turkish or Greek, you will be able to communicate easily with all iNCi members. However, even if you only speak English, you will find iNCi a great place to be. Many of them speak English, and are eager to translate if you don't.

The biggest perk to being in iNCi is you meet a fun group of people who don't take the game too seriously."

"There are no exact perks for being a member but being able to say that you are a proud member of the Libertarian Party will get you noticed for sure...whether that's a good or a bad thing I'll let you fully decide, but I do know that (besides for Claire) the majority of known libertarians are known so for doing great things."

"The main benefit is that you get to be part of the The Best Party in the USA! The SFP has a Constitution that actively encourages and promotes newer players into leadership positions."

"We have a top notch military unit. We will help in that if you ever need something, someone always volunteers to chip in. It is really a great group of people you won't find elsewhere."

"Perks to being a UIP member may include, but are not limited to: Meeting new people, Having a good time, Learning about the game, getting ALL the wimmenz."

"Your views are your own, we simply want you to be active and engaged. Two equally intelligent people can draw wildly different conclusions from the same data, we just want to help you get the information needed to come to your own decision about things AND be able to back it up."

"We don't really have any set views on the economy for members (although we have members with a spectrum of views on the in-game economy you can learn from) but generally we try to support all the military units in game, and that's the unifying idea we all hold."

"We are as diverse as they come with respect to our actual political views. This is what makes the Federalist Party unique. What distinguishes us as a Party is a philosophy about how to do Government, not a particular Politial vew. Our Party is populated by people who dedicate themselves to carrying out the Public Trust with Integrity and Decorum regardless of the specific Politics being espoused. That being said, you will find our Public servants to endorse policies which are for the good of the Nation, which tend towards being Nationalistic and which generally eschew empty radicalism."

"You should be willing to obey the President of the USA and your local iNCi leadership."

"We allow members to hold any views but we request that they respect the views of party members and of other parties."

"We are an anarcho-syndicalist party. But there is no "litmus test" for what members should believe and minority views are respected and listened to. Many party members support a worker-managed approach to production and belong to either a profit-share co-op or a Bear Cavalry Commune. The SFP Bear Cavalry is one of the longest-standing militias in the eUSA. It is both patriotic and anti-imperialist."

"We believe in free markets, lower taxes, etc.

In terms of military, we favor a strong military but we also believe in greater militia inclusion. For instance, our militia is currently just outside the Top 5 without government funding. A lot of manpower is going to waste and if we were in power we would see to it that every single willing American is armed to the fullest possible extent."

"The main focus of the United Independents Party is to allow individuals' opinions to weigh in on the group consensus, so we encourage all different views and opinions in order to create a picture of what decision is best for the party and the eUS as a whole."

"We don't require and logo or anything like that. Forum and IRC activity is encouraged, and rewarded. http://uswpforum.com/ and #uswpchat"

"We have a forum here http://tinyurl.com/AMPForum and our IRC channel is #AMP on the rizon server. Participation there is not required, but encouraged and really only necessary if you want to become more involved in political aspects of this game. There are logos for avatars if people wish to wear them, but many do not."

"We do not have any such rules other than ingame party affiliation. I am fairly certain that our membership, however, is more active relative to our size than any other Party. This is just a matter of momentum. Our activity improves our Forum and IRC rooms which in turn increase our activity and so on. Our Forum and IRC are widely regarded as the most active, informative, and fun among those associated with the eUSA."

"iNCi members are highly encouraged to wear the traditional black-and-yellow avatar. iNCi believes in unity and solidarity - the party is based on values of teamwork and cooperation, and less on individualism.

Most of the community can be found on one of our IRC channels: #inci , #owls , #juniorowls

Stop by and hang out! You might want to use mibbit so it auto-translates for you."

"We have no requirements but are the only IRC focused party. You can find us on a real time chat here: http:www.tinyurl.com/libsIRC"

"As anarchists, we are big into voluntarism rather than coercion. Within the Party, rules for activity apply only to members of the Revolutionary Committee, our leading body. The SFP Bear Cavalry has rules about working and fighting in order to receive food and weapons. We have an active forum at http://socialistfreedom.org and you can find on IRC at #socialistfreedomparty. There are also a number of good eRep wiki pages about the SFP. Bear Cavalry members are encouraged, but not required, to use an SFPBC frame on their avatar."

