Where I've been, Where I am, Where I'm going

Day 1,105, 13:14 Published in USA United Kingdom by GLaDOS

Hello once again, dear sweet America.

Today, I'd like to give you an explanation of where I've been, what I've done, and what makes me uniquely able to lead this country into the future.

Where I've been

When I joined erepublik, it was in the late beta stage. I joined in California, USA, as it is where I live RL. (RL I live in Los Angeles, CA.) I was born under the Archibald Presidency, arguably one of the most boring presidents ever. My first party was the United States Workers Party, under the leadership of dear old Roby Petric, who invited me in and really helped me with my first steps.

As I previously Mentioned, I was born under the Archibald presidency. as Archibald's term was horribly boring, and I came into contact with good friends, I decided that America was not for me, and I headed off to pakistan, the great land in the sand. I stayed in my adopted home of Pakistan for months, leaving only after the great V1 plauge killed most of my family and friends, and made the great Lord Dio vanish from the world. As Dio Vanished, I was off to hang out with some friends in Japan, where I really got my first taste of actual government. I was made the Vice President of Japan twice, the Minister of Defense,and the minister of foreign affairs twice. It was during my time in Japan that I was Made Secretary General of the PEACE alliance.

After my tenure in japan, I traveled to many parts of the world, From Thailand to Pakistan, from pakistan to russia, from russia to italy, and a few places I really can't remember. Long story short, I ended up in the United Kingdom, where I served as MoFA twice, and as Prime Minister twice.

After a long standing Vendetta with my archrival in the United Kingdom came to an end, with my defeat in a major PM election, I decided that my extended term of absence from the USA should come to an end, and with some help from a good friend of mine, I was able to enter this great country and have been allowed to support the country in many a capacity.

Where I am

patriotic picture for your viewing pleasure
Since I passed through immigration many a month ago, I've had the honor of serving this great country in a variety of positions, whether as Secretary of Propaganda, Minister of Foreign Affairs, or as a Presidential adviser. I've also been given the honor of serving with my brothers in the eus Cavalry, as well as the honor of serving two terms as an eUS senator, once under the banner of S.E.E.S, my second term under my original party, the United States Workers party. it has been an honor to serve this country, and I am looking forward to serving in any way I can, to help keep making this country great.

Where I'm going

hopefully 😃
Well, America, where I'm going is really up to you. I believe that my unique blend of experience and ability truly make me the best choice for the office of the president of the United States of America. but, ultimately, you have the choice of seeing wether or not I get there. In my next few articles, I will state my ideas for how the country should be run, in the form of domestic and foreign affairs campaign platforms.

I hope you've enjoyed reading this article, and will vote GLaDOS on the fifth!

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