"You are not required, but we encourage activity on irc, forums, military boards, etc."

"There are no requirements to being a UIP member, besides, ya' know, not being a PTOer or ONE member. Or a spambot. We don't like spambots. At all."

"We run new players every month. New to the game, new to the party, first time candidates. We help them run their campaign, and we help them to learn and grow as players. Prerequisites are really just forum/IRC activity, and not being derptarded."

"We welcome everyone to run for congress, but we generally give preference to active players if our spots fill up. We have a simple sign-up process for congressional spots that we require people to go through (just a short gdoc form)."

"We have one major stated pre-requisite and that is 30-days time in the Party. However, the enforcement of that rule is up to the discretion of Party Leadership. It is most often enforced when an undesirable candidate wants to run for congress just because he leaped into our party at the last minute. So we have a policy which defends our right to withhold official support (thus when PtH snuck in at the last moment, we were justified by policy in working against his candidacy). We have granted many new members dispensation, however, and when a new member seems qualified, loyal to eUSA, and shows interest in benefitting our Party we have gladly run them after only a short time. One notable example of this was George Pumpkinette who was given a spot on our congressional ballot despite only having been a member for 2 weeks. There are many such examples. I'd love to run you, Mike Ontry."

"Ask the Party President. You will probably be allowed to run if you are serious about hanging out with iNCi on IRC and getting to know the membership."

"As long as you aren't a suspected PTO'r and haven't done anything to raise suspicion you can probably make it on the ballot if you let us know ahead of time that you're interested."

"The SFP works hard to encourage its members to run for Congress, including newer members. This is always a challenge for a 6th party since, along with the usual stuff, we have work with our friends in the Top 5 parties to secure a slot for our candidates and then do what we can to concentrate our votes to win. We have a number of guides available and work with candidates to understand ahead of time what being in Congress is --- and isn't. With our own programs, we try to remain autonomous. For example, the Bear Cavalry refuses to even apply for government funding; and it generally does a better job of supplying our fighters than many other MU's. While we encourage participation in Congress and the Executive, being "in government" is not our only goal."

"If you show you are committed and active, very high."

"There are no requirements to run for congress, or run for any position within the UIP. There actually is a good chance that if you do run for congress, you will get in, due to the amount of voters in the party/people who actually run."

"If you're looking for a new party, look no further. Shoot me a private message, I'll answer any and all questions you have, and help you however I can. http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1813808"

"Come see us on our forums and on IRC at #AMP! Check out what the party can do for you!
✯ ✯ ✯ Feel The Amps ✯ ✯ ✯"

"The Federalist Party desires new and old Citizens who are looking to associate themselves with a Party they can be Proud to call their own. Our Membership tends to be very stable, our Leadership team is always the largest among the Parties, and the pathway to congress and National service is excellent for Federalists. Our congressional representation, as well as our representation in the Presidential Cabinet is proportionally larger than any other top 10 Party. Our reputation is unstained with respect to cheating, trolling, flaming, and other asinine behaviours. And perhaps most impressively, we run the longest-standing private militia in the Nation, Easy Company."

Click any of these links that seem of interest to you:
Send Gnilraps a message: http://www.erepublik.com/en/main/messages-compose/2019174
Join the party ingame: http://tinyurl.com/JoinFeds
Join Easy Company Militia: http://tinyurl.com/ybhdnc8
Register at our Forum: http://federalistparty.forumotion.com
Join us in IRC: http://tinyurl.com/fedsLive


"Stay Sexy Libs 😉"

"Get yer Revolution on. You've tried the rest, now join the Best Party in America: http://www.erepublik.com/en/party/socialist-freedom-party-2325/1"

"Basically our party serves the people and is dedicated to defending this nation, let me know if I can clarify anything and hope you will come on board soon!"

"You can join us in our IRC room here for some fun stuff, or to see what we're about in more detail: http://tinyurl.com/UIPRoom"

Parties on the Rise

Revolutionary Party

Hopefully this has helped you pick a political party that suits you. If not don't be afraid to ask your own questions.

Please SHOUT
Which party is right for you?

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